85 research outputs found

    Book Review. - Literatur

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    Book Review. - Literatu

    Theoretical Framework for Multiculturalism and Religion

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    Guiding Ecojustice Principles

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    IV. Multicultualism, Education and Ethical Issues

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    V. Multiculturalism and the Biblical Text

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    Guiding Ecojustice Principles

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    On montre que les relations de dispersion (Kramers-Kronig) peuvent être appliquées non seulement à des matériaux massifs mais également à la réflexion et à la transmission sur des couches minces métalliques. Il est alors possible de déterminer l'indice complexe n — ik et l'épaisseur d de la couche. Deux exemples sont donnés pour l'or et l'acier

    Conflict of Religious Cultures: A Study in the Relevance of Ugaritic Materials for the Early Faith of Israel

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    In brief the major thesis of the present work is that any interpretation of the pre-monarchic faith of Israel must take into consideration the conflict between the religious culture of Israel and that of its historical environment, and that the Ugaritic materials, in particular, are relevant for an understanding of the conflict between the religious cultures of Israel and Canaan, for an appreciation of the distinctive features of Israel\u27s covenant faith and for a clarification of those areas where Canaanite religious influences are thought to be present in the biblical record

    The Teacher of the Righteousness and his Relationship to Jesus Christ

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    More specifically we wish to examine-and delineate a. certain name which figures prominently in the Qumran literature. That name is Teacher of Righteousness.”• Accordingly, we wish to uncover what kind of person ( or persons) it is who bears this mask “”Teacher of Righteousness,” and discover how he ( or they ) and the rest of the movement think. What are the basic beliefs, and controlling concepts championed by these Qumran students? This is the leading question! This question, however, can never be divorced from the question to which it leads, viz., how does the thought world of Qumran and more closely that of the “Teacher of Righteousness” compare with the ideals and activities of Jesus of .Nazareth? And again, is there any indication of a direct connection between the principal ideology of Qumran leaders and Jesus Christ? These two questions must stand in juxtaposition in our mind throughout our research

    II. Multiculturalism in the Australian Context

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