486 research outputs found

    Vulnerability of Rice Production in Mekong River Delta under Impacts from Floods, Salinity and Climate Change

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    This study sought to estimate the floods and salinity impact index and climate change vulnerability index for the rice farming provinces in Mekong River Delta. In both indexes, Tra Vinh province and the communes within it have the highest index value, followed by other coastal provinces. The estimation showed that the rice production in these areas are being threatened and will be worsen if there is no appropriate plan to cope with the changes in climate condition and extreme events. The results for the simulation model of paddy yield under different scenarios showed decreases in the paddy yield in Mekong River Delta. Specifically, the yield of Spring paddy decreases 6%, Autumn paddy decreases 2%, Winter paddy decreases 4% and Autumn-winter paddy decreases 4% in 2050. From these results, the climate change adaptation and mitigation policies in this delta is suggested to be focused reducing the exposure to sea level rise; upgrading the irrigation system for paddy planting since the coastal provinces have high rate of rain-fed paddy, vulnerability can also be reduced by enhancing the adaptive capacity of provinces through subsidizing and providing farmers with new paddy varieties which are more tolerant to salinity

    Nonparametric estimation of the fragmentation kernel based on a PDE stationary distribution approximation

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    We consider a stochastic individual-based model in continuous time to describe a size-structured population for cell divisions. This model is motivated by the detection of cellular aging in biology. We address here the problem of nonparametric estimation of the kernel ruling the divisions based on the eigenvalue problem related to the asymptotic behavior in large population. This inverse problem involves a multiplicative deconvolution operator. Using Fourier technics we derive a nonparametric estimator whose consistency is studied. The main difficulty comes from the non-standard equations connecting the Fourier transforms of the kernel and the parameters of the model. A numerical study is carried out and we pay special attention to the derivation of bandwidths by using resampling


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    Biological characteristics of the round scad Decapterus maruadsi (Temminck Schlegel, 1843) were analyzed using data collected by Vietnam - China Corporation Survey Project for the Marine Fisheries Resources Assessment in the Common Fishing Zone in the Gulf of Tonkin. Biological samples were monthly and randomly collected from the catches of trawl fisheries in Cat Ba island (Hai Phong) and Lach Hoi, Lach Bang (Thanh Hoa province). There were a total of 7,614 individuals of round scad collected in the period from 2012 - 2013. The result showed that the fork length of fish varied in range of 45 - 262 mm with the mean length from 166 - 167 mm. The Von Bertalanffy growth function of round scad was expressed as . Round scad spawned once a year with the spawning season extending from January to April and reaching a peak in March. The estimated length at first maturity (Lm50) was 160.96 mm for female and 161.37 mm for male.Đặc điểm sinh học của cá nục sồ Decapterus maruadsi (Temminck Schlegel, 1843) được phân tích dựa trên số liệu sinh học nghề cá do dự án điều tra liên hợp Việt - Trung “Đánh giá nguồn lợi hải sản trong vùng đánh cá chung vịnh Bắc Bộ” thu thập trong giai đoạn 2012 - 2013. Hàng tháng, mẫu sinh học được thu thập ngẫu nhiên từ sản lượng khai thác của các đội tàu kéo đáy ở Cát Bà (Hải Phòng) và Lạch Hới, Lạch Bạng (Thanh Hóa). Trong giai đoạn 2012 - 2013, đã thu thập và phân tích tổng số 7.614 cá thể cá nục sồ. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy chiều dài cá bắt gặp trong sản lượng khai thác dao động trong khoảng từ 45 - 262 mm. Kích cỡ trung bình thu được khoảng 166 - 167 mm. Phương trình sinh trưởng Von Bertalanffy của cá nục sồ có dạng . Mùa sinh sản của cá nục sồ kéo dài trong khoảng từ tháng 1 đến tháng 4 hàng năm với đỉnh sinh sản ở tháng 3. Chiều dài lần đầu sinh sản của cá cái ước tính là 160,96 mm và cá đực là 161,37 mm


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    This study examines the asymmetric effects of Exchange Rate Volatility (ERV) on Vietnam’s international trade. Using time-series data fitted to the Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model, we find that positive changes in ERV have a negative impact on the trade balance in the short-run. On the other hand,increases in ERV have a positive impact on the trade balance in the long-run. We also find that negative changes in ERV do not have any significant effect on the trade balance


