4 research outputs found

    Reflexões sobre a cor na conservação/restauração

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    This paper presents some research possibilities related to Colour as a main issue. Some examples of the study of colour in textiles and modern art are given. Architecture related issues are not covered.Este texto apresenta algumas possibilidades de pesquisa do tema Cor dentro das áreas de conservaçÃo/restauraçÃo de bens móveis. SÃo apresentados alguns exemplos do tema Cor relacionado aos tecidos e às artes contemporâneas. Questões específicas à Arquitetura nÃo sÃo abordadas

    De Plenderleith a Al Gore: o ideário vigente na conservação de bens culturais móveis no século XXI

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    O texto discute idéias predominantes, hoje, nas práticas de conservação de bens culturais móveis no Ocidente. São apontadas, também, algumas tendências de pensamento em diferentes contextos de trabalho, identificando-se eventuais mudanças e semelhanças entre as idéias anteriormente vigentes e aquelas que muito provavelmente sejam, já, um legado para este novo século.This article discusses the prevailing concepts referring to the conservation of cultural heritage collections. Some trends such as some lines of thought are also indicated, identifying occasional changes and similarities among the ideas previously in force and those that, probably, are already a legacy for this new century

    Building Memory. Architecture, Networks and Users

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    Why are buildings such disputed objects with regard to time and memory, and what makes them peculiar? With the help of actor-network theory and the theory of functional differentiation, I show how objects in general relate to time and how objects can stabilize memories. I demonstrate the different ways in which networks place objects in time and how they are isolated and multiplied to relate to functional systems. I then argue that buildings cannot be controlled by functional systems because they cannot be isolated. This is so because they are singulars, occupy a stable location and are used by multiple users at the same time. For this reason I call them mutable immobiles. As mutable immobiles, buildings develop very complex relationships to times. They are changed and even converted to other building types, which cuts them off from their networks even though they still occupy the same location