1,183 research outputs found

    10. Effect of insecticide-treated bed nets on the dynamics of multiple Plasmodium falciparum infections

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    The rates of acquisition and loss of individual genotypes belonging to the FC27 family of the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 (msp2) gene were studied in 120 children aged 5 months to 2·5 years, in a randomized controlled trial of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) in Kiberege village, Tanzania. Analysis of longitudinal changes in positivity for individual alleles in samples collected at intervals of one month indicated that the average duration of infections, allowing for undetected parasite genotypes, was 73 d in those aged <18 months and 160 d in children aged ≥18 months, consistent with a shift from acute to chronic infection with age. Overall, 51% of genotypes infecting the host were estimated to be detected by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in any one sample of 0·5 μL of packed peripheral blood cells. In children less than 18 months old this sensitivity was 61% (SE = 6%) compared with 41% (SE = 6%) in older children. Conversely, the rate of appearance of new parasite genotypes was higher in children <18 months of age than in older children, but this partly reflected the difference in sensitivity. The overall incidence of new infections was estimated to be reduced by 17% in ITN users. There was no statistically significant difference between users and non-users in observed infection multiplicity, sensitivity, recovery rate, or estimated infection rates for individual alleles. This suggests that, in areas of high P. falciparum endemicity, ITNs have little effect on the establishment of chronic malaria infectio

    A Hardy inequality in twisted waveguides

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    We show that twisting of an infinite straight three-dimensional tube with non-circular cross-section gives rise to a Hardy-type inequality for the associated Dirichlet Laplacian. As an application we prove certain stability of the spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplacian in locally and mildly bent tubes. Namely, it is known that any local bending, no matter how small, generates eigenvalues below the essential spectrum of the Laplacian in the tubes with arbitrary cross-sections rotated along a reference curve in an appropriate way. In the present paper we show that for any other rotation some critical strength of the bending is needed in order to induce a non-empty discrete spectrum.Comment: LaTeX, 20 page

    9. Effect of insecticide-treated bed nets on haemoglobin values, prevalence and multiplicity of infection with Plasmodium falciparum in a randomized controlled trial in Tanzania

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    A randomized controlled trial of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) was conducted in an area of high malaria transmission in Tanzania in order to assess the effects of ITNs on infection and anaemia. One hundred and twenty-two children, aged 5 to 24 months, were randomly allocated to 2 groups, one of which received ITNs. Outcome measures were assessed in 6 consecutive months with monthly cross-sectional surveys. These measures were haemoglobin values, Plasmodium falciparum prevalence and density, and multiplicity of infection determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP) of the msp2 locus. There was a significant increase in mean heamoglobin values and a significant decrease of 16·4% in microscopically determined P. falciparum prevalence in children in the ITN group six months after the start of the trial. Both effects were more pronounced in younger children. However, no significant difference was observed in parasite density or multiplicity of infection among infected children. Comparison with PCR results indicated that microscopically subpatent parasitaemia was more frequently found in children in the ITN group. This, together with the observed similar multiplicity in the 2 groups, suggests that infections are maintained despite ITN use, owing to the chronicity of infections. This study shows that ITNs reduce the risk of anaemia in highly exposed young children. The virtually unchanged multiplicity of infection indicates that the potentially protective concomitant immunity is not compromise

    4. Age dependence of the multiplicity of Plasmodium falciparum infections and of other malariological indices in an area of high endemicity

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    The relationship between age and various malariological indices in the Kilombero valley of Tanzania were examined by compiling data from 6 different community studies carried out between 1989 and 1996. The rate of acquisition of Plasmodium falciparum infection was highest in children 1-5 years of age, while recovery rates were lowest between the first birthday and early adolescence. As a result, peak prevalence was reached in 3-5 years old children. However, the prevalence of clinical malaria (estimated from the excess risk of axillary temperatures ≥37·5 °C attributable to parasitaemia) was highest in children under one year of age. The peak in multiplicity of infection (identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism of the msp2 locus) occurred in 3-7 years old children. There was a significant correlation between parasite density and multiplicity of infection in infants and young children (1-2 years of age) but not in older individual

