14 research outputs found

    Organizational and corporate identity revisited: Towards a comprehensive understanding of identity in business

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    ABSTRACT: Purpose – This paper provides a comprehensive and integrative review of academic literature analyzing identity in business. The literature review proposed by the authors helps clearing up theoretical and practical understanding of this concept. Design/methodology/approach – A review of existing literature in organizational behavior and marketing fields is proposed to clarify the meaning of organizational and corporate identity. On the basis of this review, the authors also identify an integrative perspective proposed for managers to identify and effectively manage all dimensions of their business identities. Findings – Literature on the identity of businesses is extensive and blurred, failing to provide useful guidance for practitioners to manage this concept. A new approach proposes understanding this kind of identity as a global concept that integrates proposals from diverse research fields in order to take advantage of cross-fertilization. Practical implications – This research allows identity and communication managers to understand dimensions of business identity for a more effective management of this concept in their organizations. Originality/value – The line of research that proposes an integrative multidisciplinary approach to the study of identity in business is quite new and, as so, it still needs further contributions to clarify this nascent domain. In this paper, the authors also classify previous studies on business identity according to the theoretical approach they assume just as no other research has done before. Borra

    Reading and solving arithmetic problems improves cognitive functions of normal aged people: a randomized controlled study

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    The relationship between mental exercise and mental aging is a controversial issue. People generally believe the so-called mental-exercise hypothesis, that is, the age-related decline in cognitive function is less pronounced for people who are mentally active, yet there is insufficient scientific evidence supporting this hypothesis. Previous randomized controlled trial studies showed convincing beneficial effects of cognitive training on directly targeted cognitive functions. In this study, we performed a single-blind, randomized controlled trial on cognitive intervention in 124 community-dwelling seniors (age range, 70 to 86) and estimated the beneficial effects of non-targeted cognitive functions. As for cognitive intervention, the subjects were asked to solve systematized basic problems in reading and arithmetic every day for 6 months. Neuropsychological measures were determined prior to and 6 months after the intervention (post-test) by mini-mental state examination (MMSE), frontal assessment battery at bed side (FAB), and digit-symbol substitution test (DST) of WAIS-R. The FAB and DST scores showed a statistically significant (p<0.001 and p<0.01, respectively) improvement in the post-test compared with the pre-test, such improvement was maintained up to 6 months of follow-up tests in only the experimental group. The transfer effect of cognitive intervention by reading and solving arithmetic problems on non-targeted cognitive functions was demonstrated in this study. This study shows that daily mental training can improve cognitive functions in normal adults. Although general interests in brain training have been increasing in the public, evidence for its beneficial effects, particularly the positive transfer effect on non-targeted cognitive function still remains insufficient. Here, we introduce a new cognitive intervention program for normal aged people, the concept of which is derived from the knowledge of both brain science and clinical studies. We performed a carefully designed single-blind, randomized controlled study, and the results of this study showed convincing evidence that cognitive training provides the beneficial transfer effect


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    Pathogenese maligner Tumoren (Blastogenese)

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