536 research outputs found

    Migration and Development in Southern Morocco. The Disparate Socio-Economic Impacts of Out-Migration on the Todgha Oasis Valley

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    Contains fulltext : mmubn000001_39939818x.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)RU Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 13 oktober 2003Promotores : Haan, L.J. de, Dietz, A.J.430 p

    Rheological Behavior of a Dispersion of Small Lipid Bilayer Vesicles

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    Rheological behavior of a dispersion of small nearly-unilamellar phospholipid bilayer vesicles has been investigated. We conducted steady-state shear experiments and linear viscoelastic experiments. In the dilute and semidilute regime the rheological behavior is similar to that of a hard-sphere dispersion as reported in the literature for viscoelastic measurements, but now also observed in steady shear experiments. The effect of the main acyl-chain phase transition, taking place at 23 °C, can be described with an increase of the effective volume fraction. As a result, with temperature variation one can obtain effective volume fractions larger than the maximum packing fraction for hard spheres. Near and above the maximum packing fraction a dynamic yield stress ty and a frequency independent storage modulus G' develop. In this concentration regime the rheological behavior is determined by the interplay between vesicle deformation and the intervesicle interaction, and so far, there is no indication which phenomenon is dominant. A comparison with recently reported measurements suggests that G' is proportional to a-3, where a is the vesicle radius. Furthermore, we show that ty = γcG' which is in agreement with theory. Here tγ is the dynamic yield stress and γc the critical strain which indicates the transition to nonlinear behavior in a viscoelastic experiment. There is a striking resemblance between our high concentration results and those reported in literature for vesicles in the so-called onion phase. To the best of our knowledge this is the first rheological study for concentrated nearly-unilamellar vesicle dispersions with volume fraction and temperature as variables

    Evaluatie Politiewet 2012 in de Eenheid Oost-Nederland en landelijke thema's

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    At the request of the commission ‘Evaluatie Politiewet 2012’, the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, conducted an evaluation of the functioning of the Police Unit East-Netherlands (Eenheid Oost-Nederland). In addition, the nationally relevant themes with respect to ‘the role of the corps chef’, ‘the use of the right to appoint’, and the ‘construction of the police force as a separate legal entity’ were included in the evaluation at the request of the minister of Security and Justice of the Netherlands. The goal of the evaluation is to gain insights into the consequences of the implementation of the national police for the Unit East-Netherlands. The main question of th

    Patient-reported outcomes in randomized clinical trials of systemic therapy for advanced soft tissue sarcomas in adults:A systematic review

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    Background: This systematic review evaluates reporting of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) within randomized clinical trials (RCTs) for advanced soft tissue sarcoma (STS) patients. Methods: A systematic literature search from January 2000 – August 2022 was conducted for phase II/III RCTs evaluating systemic treatments in adult patients with advanced STS. Quality of PRO reporting was assessed using the CONSORT PRO extension. Results: Out of 7294 abstracts, 59 articles were included; comprising 43 RCTs. Only 15 RCTs (35%) included PROs, none as primary endpoints. Only 10 of these RCTs reported PROs, either in the primary (6/10) or secondary publication (1/10) or in both (3/10), with a median time interval of 23 months. The median CONSORT PRO adherence score was 5.5/14, with higher scores in publications focusing exclusively on PROs. Conclusion: These results highlight the need for improved and more consistent PRO reporting to inform patient care in the setting of advanced STS.</p

    Quantum Vacuum Experiments Using High Intensity Lasers

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    The quantum vacuum constitutes a fascinating medium of study, in particular since near-future laser facilities will be able to probe the nonlinear nature of this vacuum. There has been a large number of proposed tests of the low-energy, high intensity regime of quantum electrodynamics (QED) where the nonlinear aspects of the electromagnetic vacuum comes into play, and we will here give a short description of some of these. Such studies can shed light, not only on the validity of QED, but also on certain aspects of nonperturbative effects, and thus also give insights for quantum field theories in general.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figur

    Single hole dynamics in the t-J model on two- and three-leg ladders

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    The dynamics of a single hole in the t-J model on two- (2LL) and three- (3LL) leg ladders is studied using a recently developed quantum Monte Carlo algorithm. For the 2LL it is shown that in addition to the most pronounced features of the spectral function, well described by the limit of strong coupling along the rungs, a clear shadow band appears in the antibonding channel. Moreover, both the bonding band and its shadow have a finite quasiparticle (QP) weight in the thermodynamic limit. For strong coupling along the rungs of the 3LL, the low-energy spectrum in the antisymmetric channel is similar to a one-dimensional chain, whereas in the two symmetric channels it resembles the 2LL. The QP weight vanishes in the antisymmetric channel, but is finite in the symmetric one

    D*-->Dpi and D*-->Dgamma decays: Axial coupling and Magnetic moment of D* meson

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    The axial coupling and the magnetic moment of D*-meson or, more specifically, the couplings g(D*Dpi) and g(D*Dgamma), encode the non-perturbative QCD effects describing the decays D*-->Dpi and D*-->Dgamma. We compute these quantities by means of lattice QCD with Nf=2 dynamical quarks, by employing the Wilson ("clover") action. On our finer lattice (a=0.065 fm) we obtain: g(D*Dpi)=20 +/- 2, and g(D0*D0gamma)=[2.0 +/- 0.6]/GeV. This is the first determination of g(D0*D0gamma) on the lattice. We also provide a short phenomenological discussion and the comparison of our result with experiment and with the results quoted in the literature.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Infrastructure for Detector Research and Development towards the International Linear Collider

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    The EUDET-project was launched to create an infrastructure for developing and testing new and advanced detector technologies to be used at a future linear collider. The aim was to make possible experimentation and analysis of data for institutes, which otherwise could not be realized due to lack of resources. The infrastructure comprised an analysis and software network, and instrumentation infrastructures for tracking detectors as well as for calorimetry.Comment: 54 pages, 48 picture

    Extensive red blood cell matching considering patient alloimmunization risk

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    Background and Objectives: Red blood cell (RBC) transfusions pose a risk of alloantibody development in patients. For patients with increased alloimmunization risk, extended preventive matching is advised, encompassing not only the ABO-D blood groups but also the most clinically relevant minor antigens: C, c, E, e, K, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, S and s. This study incorporates patient-specific data and the clinical consequences of mismatching into the allocation process. Materials and Methods: We have redefined the MINimize Relative Alloimmunization Risks (MINRAR) model to include patient group preferences in selecting RBC units from a finite supply. A linear optimization approach was employed, considering both antigen immunogenicity and the clinical impact of mismatches for specific patient groups. We also explore the advantages of informing the blood bank about scheduled transfusions, allowing for a more strategic blood distribution. The model is evaluated using historical data from two Dutch hospitals, measuring shortages and minor antigen mismatches. Results: The updated model, emphasizing patient group-specific considerations, achieves a similar number of mismatches as the original, yet shifts mismatches among patient groups and antigens, reducing expected alloimmunization consequences. Simultaneous matching for multiple hospitals at the distribution centre level, considering scheduled demands, led to a 30% decrease in mismatches and a 92% reduction in shortages. Conclusion: The reduction of expected alloimmunization consequences by incorporating patient group preferences demonstrates our strategy's effectiveness for patient health. Substantial reductions in mismatches and shortages with multi-hospital collaboration highlights the importance of sharing information in the blood supply chain