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    This paper focuses on boundary control of distributed parameter systems (also called infinite dimensional systems). More precisely, a passivity based approach for the stabilization of temperature profile inside a well-insulated bar with heat conduction in a one-dimensional described by parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) is developed. This approach is motivated by an appropriate model reduction schema using the finite difference approximation method. On this basis, it allows to discretize and then, write the original parabolic PDEs into a Port Hamiltonian (PH) representation. From this, the boundary control input is therefore synthesized using passive tools to stabilize the temperature at a desired reference profile asymptotically. The infinite dimensional nature of the original distributed parameter system in the PH framework is also discussed. Numerical simulations illustrate the application of the developments

    COVID-19 in Vietnam: A lesson of pre-preparation

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    Background: Vietnam was slowing the spread of COVID-19 to 200 cases by the end of March. From perspective of a relatively vulnerable healthcare systems, timely interventions were implemented to different stage of pan-demic progress to limit the spread. Method:The authors compiled literature on different public health measures in Vietnam in compared to the progression of COVID-19 from January to March 2020.Results: Three stages of pandemic progression of COVID-19 were recorded in Vietnam. At 213 confirmed casesunder treatment and isolation, a range of interventions were enforced including intensive and expansive contact,mass testing, isolation, and sterilization. Many were in place before any case were reported. Conclusion: Preparation were key for Vietnam's healthcare system in the ever-changing landscape of COVID-19 pandemi

    Records of birds in Quang Nam Chau proposed Species and Habitat conservation area, Quang Ninh province, northeastern Vietnam

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    Quang Nam Chau is a proposed species and habitat conservation area located in Quang Ninh province, northeastern Vietnam. The area is covered by primary forest and plays an important role in watershed protection. However, there has not been any previous ornithological study conducted in the area. This study was carried out in October and November 2021 to investigate the diversity of bird species and identify the current threats to avifauna and biodiversity in Quang Nam Chau. A total of 121 bird species belonging to 47 families and 17 orders were identified, with Passeriformes (73 species, 60.3%) and Muscicapidae (11 species, RDi = 9.09) being the most diverse order and family, respectively. Five of the 121 recorded species were globally threatened, and 29 were nationally rare and/or threatened. The avifauna and general biodiversity of the region are threatened by illegal hunting and trapping, agriculture expansion, grazing, and non-timber resource exploitation

    Elastic and thermodynamic properties of the major clinker phases of Portland cement: Insights from first principles calculations

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    Portland based cement is one of the most popular materials used in the civil and construction applications. Reliable computational methods to provide an insight into the underlying mechanics of the major phases of this material are of great interest for cement design. The present work investigated the performance of density functional theory (DFT) calculations using the PBE-D2 method to predict the mechanical, thermodynamic properties of four major phases namely Alite C3S, Belite C2S, tricalcium aluminate C3A and tetracalcium aluminoferrite C4AF. The calculated elastic properties were in a good agreement with available experimental data. In addition, a deeper insight into the electron density of state, spin-polarization, atomic charge, as well as free energy and entropy properties were also presented. Further development is necessary to improve the established DFT models for predicting the mechanical properties of the ferrite phase of Portland clinker.publishedVersio

    Embedding Sustainable Consumption into Higher Education in Vietnam

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    Changing in the way that human produces and consumes are indispensable to achieve sustainable consumption. All of the countries in developed economies, economies in transition and developing economies should promote sustainable consumption. This will require larger changes in society. Higher education plays a vital role in promoting understanding, awareness of professors, staff members and students of sustainable consumption. Through higher education, these people would be positively change their mind about this issue. National Economics University (NEU) is one of the leading university in economics in Vietnam as a case study. Students graduated from the university will be future experts, leaders and businessmen. After graduation, as academic citizens with acquainted knowledge and skills, they will influence the economic and social changes though their business and private purchasing habits and decisions. Using data from the University, this paper will reveal the current landscape of sustainable consumption at National Economics University through the years. In order to embed this issues into education, the university should incorporate sustainable consumption into the curriculum, create and implement a sustainability plan and adjust teaching method to encourage students asking questions, analyzing, thinking critically and making decisions toward sustainable consumption. Keywords: Embedding sustainable consumption, higher education DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-18-12 Publication date:June 30th 201