36 research outputs found

    Improving metabolic health in obese male mice via diet and exercise restores embryo development and fetal growth

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    Paternal obesity is now clearly associated with or causal of impaired embryo and fetal development and reduced pregnancy rates in humans and rodents. This appears to be a result of reduced blastocyst potential. Whether these adverse embryo and fetal outcomes can be ameliorated by interventions to reduce paternal obesity has not been established. Here, male mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) to induce obesity were used, to determine if early embryo and fetal development is improved by interventions of diet (CD) and/or exercise to reduce adiposity and improve metabolism. Exercise and to a lesser extent CD in obese males improved embryo development rates, with increased cell to cell contacts in the compacting embryo measured by E-cadherin in exercise interventions and subsequently, increased blastocyst trophectoderm (TE), inner cell mass (ICM) and epiblast cell numbers. Implantation rates and fetal development from resulting blastocysts were also improved by exercise in obese males. Additionally, all interventions to obese males increased fetal weight, with CD alone and exercise alone, also increasing fetal crown-rump length. Measures of embryo and fetal development correlated with paternal measures of glycaemia, insulin action and serum lipids regardless of paternal adiposity or intervention, suggesting a link between paternal metabolic health and subsequent embryo and fetal development. This is the first study to show that improvements to metabolic health of obese males through diet and exercise can improve embryo and fetal development, suggesting such interventions are likely to improve offspring health.Nicole O. McPherson, Hassan W. Bakos, Julie A. Owens, Brian P. Setchell, Michelle Lan

    Synthesis of a Dual Functional Anti-MDR Tumor Agent PH II-7 with Elucidations of Anti-Tumor Effects and Mechanisms

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    Multidrug resistance mediated by P-glycoprotein in cancer cells has been a major issue that cripples the efficacy of chemotherapy agents. Aimed for improved efficacy against resistant cancer cells, we designed and synthesized 25 oxindole derivatives based on indirubin by structure-activity relationship analysis. The most potent one was named PH II-7, which was effective against 18 cancer cell lines and 5 resistant cell lines in MTT assay. It also significantly inhibited the resistant xenograft tumor growth in mouse model. In cell cycle assay and apoptosis assay conducted with flow cytometry, PH II-7 induced S phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis even in resistant cells. Consistently revealed by real-time PCR, it modulates the expression of genes related to the cell cycle and apoptosis in these cells, which may contributes to its efficacy against them. By side-chain modification and FITC-labeling of PH II-7, we were able to show with confocal microscopy that not only it was not pumped by P-glycoprotein, it also attenuated the efflux of Adriamycin by P-glycoprotein in MDR tumor cells. Real-time PCR and western blot analysis showed that PH II-7 down-regulated MDR1 gene via protein kinase C alpha (PKCA) pathway, with c-FOS and c-JUN as possible mediators. Taken together, PH II-7 is a dual-functional compound that features both the cytotoxicity against cancer cells and the inhibitory effect on P-gp mediated drug efflux

    Urticaria and infections

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    Urticaria is a group of diseases that share a distinct skin reaction pattern. Triggering of urticaria by infections has been discussed for many years but the exact role and pathogenesis of mast cell activation by infectious processes is unclear. In spontaneous acute urticaria there is no doubt for a causal relationship to infections and all chronic urticaria must have started as acute. Whereas in physical or distinct urticaria subtypes the evidence for infections is sparse, remission of annoying spontaneous chronic urticaria has been reported after successful treatment of persistent infections. Current summarizing available studies that evaluated the course of the chronic urticaria after proven Helicobacter eradication demonstrate a statistically significant benefit compared to untreated patients or Helicobacter-negative controls without urticaria (p < 0.001). Since infections can be easily treated some diagnostic procedures should be included in the routine work-up, especially the search for Helicobacter pylori. This review will update the reader regarding the role of infections in different urticaria subtypes

    Hepatotoxicidade pela flutamida em paciente sob tratamento para acne: relato de caso Flutamide-induced hepatotoxicity during treatment of acne: a case report

