16 research outputs found

    Arthroscopic versus Open Acromioplasty

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    Consumo de fibra alimentar por crianças e adolescentes com constipação crônica: influência da mãe ou cuidadora e relação com excesso de peso Dietary fiber intake for children and adolescents with chronic constipation: influence of mother or caretaker and relationship with overweight

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da mãe ou da cuidadora sobre o consumo de fibra alimentar por crianças e adolescentes com constipação crônica bem como sua relação com a ocorrência de excesso de peso. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 38 crianças e adolescentes com constipação funcional e suas respectivas cuidadoras. Para análise do consumo de fibra alimentar, foi utilizado o registro alimentar de três dias. Peso e estatura foram aferidos para verificar o estado nutricional. A história familiar de constipação foi investigada. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes com constipação (89,5%; 34/38) apresentava consumo insuficiente de fibra (inferior à idade +5g). Das 38 cuidadoras, apenas uma (2,6%) apresentou ingestão de fibra superior à recomendação mínima (20g/dia). Excesso de peso foi encontrado em 28,9% (11/38) dos pacientes e em 60,5% (23/38) das suas responsáveis. Associação entre excesso de peso e presença de constipação foi verificada entre as cuidadoras (p=0,046). As crianças e adolescentes do sexo feminino com excesso de peso apresentaram menor ingestão de fibra, comparadas às sem excesso de peso (p=0,011). Nos pacientes do sexo masculino, essa associação não foi observada. O consumo de fibra pelas cuidadoras com excesso de peso foi inferior ao das demais (p=0,027). Observou-se correlação entre consumo de fibra pelas crianças com constipação e suas cuidadoras, nos sexos masculino (r=+0,561; p=0,005) e feminino (r=+0,782; p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se relação entre o consumo de fibra alimentar por crianças e adolescentes com constipação crônica e suas respectivas cuidadoras. O consumo insuficiente de fibra associou-se ao excesso de peso e à presença de constipação no gênero feminino.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of the mother or caretaker on the consumption of dietary fiber by children and adolescents with chronic constipation and its relationship with the occurrence of overweight. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled 38 children and adolescents with functional constipation and their respective caretakers. A three-day food register was used for the analysis of the dietary fiber consumption. Weight and height were measured to verify the nutritional status. Familiar history of constipation was investigated. RESULTS: Most patients with constipation (89.5%; 34/38) presented insufficient fiber consumption (less than age+5g). Out of 38, only 1 (2.6%) caretaker presented fiber ingestion greater than the minimum recommendation (20g/day). Overweight was found in 11/38 (28.9%) patients and 23/38 (60.5%) caretakers. An association between overweight and the presence of constipation was verified among caretakers (p=0.046). For female children and adolescents there was an association between overweight and lower fiber ingestion (p=0.011). This association was not observed for male patients. The consumption of fiber by caretakers with overweight was lower than those without overweight (p=0.027). There was correlation between the consumption of fiber in constipated children and their caretakers for male (r=+0.561; p=0.005) and female patients (r=+0.782; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: There was a relationship between the consumption of dietary fiber by children and adolescents with chronic constipation and their caretakers. In females, the insufficient consumption of fiber was associated with overweight and with the presence of constipation

    Difference in outcome of shoulder surgery between workers’ compensation and nonworkers’ compensation populations

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    The purpose of this study was to review the association between compensation status and surgical outcome especially of the shoulder. Given the high prevalence of shoulder injuries in the workplace and the large proportion of workers compensation (WC) claims involving such injuries, it is worth examining the correlation between WC status and surgical outcome of the shoulder. All studies published in journals (MEDLINE and PubMed) from 1980 through 2007 on surgical interventions performed on the shoulder in which workers compensation status was documented and the postoperative functional outcome was compared according to that status were pooled for meta-analysis. This systematic review shows that compensation status of an individual receiving shoulder surgery is a consistent positive predictor of poor functional outcome. The majority of questions posed in the most commonly adopted shoulder-specific functional outcome measurement tools were subjective in nature and may account for part of the phenomenon