    Biogenesis of mitochondrial porin

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    We review here the present knowledge about the pathway of import and assembly of porin into mitochondria and compare it to those of other mitochondrial proteins. Porin, like all outer mitochondrial membrane proteins studied so far is made as a precursor without a cleavble lsquosignalrsquo sequence; thus targeting information must reside in the mature sequence. At least part of this information appears to be located at the amino-terminal end of the molecule. Transport into mitochondria can occur post-translationally. In a first step, the porin precursor is specifically recognized on the mitochondrial surface by a protease sensitive receptor. In a second step, porin precursor inserts partially into the outer membrane. This step is mediated by a component of the import machinery common to the import pathways of precursor proteins destined for other mitochondrial subcompartments. Finally, porin is assembled to produce the functional oligomeric form of an integral membrane protein wich is characterized by its extreme protease resistance

    A search for Low Surface Brightness galaxies in the near-infrared I. Selection of the sample

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    A sample of about 3,800 Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies was selected using the all-sky near-infrared (J, H and K_s-band) 2MASS survey. The selected objects have a mean central surface brightness within a 5 arcsec radius around their centre fainter than 18 mag/sq.arcsec in the K_s band, making them the lowest surface brightness galaxies detected by 2MASS. A description is given of the relevant properties of the 2MASS survey and the LSB galaxy selection procedure, as well as of basic photometric properties of the selected objects. The latter properties are compared to those of other samples of galaxies, of both LSBs and `classical' high surface brightness (HSB) objects, which were selected in the optical. The 2MASS LSBs have a (B_T_c)-(K_T) colour which is on average 0.9 mag bluer than that of HSBs from the NGC. The 2MASS sample does not appear to contain a significant population of red objects.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 24/2/2003; 62 page

    The Anatomy of Star Formation in NGC 300

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope was used to study the mid-infrared to far-infrared properties of NGC 300, and to compare dust emission to Halpha to elucidate the heating of the ISM and the star formation cycle at scales < 100 pc. The new data allow us to discern clear differences in the spatial distribution of 8 micron dust emission with respect to 24 micron dust and to HII regions traced by the Halpha light. The 8 micron emission highlights the rims of HII regions, and the 24 micron emission is more strongly peaked in star forming regions than at 8 microns. We confirm the existence and approximate amplitude of interstellar dust emission at 4.5 microns, detected statistically in Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) data, and conclude it arises in star forming regions. When averaging over regions larger than ~ 1 kpc, the ratio of Halpha to Aromatic Feature emission in NGC 300 is consistent with the values observed in disks of spiral galaxies. The mid-to-far-infrared spectral energy distribution of dust emission is generally consistent with pre-Spitzer models.Comment: to appear in the ApJS Spitzer special issue (September 2004

    Robin conditions on the Euclidean ball

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    Techniques are presented for calculating directly the scalar functional determinant on the Euclidean d-ball. General formulae are given for Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions. The method involves a large mass asymptotic limit which is carried out in detail for d=2 and d=4 incidentally producing some specific summations and identities. Extensive use is made of the Watson-Kober summation formula.Comment: 36p,JyTex, misprints corrected and a section on the massive case adde

    Vacuum energy in conical space with additional boundary conditions

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    Total vacuum energy of some quantized fields in conical space with additional boundary conditions is calculated. These conditions are imposed on a cylindrical surface which is coaxial with the symmetry axis of conical space. The explicit form of the matching conditions depends on the field under consideration. In the case of electromagnetic field, the perfectly conducting boundary conditions or isorefractive matching conditions are imposed on the cylindrical surface. For a massless scalar field, the semi-transparent conditions (δ\delta-potential) on the cylindrical shell are investigated. As a result, the total Casimir energy of electromagnetic field and scalar field, per a unit length along the symmetry axis, proves to be finite unlike the case of an infinitely thin cosmic string. In these studies the spectral zeta functions are widely used. It is shown briefly how to apply this technique for obtaining the asymptotics of the relevant thermodynamical functions in the high temperature limit.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, the title was changed for a more adequate one, the abstract was rewritten, a few typos and minor grammar mistakes were correcte