3 research outputs found

    Botanical Composition and Carrying Capacity in Various Agroecosystems on The Timor Island

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    This research aims to know the type of vegetation, nutrient components of feed and carrying capacity based on agroecosystems on Timor Island conducted from January-March 2018 (transition from the rainy season to the dry season). The research location was chosen purposively so that those it represented the pasture were in the District of Belu, Malaka, and TTU; agriculture in the District of Kupang and Kota Kupang; plantation in Kupang District; and forests in TTS District. Forage samples were taken using the 1x1m2 quadrant method. The quadrant is thrown at random. All vegetation in the quadrant is cut and analyzed in the laboratory. Descriptive data analysis. The result is that the main vegetation types of Bali cattle consumption in pasture agroecosystems is natural grass with a nutrient composition of ash (9.9%), CP (5.7%), CF (38.5%), EE (2.2%), NFE (36.4%) and TDN (42.1%). Agriculture agroecosystem is ricestraw with a nutrient composition of ash (9.6%), CP (5.8%), CF (27.6%), EE (2.1%), NFE (48.8% ) and TDN (52.8%). Plantation agroecosystems is lamtoro with a nutrient composition of ash (13.6%), CP (12.0%), CF (20.4%), EE (3.3%), NFE (42.8%) and TDN (54.9%). Forest agroecosystems is kabesak with a nutrient composition of ash (8.6%), CP (11.5%), CF (26.9%), EE (1.2%), NFE (44.2%) and TDN (53.1%). The carrying capacity of pasture, agriculture, plantation and forest in sequence are very high, namely 4.8 UT and CCI 0.4 with an average body weight of 229.3 kg; 5.6 UT and CCI 0.6 with an average BB of 188 kg; 6.8 UT and CCI 0.7 with an average BB of 227.5 kg; and 5.8 UT and CCI 0.7 with an average BB of 194.9 kg. The entire agroecosystem area on Timor Island is classified as a very critical area

    Kepemimpinan Transformasional dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Studi Kasus Aparatur Sipil Negara Pemerintah Kota Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur)

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    The purpose of this research was to measure the principles of transformational leadership in human resource management. This research was conducted for 7 (seven) months from September 2019 to February 2020 at the Regional Government Secretariat of Kupang City (Pemkot Kupang) East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Indonesia. The population of respondents in this study were the State Civil apparatus (ASN) within the scope of the Kupang City Government, East Nusa Tenggara, group I to group IV, totaling 370 ASN Kupang City government consisting of ASN group I as many as 8 of respondents, ASN group II as many as 80 of respondents, group III as many as 215 of respondents, and group IV as many as 67 of respondents. The type of data in this study consists of primary data and secondary data. The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis with data processing and analysis using a Likert scale. The results showed that the transformational leadership within the City Government by policy makers has generally been implemented well. This can be seen from the ability to build a vision, inspirational communication, leaders who provide support, increase in intellectual abilities, and respect for individuals

    Performa Sumber Daya Genetik Babi Lokal (Sus Scropa Domesticus) di Pulau Timor, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi performa sumber daya genetik babi lokal (Sus scropa domesticus) yang meliputi aspek produksi, reproduksi, manajemen, dan persepsi budi daya. Pelaksanaan penelitian selama 6 bulan, yaitu Januari–Juni 2020 di Pulau Timor, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Penentuan lokasi dilakukan secara purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria ketersediaan populasi dan sampel, struktur umur ternak, dan status sosial budaya. Teknik pengambilan sampling menggunakan metode conveinance sampling baik terhadap responden peternak dan ternak babi sehingga penelitian ini terdiri atas 61 responden peternak dan 91 ekor babi lokal dengan kelas umur berbeda. Teknik memperoleh data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Jenis data terdiri atas data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan statistik Importance-Performance Analysis dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi sumber daya genetik babi lokal di Pulau Timor masih menunjukkan nilai yang rendah, baik dari aspek performa ternak (tidak efisien dengan nilai skor 365), manajemen budi daya (tidak efisien dengan nilai skor 291), sosial budaya (tidak efisien dengan nilai skor 359), dan lingkungan (terganggu dengan nilai skor 451). Kematian anak masih tinggi mencapai 25,6 ± 3,6%/periode kelahiran (KV 14,1%) dan interval kelahiran yang panjang yaitu rata-rata 10,4 ± 2,0 bulan (KV 19,0%). Kedua hal ini merupakan penghambat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan populasi babi lokal sehingga semakin menurun dari waktu ke waktu. Adanya intervensi kebijakan, teknologi, dan manajemen budi daya yang menyangkut aspek genetik, manajemen, dan sumber daya manusia dapat meningkatkan perbaikan performa dari babi lokal di Pulau Timor