94 research outputs found

    A review of growth stage deficit irrigation affecting sticky maize production

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    The shortage of water resources influences the future sustainability of sticky Maize (Zea mays L.) production. Deficit irrigation (DI) – a water management strategy – has gained much attention from scientists because of enhanced water use efficiency (WUE). Nonetheless, in reality, when applying this technique, its impact on yield and economic returns should be considered. Through an analytical literature review, this study examined the effect of growth stage DI on Maize production factors, i.e. yield, WUE, and economic returns. The results revealed that Maize’s WUE could be improved with the lowest reduction in yield as water stress was imposed during the vegetative or maturation growth stages. Therefore, the profitable returns could be reached even if the yield was reduced; however, the economic return was sensitive to commodity prices. The present review addressed that the Maize flexible capacities under growth stage water stress presented an opportunity for the optimization of irrigated water and profit preservation by accurately judging the managing time of irrigation implementation

    Coagulation for treatment of swine slaughterhouse wastewater

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    In this study, wastewater taken from the Nam Phong swine slaughterhouse, Ho Chi Minh City, was used to evaluate the treatment efficiency of common coagulants, including Alum (Aluminum Sulfate - Al2(SO4)3.18H2O), Poly-Aluminum Chloride (PAC), and Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O), using a jar-test system. The experiments were conducted using the one-factor-at-a-time method to examine three variables which are pH, stirring speed, and coagulant dosage. The results showed that both Alum and PAC perform over 90% removal of colour, turbidity, COD, and total phosphorus (TP) from slaughterhouse wastewater at pH 7 with a stirring speed of 75 revolutions per minute (RPM) and average coagulant dosages of 450 mg/L for Alum and 550 mg/L for PAC. Meanwhile, under the appropriate conditions of pH equal to 10 and 75 RPM with a chemical dosage of 350 mg/L, COD and TP removal efficiencies by Ferrous Sulfate exceed 87%, but those of turbidity and colour only reach 25%. This finding could be a promising coagulation method as a pre-treatment for the swine slaughterhouse wastewater

    Decolorization of Reactive Red 195 solution by electrocoagulation process

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    In this study, the application of bipolar electrocoagulation (EC) with iron electrode has been assessed for color removal of simulated wastewater containing Reactive Red 195. The influence of initial pH, sodium sulfate concentration, initial dye concentration, electrolysis time, and electric current were examined. The optimum operational parameters were found to be pH =11, concentration of dye = 50 mg L-1, sodium sulfate concentration = 1200 mg L-1, electrolysis time = 5 min and electric current = 4 A. In such condition, color removal efficiency achieved over 99%. This result indicates that EC can be used as an efficient and “green” method for color removal from reactive dye solution.Trong nghiên cứu này, quá trình khử màu nhuộm hoạt tính (Reactive Red 195) được khảo sát bằng hệ thống keo tụ điện hóa điện cực kép, với vật liệu sắt. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình khử màu như pH, nồng độ màu nhuộm, nồng độ muối Na2SO4, thời gian phản ứng và cường độ dòng được lựa chọn nghiên cứu. Kết quả cho thấy hệ thống điện hóa trên loại gần như hoàn toàn màu nhuộm với hiệu suất đạt trên 99 % tại pH 11, nồng độ màu 50 mgL-1 và nống độ muối Na2SO4 1200 mgL-1 trong khoảng thời gian 5phút. Kết quả trên cho thấy keo tụ điện hóa có thể xem là một phương pháp xử lý hiệu quả và “xanh” trong việc loại bỏ hoàn toàn màu từ nước thải nhuộm hoạt tính

    Effect of land-use changes resulting from shrimp farming on acid sulfate soils in the Can Gio coastal wetland area (Vietnam)

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    Acid sulfate soils in coastal wetland areas are particularly vulnerable to land-use changes. We identifid the potential impacts of land-use changes in the Can Gio coastal wetland area in Vietnam due to the reclamation of acid sulfate soils from shrimp farms. Our study applied the support of vector machine algorithm in ENVI software to observe land-use changes from 1995 to 2015, using Landsat Thematic Mapper and Operational Land Imager data. We classifid the land use of the study area into four major classes including vegetation, bare land, dedicated land and aquaculture land. Our study successfully met the overall classifiation accuracy requirement above 95% and kappa statistics above 0.95. Between 1995 and 2006, about 2,938.05 ha of bare land and 1,464.66 ha of vegetation (mangrove forest) were converted to aquaculture land. In contrast, between 2006 and 2015, 2,423.88 ha of aquaculture land converted back to bare land, mainly related to the abandonment of shrimp ponds due to crop failure and disease. The disturbance of acid sulfate soils through initial soil reclamation and subsequent fallowing is considered a key reason for hastening and extending soil acidifiation in the study area. We collected 144 topsoil samples from 17 fallowed ponds in two batches, and 142 of these were acidic: 128 samples were extremely and strongly acidic (pH < 5.5), 14 samples were moderately and slightly acid (pH between 5.5 and 6.5), and only two samples were neutral (pH over 6.5)

    Removal of inorganic nutrient and organic carbon from wastewater of Binh Dien market using the green alga Chlorella sp.

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    Traditional markets play a major role in socio-economics and constitutes a significant aspect of Vietnamese culture. However, wastewater streams discharged from the markets are generally characterized by a lot of inorganic nutrients and organic substances originated from fresh food processing units. They could lead to serious water contamination if discharged without proper treatment. This study applied microalgae Chlorella sp. for eliminating inorganic nutrients (NO3--N, NH4+-N and PO43--P) and organic carbon (Chemical oxygen demand-COD) from wastewater of the Binh Dien market. The removal efficiencies reached for NH4+-N > 86%, for NO3--N > 72%, and for PO43--P > 69%, respectively, at algal density of 49 x 104 cell mL-1, and for COD > 96% at algal density of 35 x 104 cell mL-1 after five cultivating days. The effluence satisfied the Vietnamese standard, column B, of the National technical regulation on industrial wastewater (QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT). The results demonstrated that the culture system composed of green algal Chlorella sp. could be a potential candidate for the removal of nutrients and organic carbon by a wastewater treatment process from the Binh Dien market