2,988 research outputs found

    Aerospace nickel-cadmium cell separator qualifications program

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    The present space qualified nylon separator, Pellon 2505 ML, is no longer available for aerospace nickel-cadmium (NiCd) cells. As a result of this anticipated unavailability, a joint Government program between the Air Force Space Division and the Naval Research Laboratory was established. Four cell types were procured with both the old qualified and the new unqualified separators. Acceptance, characterization, and life cycling tests are to be performed at the Naval Weapons Support Center, Crane, Ind. (NWSC/Crane). The scheduling and current status of this program are discussed and the progress of testing and available results are projected

    Probability distributions of smeared quantum stress tensors

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    We obtain in closed form the probability distribution for individual measurements of the stress-energy tensor of two-dimensional conformal field theory in the vacuum state, smeared in time against a Gaussian test function. The result is a shifted Gamma distribution with the shift given by the previously known optimal quantum inequality bound. For small values of the central charge it is overwhelmingly likely that individual measurements of the sampled energy density in the vacuum give negative results. For the case of a single massless scalar field, the probability of finding a negative value is 84%. We also report on computations for four-dimensional massless scalar fields showing that the probability distribution of the smeared square field is also a shifted Gamma distribution, but that the distribution of the energy density is not.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Minor edits implemente

    Nickel hydrogen low Earth orbit test program update and status

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    The current status of nickel-hydrogen (NiH2) testing ongong at NWSC, Crane In, and The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Ca are described. The objective of this testing is to develop a database for NiH2 battery use in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and support applications in Medium Altitude Orbit (MAO). Individual pressure vessel-type cells are being tested. A minimum of 200 cells (3.5 in diameter and 4.5 in diameter) are included in the test, from four U.S. vendors. As of this date (Nov. 18, 1986) approximately 60 cells have completed preliminary testing (acceptance, characterization, and environmental testing) and have gone into life cycling

    Non-unitary representations of the SU(2) algebra in the Dirac equation with a Coulomb potential

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    A novel realization of the classical SU(2) algebra is introduced for the Dirac relativistic hydrogen atom defining a set of operators that, besides, allow the factorization of the problem. An extra phase is needed as a new variable in order to define the algebra. We take advantage of the operators to solve the Dirac equation using algebraic methods. To acomplish this, a similar path to the one used in the angular momentum case is employed; hence, the radial eigenfuntions calculated comprise non unitary representations of the algebra. One of the interesting properties of such non unitary representations is that they are not labeled by integer nor by half-integer numbers as happens in the usual angular momentum representation.Comment: 20 pages 1 eps figure in a single zipped file, submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Local Thermal Equilibrium in Quantum Field Theory on Flat and Curved Spacetimes

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    The existence of local thermal equilibrium (LTE) states for quantum field theory in the sense of Buchholz, Ojima and Roos is discussed in a model-independent setting. It is shown that for spaces of finitely many independent thermal observables there always exist states which are in LTE in any compact region of Minkowski spacetime. Furthermore, LTE states in curved spacetime are discussed and it is observed that the original definition of LTE on curved backgrounds given by Buchholz and Schlemmer needs to be modified. Under an assumption related to certain unboundedness properties of the pointlike thermal observables, existence of states which are in LTE at a given point in curved spacetime is established. The assumption is discussed for the sets of thermal observables for the free scalar field considered by Schlemmer and Verch.Comment: 16 pages, some minor changes and clarifications; section 4 has been shortened as some unnecessary constructions have been remove

    Vacuum Structures in Hamiltonian Light-Front Dynamics

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    Hamiltonian light-front dynamics of quantum fields may provide a useful approach to systematic non-perturbative approximations to quantum field theories. We investigate inequivalent Hilbert-space representations of the light-front field algebra in which the stability group of the light-front is implemented by unitary transformations. The Hilbert space representation of states is generated by the operator algebra from the vacuum state. There is a large class of vacuum states besides the Fock vacuum which meet all the invariance requirements. The light-front Hamiltonian must annihilate the vacuum and have a positive spectrum. We exhibit relations of the Hamiltonian to the nontrivial vacuum structure.Comment: 16 pages, report \# ANL-PHY-7524-TH-93, (Latex

    The microlocal spectrum condition and Wick polynomials of free fields on curved spacetimes

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    Quantum fields propagating on a curved spacetime are investigated in terms of microlocal analysis. We discuss a condition on the wave front set for the corresponding n-point distributions, called ``microlocal spectrum condition'' (μ\muSC). On Minkowski space, this condition is satisfied as a consequence of the usual spectrum condition. Based on Radzikowski's determination of the wave front set of the two-point function of a free scalar field, satisfying the Hadamard condition in the Kay and Wald sense, we construct in the second part of this paper all Wick polynomials including the energy-momentum tensor for this field as operator valued distributions on the manifold and prove that they satisfy our microlocal spectrum condition.Comment: 21 pages, AMS-LaTeX, 2 figures appended as Postscript file

    A Bisognano-Wichmann-like Theorem in a Certain Case of a Non Bifurcate Event Horizon related to an Extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Hole

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    Thermal Wightman functions of a massless scalar field are studied within the framework of a ``near horizon'' static background model of an extremal R-N black hole. This model is built up by using global Carter-like coordinates over an infinite set of Bertotti-Robinson submanifolds glued together. The analytical extendibility beyond the horizon is imposed as constraints on (thermal) Wightman's functions defined on a Bertotti-Robinson sub manifold. It turns out that only the Bertotti-Robinson vacuum state, i.e. T=0T=0, satisfies the above requirement. Furthermore the extension of this state onto the whole manifold is proved to coincide exactly with the vacuum state in the global Carter-like coordinates. Hence a theorem similar to Bisognano-Wichmann theorem for the Minkowski space-time in terms of Wightman functions holds with vanishing ``Unruh-Rindler temperature''. Furtermore, the Carter-like vacuum restricted to a Bertotti-Robinson region, resulting a pure state there, has vanishing entropy despite of the presence of event horizons. Some comments on the real extreme R-N black hole are given

    The embedding structure and the shift operator of the U(1) lattice current algebra

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    The structure of block-spin embeddings of the U(1) lattice current algebra is described. For an odd number of lattice sites, the inner realizations of the shift automorphism areclassified. We present a particular inner shift operator which admits a factorization involving quantum dilogarithms analogous to the results of Faddeev and Volkov.Comment: 14 pages, Plain TeX; typos and a terminological mishap corrected; version to appear in Lett.Math.Phy