26 research outputs found

    Deep Learning in the Identification of Electroencephalogram Sources Associated with Sexual Orientation

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    Introduction: It is unclear if sexual orientation is a biological trait that has neurofunctional footprints. With deep learning, the power to classify biological datasets without an a priori selection of features has increased by magnitudes. The aim of this study was to correctly classify resting-state electroencephalogram (EEG) data from males with different sexual orientation using deep learning and to explore techniques to identify the learned distinguishing features. Methods: Three cohorts (homosexual men, heterosexual men, and a mixed sex cohort), one pretrained network on sex classification, and one newly trained network for sexual orientation classification were used to classify sex. Further, Grad-CAM methodology and source localization were used to identify the spatiotemporal patterns that were used for differentiation by the networks. Results: Using a pretrained network for classification of males and females, no differences existed between classification of homosexual and heterosexual males. The newly trained network was able, however, to correctly classify the cohorts with a total accuracy of 83%. The retrograde activation using Grad-CAM technology yielded distinctive functional EEG patterns in the Brodmann area 40 and 1 when combined with Fourier analysis and a source localization. Discussion: This study shows that electrophysiological trait markers of male sexual orientation can be identified using deep learning. These patterns are different from the differentiating signatures of males and females in a resting-state EEG

    Letter to the EditorA clinical lesson: Glioblastoma multiforme masquerading as depression in a chronic alcoholic

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    Aims: To highlight the need to consider other medical conditions when the presentation initially appears to be alcohol-related. Method: We report the case of a 34-year-old male alcoholic, who presented with clinical depression and later a delirious state, and was subsequently diagnosed to have a right frontal glioblastoma multiforme. Conclusions: Psychiatric patients, especially alcoholics, may present with physical and neurological symptoms in the emergency department, which are linked by the examiner to the toxic effects of alcohol. However, consideration should be given to the possibility that the symptoms are due to other severe medical condition

    Sociodemographic and Clinical Predictors of the Length of Psychiatric Inpatient Stay of Immigrants in Switzerland

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    Immigrants with mental disorders have consistently been reported to spend shorter time in the psychiatric hospital compared to native patients. The aim of this study was to identify sociodemographic, clinical and migration-related predictors of a shorter length of psychiatric inpatient stay among immigrants in Switzerland. All patients of a foreign nationality admitted for inpatient treatment in the year 2016 (N = 279) were included in this study. The sample characteristics were drawn from the register of the psychiatric hospital. Within this sample, self-harm and substance use predicted a shorter inpatient treatment episode whereas disturbances of general psychosocial functioning were a predictor of a longer length of stay. As similar results were also reported for non-immigrant patients, the impact of these specific behavioral and social problems on the length of inpatient stay does not appear to be migrant-specific. Moreover, a country of origin outside Europe was a strong predictor of shorter length of stay pointing to inequalities of inpatient psychiatric treatment within the group of immigrants. Therefore, the cultural background and migrant history of immigrants in psychiatry need stronger consideration in order to eliminate disadvantages in mental health care

    Patient-Level Predictors of Psychiatric Readmission in Substance Use Disorders

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    Repeated psychiatric readmissions are a particular challenge in the treatment of substance use disorders and are associated with substantial burden for patients and their associates and for healthcare providers. Factors affecting readmission rates are heterogeneous and need to be identified to better allocate resources. Within the Swiss healthcare system, such data on substance use disorder patients are largely missing. Understanding these factors might bear important implications for future healthcare planning. Thus here, we examine risk factors of inpatient readmission. We retrospectively analyzed all admissions to the hospital's department of addictive disorders in the year 2016. Patients included in the study were followed over a period of 1 year after discharge regarding readmissions to the clinic. Besides the demographic, social, and economic data, we extracted data concerning patient history, admission, and discharge as well as clinical data regarding type and number of substances abused and comorbid diagnoses. In order to describe severity of cases, we furthermore included the scores of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) at admission and at discharge as documented in the medical database. Of the 554 patients included in the study, 228 (41.2%) were readmitted within 12 months. Previous admissions, concomitant use of different substances, presence of psychosis or mania, and a higher severity score at discharge increased the likelihood of readmission. The odds for readmission were furthermore higher in patients not being married, living alone, and being unemployed. When all (bivariate) statistically significant factors are included into a logistic regression model, the previous number of admissions and the HoNOS clinical score at discharge significantly contributed to this model. Our findings stress that patients with higher symptom load at discharge are prone to be readmitted within 12 months. The same applies for patients with previous admissions. These findings suggest that the development of specific interventions to prevent premature discharge before satisfactory symptom remission, in particular in those patients with previous admissions in their patient history, might help to prevent readmissions

