24 research outputs found

    Harpejamento em eqüinos no Rio Grande do Sul Stringhalt in horses from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    São relatados a epidemiologia, os sinais clínicos e aspectos macro e microscópicos de casos de harpejamento ocorridos de 2000 a 2005 em eqüinos de oito propriedades rurais de seis municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. Pelo menos 10 eqüinos foram afetados, com idades variando entre 1 e 13 anos (média de 6,2 anos) e 1-2 eqüinos foram afetados por propriedade. Dentre os fatores que podem ter influenciado o aparecimento da doença está incluída a escassez de forragem devido à seca. A presença da planta Hypochaeris radicata, freqüentemente implicada como causa de harpejamento em eqüinos, foi observada na pastagem de três entre cinco propriedades onde a ocorrência dessa planta foi investigada; em seis dessas propriedades a forragem era pouca devido à falta de chuva. A morbidade foi estimada em 17,3% e a letalidade foi perto de zero, embora dois eqüinos tenham sido submetidos à eutanásia para serem necropsiados. Os sinais clínicos característicos incluiam hiperflexão dos membros pélvicos, dificuldade de caminhar e andar com saltos tipo pulos de coelho. Foi feita uma graduação da intensidade dos sinais clínicos em um escore de números de 1 a 5, os números mais altos indicando um grau de intensidade maior. Três eqüinos foram graduados como 1, um eqüino como 2, três eqüinos como 3, um eqüino como 4 e dois eqüinos como 5. O tratamento com fenitoína em dois eqüinos e com fenitoína associada a tenectomia em um outro não resultou em melhora do quadro clínico. Quatro dos 10 cavalos com harpejamento examinados clinicamente se recuperaram sem tratamento após uma doença clínica com evolução de 2-4 meses e quatro cavalos não se recuperaram mesmo após 9-17 meses de doença clínica, quando foram examinados pela última vez. Os achados de necropsia incluíam atrofia dos músculos esqueléticos das grandes massas musculares, confirmada histologicamente. A avaliação histológica dos nervos periféricos de um eqüino afetado submetido à eutanásia revelou redução ou ausência de fibras mielinizadas. Os achados ultra-estruturais incluíam sinais de desmielinização, regeneração e remielinização de nervos periféricos.<br>The epidemiology, clinical, gross and histological findings of cases of stringhalt occurring in horses from eight farms in six counties in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil from 2000-2005 are reported. At least 10 horses were affected. Ages of affected horses were 1-13 years (average 6.2 years) and 1-2 horses were affected in each farm. Factors that might have influenced the appearance of the disease included dearth of forage due to insufficient rainfall. The presence of the plant Hypochaeris radicata, often implicated as a cause of stringhalt in horses, was observed in the pasture of three out of five evaluated farms and in six of these farms the pasture was poor due to scarse precipitation. Estimated morbidity was 17.3% and lethality was close to zero although two horses were euthanatized for necropsy. Characteristic clinical signs included excessive flexion of the stifle and hock joints, impaired ambulation and bunny hop-type of gait. Clinical disease was graded by number scores from 1-5, higher numbers indicating increasing severity. Three horses were graded as 1, one horse as 2, three horses as 3, one horse as 4 and two horses as 5. Treatment with phenytoin in two horses and with phenytoin and tenectomy in another one did not result in amelioration of the clinical signs. Four out of ten clinical examined horses with stringhalt recovered with no treatment within 2-4 months of clinical disease and four affected horses did not recover even after 9-17 months of clinical disease, when they were lastly examined. Necropsy findings included atrophy of skeletal muscle of the large muscular groups which was confirmed histologically. Histological evaluation of peripheral nerves of one of the euthanatized horses revealed reduction or absence of myelinated fibers. Ultrastructural findings included signs of demyelination, regeneration and remyelination of peripheral nerves

    Against a ‘wait and see’ approach in adapting to climate change

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    Simulations of future climate change impacts are highly uncertain, particularly for catchment hydrology, where output from models of complex dynamic systems (global climate) are used as inputs to models of complex dynamic systems (hydrology models). This is problematic where decision-making for adaptation is underpinned by future climate predictions, and where policy-makers have opted to delay adaptation until either uncertainties are reduced, or climate change signals emerge from observations. This paper, using the Boyne catchment in the east of Ireland as a case study, discusses the uncertainties involved in climate change impact assessment for catchment hydrology and highlights why uncertainties are unlikely to be constrained or reduced in the time-scale required for adaptation. In addition, by calculating the time required for climate change signals to emerge from the observational record and the magnitude of change required for detection, it is highlighted that waiting for climate signals to be statistically detectable is not an option for effective adaptation. The paper concludes by considering how a paradigm shift in how we use the output from climate impact assessments can progress the adaptation agenda given the limits to prediction identified