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    A flutamida é agente antiandrogênico não esteróide usado no tratamento do câncer de próstata, da acne e do hirsutismo. Alguns casos de hepatotoxicidade grave têm sido apresentados na literatura com seu uso. Relata-se o caso de uma paciente com 21 anos de idade, que apresentou significativa elevação das aminotransferases durante o tratamento para acne com flutamida, completamente resolvida após a descontinuação da droga. Discute-se o diagnóstico, a relação risco/benefício e conclui-se que a monitoração com exames que avaliem o fígado é imperativa e que a droga deve ser suspensa se houver elevação de aminotransferases, dada a possibilidade de disfunção hepática grave.<br>Flutamide is a non-steroidal anti-androgenic drug used in the treatment of prostate cancer, acne and hirsutism. Some cases of severe flutamide-induced hepatotoxicity have been reported in the literature. We report the case of a 21-year-old female who presented with a significant increase of aminotransferase levels during the treatment of acne with flutamide, which resolved completely after discontinuation of the drug. We discuss the diagnosis, the risk/benefit ratio, and conclude that monitoring liver function tests is mandatory and that the drug should be discontinued if an increase in aminotransferase levels occurs, due to the possibility of severe liver dysfunction

    Experiência de um ano de modelo de programa de prevenção contínua do melanoma na cidade de Jaú-SP, Brasil One year experience of a model for melanoma continuous prevention in the city of Jaú (São Paulo), Brazil

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    FUNDAMENTO: A incidência do melanoma aumentou nos últimos anos mais rapidamente do que qualquer outro câncer. Embora represente apenas 4% dos cânceres de pele, é o responsável por 60% das mortes por esta neoplasia. Isto torna o melanoma um problema de saúde pública. OBJETIVOS: O presente estudo propôs o desenvolvimento de um Programa Contínuo de Prevenção do Melanoma, por meio da realização da prevenção primária e do diagnóstico precoce desta neoplasia. MÉTODOS: Foi tomada como piloto uma cidade de aproximadamente 130.000 habitantes. Uma equipe de enfermagem esteve presente por cerca de 30 dias em cada um dos 13 postos de saúde da cidade de Jaú (SP), realizando orientações quanto ao autoexame da pele, fotoproteção e sinais precoces do melanoma. O paciente com lesão suspeita era encaminhado imediatamente ao hospital de referência para dermatoscopia e triagem médica, sendo excisada quando suspeita. RESULTADOS: Foram diagnosticados 4 casos de melanoma em fase inicial e 3 nevos displásicos. Dos entrevistados, 74% trabalham expostos ao sol, variando de meio período ao completo, e mais de 60% nunca fizeram uso de filtro solar. CONCLUSÃO: Este modelo de programa de prevenção é inédito, exclusivo e demonstrou ser eficaz na prevenção e diagnóstico precoce do melanoma em uma cidade de 130.000 habitantes do Estado de São Paulo. Com esclarecimento à população e orientação à equipe de saúde, realiza-se uma rápida triagem e identificam-se lesões suspeitas de melanoma para que, com o diagnóstico em suas fases iniciais, o paciente apresente melhor prognóstico<br>BACKGROUND: Worldwide incidence of melanoma has increased in recent years faster than any other cancer. Although it represents only 4% of skin cancers it is nevertheless responsible for 60% of skin cancer deaths. This makes melanoma a public health problem. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was the development of a continuous program for melanoma prevention and early detection. METHODS: A city of around 130,000 inhabitants in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, was chosen for the development of a pilot project covering primary prevention and early diagnosis of melanoma. A nursing team worked for approximately 30 days in each of the 13 health centers in the city of Jaú (SP), providing guidance on self-examination of the skin, photoprotection and recognition of early signs of melanoma. Patients with suspicious lesions were immediately sent to the reference hospital for medical and dermoscopic screening. Excisional biopsies were performed on suspected melanomas. RESULTS: 4 four cases of early stage melanoma and 3 dysplastic nevi were diagnosed. Of the people interviewed, 74% worked either part-time or full-time exposed to sun and over 60% claimed to never use sunscreen. CONCLUSION: This is a new and effective model for melanoma prevention and early diagnosis. In short, the melanoma prevention program is able to quickly identify suspicious lesions, leading to early diagnosis and better chances of surviva