365 research outputs found

    Recombination dynamics in bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers

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    The time dependence of magnetic field effects on light absorption by triplet-state and radical ions in quinone-depleted reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strain R-26 has been investigated. Measurements on the time scale of the hyperfine interaction in the radical pair [(BChl)2+. ...BPh-.)] provided kinetic data characterizing the recombination process. The results have been interpreted in terms of a recently proposed model that assumes an intermediate electron acceptor (close site) between the bacteriochlorophyll "special pair" (BChl)2 and the bacteriopheophytin BPh (distant site). Recombination is assumed to proceed through this intermediate acceptor. The experiments led to effective recombination rates for the singlet and triplet channel: k(Seff) = 3.9 . 107 s-1 and k(Teff) = 7.4 . 10(8) s-1. These correspond to recombination rates ks = 1 . 10(1) s-1 and kT = 7.1 . 10(11) s-1 in the close configuration. The upper bound of the effective spin dephasing rate k2eff approximately equal to 1 . 10(9) s-1 is identical with the rate of the electron hopping between the distant site of zero spin exchange interaction and the close site of large interaction. Interpretation of data for the case of direct recombination yields the recombination rates, spin dephasing rate, and exchange interaction in a straightforward way

    Direct measurement of the magnetic penetration depth by magnetic force microscopy

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    We present an experimental approach using magnetic force microscopy for measurements of the absolute value of the magnetic penetration depth (lambda) in superconductors. Lambda is obtained in a simple and robust way without introducing any tip modeling procedure via direct comparison of the Meissner response curves for a material of interest to those measured on a reference sample. Using a well characterized Nb film as a reference, we determine the absolute value of lambda in a Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2 single crystal and a MgB2 thin film through a comparative experiment. Our apparatus features simultaneous loading of multiple samples, and allows straightforward measurement of the absolute value of lambda in superconducting thin film or single crystal samples.Fil: Kim, Jeehoon. No especifíca;Fil: Civale, L.. No especifíca;Fil: Nazaretski, E.. No especifíca;Fil: Haberkorn, Nestor Fabian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Ronning, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Sefat, A. S.. No especifíca;Fil: Tajima, T.. No especifíca;Fil: Moeckly, B. H.. No especifíca;Fil: Thompson, J. D.. No especifíca;Fil: Movshovich, R.. No especifíca

    Giant Josephson current through a single bound state in a superconducting tunnel junction

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    We study the microscopic structure of the Josephson current in a single-mode tunnel junction with a wide quasiclassical tunnel barrier. In such a junction each Andreev bound state carries a current of magnitude proportional to the {\em amplitude} of the normal electron transmission through the junction. Tremendous enhancement of the bound state current is caused by the resonance coupling of superconducting bound states at both superconductor-insulator interfaces of the junction. The possibility of experimental observation of the single bound state current is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, [aps,preprint]{revtex

    Microscopic self-consistent theory of Josephson junctions including dynamical electron correlations

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    We formulate a fully self-consistent, microscopic model to study the retardation and correlation effects of the barrier within a Josephson junction. The junction is described by a series of planes, with electronic correlation included through a local self energy for each plane. We calculate current-phase relationships for various junctions, which include non-magnetic impurities in the barrier region, or an interfacial scattering potential. Our results indicate that the linear response of the supercurrent to phase across the barrier region is a good, but not exact indicator of the critical current. Our calculations of the local density of states show the current-carrying Andreev bound states and their energy evolution with the phase difference across the junction. We calculate the figure of merit for a Josephson junction, which is the product of the critical current, Ic, and the normal state resistance, R(N), for junctions with different barrier materials. The normal state resistance is calculated using the Kubo formula, for a system with zero current flow and no superconducting order. Semiclassical calculations would predict that these two quantities are determined by the transmission probabilities of electrons in such a way that the product is constant for a given superconductor at fixed temperature. Our self-consistent solutions for different types of barrier indicate that this is not the case. We suggest some forms of barrier which could increase the Ic.R(N) product, and hence improve the frequency response of a Josephson device.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figure

