22,359 research outputs found

    Analytical and experimental investigation of stator endwall contouring in a small axial-flow turbine. 1: Stator performance

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    Three stator configurations were studied to determine the effect of stator outer endwall contouring on stator performance. One configuration was a cylindrical stator design. One contoured stator configuration had an S-shaped outer endwall, the other had a conical-convergent outer endwall. The experimental investigation consisted of annular surveys of stator exit total pressure and flow angle for each stator configuration over a range of stator pressure ratio. Radial variations in stator loss and aftermixed flow conditions were obtained when these data were compared with the analytical results to assess the validity of the analysis, good agreement was found

    Cold-air performance of compressor-drive turbine of Department of Energy upgraded automobile gas turbine engine. 2: Stage performance

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    The aerodynamic performance of the compressor-drive turbine of the DOE upgraded gas turbine engine was determined in low temperature air. The as-received cast rotor blading had a significantly thicker profile than design and a fairly rough surface finish. Because of these blading imperfections a series of stage tests with modified rotors were made. These included the as-cast rotor, a reduced-roughness rotor, and a rotor with blades thinned to near design. Significant performance changes were measured. Tests were also made to determine the effect of Reynolds number on the turbine performance. Comparisons are made between this turbine and the compressor-drive turbine of the DOE baseline gas turbine engine

    The effect of rotor blade thickness and surface finish on the performance of a small axial flow turbine

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the effect of blade profile inaccuracies and surface finish on the aerodynamic performance of a 11.13 cm tip diameter turbine. The as-received cast rotor blades had a significantly thicker profile than the design intent and a fairly rough surface finish. Stage test results showed an increase of one point in efficieny by smoothing the surface finish and another three points by thinning the blade profiles to near the design profile. Most of the performance gain between the as-cast thick and the thinned rotor blades both with the same surface finish, was attributed to reduced trailing edge losses of the recontoured blades

    Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Performance for Contoured Endwall Stators

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    Comparisons between predicted and experimental stator losses showed that the analysis was able to predict the change in stator loss when contoured endwalls with highly three dimensional passage geometry were used. The level of loss was predicted to within 75 percent of that measured. The predicted loss was due only to profile loss and boundary layer growth on the endwalls. The 25 percent difference was approximately 0.015 at design pressure ratio. The analysis was shown to predict the trend in stator flow angle, even for small stator geometries

    Cold-air performance of compressor-drive turbine of Department of Energy upgraded automobile gas turbine engine. 1: Volute-manifold and stator performance

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    The aerodynamic performance of the inlet manifold and stator assembly of the compressor drive turbine was experimentally determined with cold air as the working fluid. The investigation included measurements of mass flow and stator-exit fluid torque as well as radial surveys of total pressure and flow angle at the stator inlet and annulus surveys of total pressure and flow angle at the stator exit. The stator-exit aftermixed flow conditions and overall stator efficiency were obtained and compared with their design values and the experimental results from three other stators. In addition, an analysis was made to determine the constituent aerodynamic losses that made up the stator kinetic energy loss

    Analytical and experimental investigation of stator endwall countouring in a small axial-flow turbine

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    An experimental and analytical investigation was conducted to determine the effect of stator endwall contouring on turbine stage performance. In this investigation three stator configurations were evaluated using a common rotor. The three stator configurations were a cylindrical endwall design and two contoured endwall designs, one having a S-shaped outer wall profile and the other having a conical-shaped outer wall profile. Experimental data were obtained over a range of equivalent speeds, total pressure ratios, and rotor tip clearances for each stator-rotor combination. Detailed analytical loss assessments were conducted to aid in the determination of the contouring effect on turbine performance

    Cold-air performance of compressor-drive turbine of department of energy upgraded automobile gas turbine engine. 3: Performance of redesigned turbine

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    The aerodynamic performance of a redesigned compressor drive turbine of the gas turbine engine is determined in air at nominal inlet conditions of 325 K and 0.8 bar absolute. The turbine is designed with a lower flow factor, higher rotor reaction and a redesigned inlet volute compared to the first turbine. Comparisons between this turbine and the originally designed turbine show about 2.3 percentage points improvement in efficiency at the same rotor tip clearance. Two versions of the same rotor are tested: (1) an as cast rotor, and (2) the same rotor with reduced surface roughness. The effect of reducing surface roughness is about one half percentage point improvement in efficiency. Tests made to determine the effect of Reynolds number on the turbine performance show no effect for the range from 100,000 to 500,000

    A direct helicopter EM sea ice thickness inversion, assessed with synthetic and field data

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    Accuracy and precision of helicopter electromagneticHEM sounding are the essential parameters for HEM seaicethickness profiling. For sea-ice thickness research, thequality of HEM ice thickness estimates must be better than10 cm to detect potential climatologic thickness changes.Weintroduce and assess a direct, 1D HEM data inversion algorithmfor estimating sea-ice thickness. For synthetic qualityassessment, an analytically determined HEM sea-ice thicknesssensitivity is used to derive precision and accuracy. Precisionis related directly to random, instrumental noise, althoughaccuracy is defined by systematic bias arising fromthe data processing algorithm. For the in-phase component ofthe HEM response, sensitivity increases with frequency andcoil spacing, but decreases with flying height. For small-scaleHEM instruments used in sea-ice thickness surveys, instrumentalnoise must not exceed 5 ppm to reach ice thicknessprecision of 10 cm at 15-m nominal flying height. Comparableprecision is yielded at 30-m height for conventional explorationHEM systems with bigger coil spacings. Accuracylosses caused by approximations made for the direct inversionare negligible for brackish water and remain better than10 cm for saline water. Synthetic precision and accuracy estimatesare verified with drill-hole validated field data fromEast Antarctica, where HEM-derived level-ice thicknessagrees with drilling results to within 4%, or 2 cm