    Jazz Drummers Recruit Language-Specific Areas for the Processing of Rhythmic Structure

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    Rhythm is a central characteristic of music and speech, the most important domains of human communication using acoustic signals. Here, we investigated how rhythmical patterns in music are processed in the human brain, and, in addition, evaluated the impact of musical training on rhythm processing. Using fMRI, we found that deviations from a rule-based regular rhythmic structure activated the left planum temporale together with Broca's area and its right-hemispheric homolog across subjects, that is, a network also crucially involved in the processing of harmonic structure in music and the syntactic analysis of language. Comparing the BOLD responses to rhythmic variations between professional jazz drummers and musical laypersons, we found that only highly trained rhythmic experts show additional activity in left-hemispheric supramarginal gyrus, a higher-order region involved in processing of linguistic syntax. This suggests an additional functional recruitment of brain areas usually dedicated to complex linguistic syntax processing for the analysis of rhythmical patterns only in professional jazz drummers, who are especially trained to use rhythmical cues for communicatio

    Psychiatric Acute Day Hospital as an Alternative to Inpatient Treatment

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    For the first time in the Swiss health care system, this evaluation study examined whether patients with acute psychiatric illness who were admitted for inpatient treatment could be treated in an acute day hospital instead. The acute day hospital is characterized by the possibility of direct admission of patients without preliminary consultation or waiting time and is open every day of the week. In addition, it was examined whether and to what extent there are cost advantages for day hospital treatment. Patients who were admitted to the hospital with a referral to an inpatient admission were treated randomly either fully inpatient or in the acute day hospital. As a pilot study, 44 patients were admitted to the study. Evidence of efficacy could be provided for both treatment settings based on significant reduction in psychopathological symptoms and improvement in functional level in the course of treatment. There were no significant differences between the two settings in terms of external assessment of symptoms, subjective symptom burden, functional level, quality of life, treatment satisfaction, and number of treatment days. Treatment in the day hospital was about 45% cheaper compared to inpatient treatment. The results show that acutely ill psychiatric patients of different symptom severity can be treated just as well in an acute day hospital instead of being admitted to the hospital. In addition, when direct treatment costs are considered, there are clear cost advantages for day hospital treatment

    Automaticity of Early Sexual Attention: An Event-Related Potential Study

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    A promising line of research on forensic assessment of paraphilic sexual interest focuses on behavioral measures of visual attention using sexual stimuli as distractors. The present study combined event-related potentials (ERPs) with behavioral measures to investigate whether detection of a hidden sexual preference can be improved with ERPs. Normal variants of sexual orientation were used for a proof-of-concept investigation. Accordingly, 40 heterosexual and 40 gay men participated in the study. Within each group, half of the participants were instructed to hide their sexual orientation. The results showed that a match between sexual orientation and stimulus delays responses and influences ERP before motor responses. Late ERP components showed higher potential in differentiating hidden sexual preferences than motor responses, thereby showing how ERPs can be used in combination with reaction time measures to potentially facilitate the detection of hidden sexual preferences

    Rentenrelevante Arbeitsunfähigkeit und Mini-ICF-APP

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    According to recent recommendations the Mini-ICF Rating for Limitations of Activities and Participation in Psychological Disorders (Mini-ICF-APP) should be used in the assessment of incapacity to work. However evidence from empirical research in the field is missing