    Diffusion controlled initial recombination

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    This work addresses nucleation rates in systems with strong initial recombination. Initial (or `geminate') recombination is a process where a dissociated structure (anion, vortex, kink etc.) recombines with its twin brother (cation, anti-vortex, anti-kink) generated in the same nucleation event. Initial recombination is important if there is an asymptotically vanishing interaction force instead of a generic saddle-type activation barrier. At low temperatures, initial recombination strongly dominates homogeneous recombination. In a first part, we discuss the effect in one-, two-, and three-dimensional diffusion controlled systems with spherical symmetry. Since there is no well-defined saddle, we introduce a threshold which is to some extent arbitrary but which is restricted by physically reasonable conditions. We show that the dependence of the nucleation rate on the specific choice of this threshold is strongest for one-dimensional systems and decreases in higher dimensions. We discuss also the influence of a weak driving force and show that the transport current is directly determined by the imbalance of the activation rate in the direction of the field and the rate against this direction. In a second part, we apply the results to the overdamped sine-Gordon system at equilibrium. It turns out that diffusive initial recombination is the essential mechanism which governs the equilibrium kink nucleation rate. We emphasize analogies between the single particle problem with initial recombination and the multi-dimensional kink-antikink nucleation problem.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 1 ps-figures Extended versio

    Universal distribution of transparencies in highly conductive Nb/AlOx_x/Nb junctions

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    We report the observation of the universal distribution of transparencies, predicted by Schep and Bauer [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 78}, 3015 (1997)] for dirty sharp interfaces, in uniform Nb/AlOx_x/Nb junctions with high specific conductance (10810^8 Ohm1^{-1}cm2^{-2}). Experiments used the BCS density of states in superconducting niobium for transparency distribution probing. Experimental results for both the dc IVI-V curves at magnetic-field-suppressed supercurrent and the Josephson critical current in zero magnetic field coincide remarkably well with calculations based on the multimode theory of multiple Andreev reflections and the Schep-Bauer distribution.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, references adde

    Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in mesoscopic ballistic multiterminal SNS junctions

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    We present a detailed study of nonequilibrium Josephson currents and conductance in ballistic multiterminal SNS-devices. Nonequilibrium is created by means of quasiparticle injection from a normal reservoir connected to the normal part of the junction. By applying a voltage at the normal reservoir the Josephson current can be suppressed or the direction of the current can be reversed. For a junction longer than the thermal length, LξTL\gg\xi_T, the nonequilibrium current increases linearly with applied voltage, saturating at a value equal to the equilibrium current of a short junction. The conductance exhibits a finite bias anomaly around eVvF/LeV \sim \hbar v_F/L. For symmetric injection, the conductance oscillates 2π2\pi-periodically with the phase difference ϕ\phi between the superconductors, with position of the minimum (ϕ=0\phi=0 or π\pi) dependent on applied voltage and temperature. For asymmetric injection, both the nonequilibrium Josephson current and the conductance becomes π\pi-periodic in phase difference. Inclusion of barriers at the NS-interfaces gives rise to a resonant behavior of the total Josephson current with respect to junction length with a period λF\sim \lambda_F. Both three and four terminal junctions are studied.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Joint EANM/SNMMI procedure guideline for the use of 177Lu-labeled PSMA-targeted radioligand-therapy (177Lu-PSMA-RLT)

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    Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is expressed by the majority of clinically significant prostate adenocarcinomas, and patients with target-positive disease can easily be identified by PSMA PET imaging. Promising results with PSMA-targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy have already been obtained in early-phase studies using various combinations of targeting molecules and radiolabels. Definitive evidence of the safety and efficacy of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 in combination with standard-of-care has been demonstrated in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, whose disease had progressed after or during at least one taxane regimen and at least one novel androgen-axis drug. Preliminary data suggest that 177Lu-PSMA-radioligand therapy (RLT) also has high potential in additional clinical situations. Hence, the radiopharmaceuticals [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 and [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-I&T are currently being evaluated in ongoing phase 3 trials. The purpose of this guideline is to assist nuclear medicine personnel, to select patients with highest potential to benefit from 177Lu-PSMA-RLT, to perform the procedure in accordance with current best practice, and to prepare for possible side effects and their clinical management. We also provide expert advice, to identify those clinical situations which may justify the off-label use of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 or other emerging ligands on an individual patient basis