6 research outputs found

    Fisheries discard as an alternative for agricultural feed in the state of Campeche, Mexico

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    Objective: To determine the incidence of non-target fish species, in coastal fishing, as a feed alternative for the agricultural sector of the state of Campeche. Design/methodology/approach: Three ports in Campeche State were surveyed: Champotón, Seybaplaya and Campeche. A total 89 questionnaires were applied at random, under the free will to participate, to coastal fishermen. The data obtained were analyzed with the R vr 3.4.4 program. Results: The coastal fishing catch was 760.1 kg on average / week, with non-target fish species of 30.42 kg / week. Of this bycatch, 68.8% is discarded and the rest is sold at a low price (4.00pesos).Amongthewasteproducts,34speciesstandout,butonlysevenrepresentthe58.7Limitationsofstudy/implications:Thereisawidevarietyofspecies,ofwhichtheiruseisunknownandthatmayhaveagoodqualityproteinandmaybeincorporatedasingredientsforthemanufactureoffeed.Findings/conclusions:ThefishingdiscardsofthestateofCampechearemadeupofmorethan30nontargetfishspecies,andaccordingtotheirincidencetheymaybeevaluatedasingredientsforthemanufactureoffeedintheagriculturalsector.Objective:Todeterminetheincidenceofnontargetfishingspecies,inriparianfishing,asadietaryalternativefortheagriculturalsectorinthestateofCampeche,Mexico.Design/methodology/approach:TheportssurveyedinthestateofCampeche:Champotoˊn,SeybaplayaandCampeche.Atotalof89questionnaireswereappliedatrandomandatthefreewilltoparticipatetocoastalfishermen.TheobtaineddatawereanalyzedwiththeRvr3.4.4statisticalsoftware.Results:Theresultsshowedthatthecoastalfishingcatchis760.1kgonaverage/week,andfishingdiscardsof30.42kg/week.Ofthebycatch,68.8 4.00 pesos). Among the waste products, 34 species stand out, but only seven represent the 58.7% of maximum incidence, mainly Bosh Ariopsis felis, Chac-chi Haemulon plumierii, Cojinuda Caranx crysos, Ixpil Upeneus sp., Macabi Elops saurus, Postà Bairdiella chrysoura, Sardina Herengula jaguana. Limitations of study/implications: There is a wide variety of species, of which their use is unknown and that may have a good quality protein and may be incorporated as ingredients for the manufacture of feed. Findings/conclusions: The fishing discards of the state of Campeche are made up of more than 30 non-target fish species, and according to their incidence they may be evaluated as ingredients for the manufacture of feed in the agricultural sector.Objective: To determine the incidence of non-target fishing species, in riparianfishing, as a dietary alternative for the agricultural sector in the state of Campeche,Mexico.Design / methodology / approach: The ports surveyed in the state of Campeche:Champotón, Seybaplaya and Campeche. A total of 89 questionnaires were appliedat random and at the free will to participate to coastal fishermen. The obtained datawere analyzed with the R vr 3.4.4 statistical software.Results: The results showed that the coastal fishing catch is 760.1 kg onaverage/week, and fishing discards of 30.42 kg/week. Of the bycatch, 68.8% isdiscarded and the rest sold at a low price (US 0.2). Among the waste products,234 species stand out, but seven represent the 58.7% of maximum incidence,mainly Bosh Ariopsis felis, Chac-chi Haemulon plumierii, Cojinuda Caranx crysos,Ixpil Upeneus sp., Macabi Elops saurus, Postà Bairdiella chrysoura and SardinaHerengula jaguana.Delimitations / implications: There is a wide variety of species of which theirpotential as a protein source is unknown, which can be used as input in feed.Findings / conclusions: Registered fishing discards are made up of more than 30non-target species and according to their incidence can be considered as inputs infeed manufacturing for the agricultural sector

    Agricultural rotation crops: adaptive strategies of two farming communities in Champotón, Campeche

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    Objective: To identify the agricultural crops in rotation carried out by the producers during one year of two rural communities of Champotón, Campeche. Design / methodology / approach: The research was carried out in 2019, in Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, communities belonging to Champotón, Campeche. Descriptive exploratory character. Documentary research was carried out and a survey was applied with 200 questionnaires in total, using the "snowball" technique. Descriptive statistics, were applied using the statistical packages of Excel. Results: Chihua squash (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) and sugar cane (Sacharumm officinarum) are the most economically important crops for Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, respectively. Corn is grown both in Sihochac in May and in Kesté in various months of the year. Chihua squash, peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), sesame (Sesamum indicum), sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are produced only in Kesté at different times of the year. Limitations of the study / implications: This research is local in nature, so its results cannot be generalized, but they can be similar to other regions in the country. Findings / conclusions: Crop rotation is practiced in Kesté and not in the community of Sihochac. The way in which each community is organized to grow its crops responds to cultural-social factors and its available resources.Objective: To identify the agricultural rotation crops grown throughout a year by the producers of two farming communities in Champotón, Campeche, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: This exploratory-descriptive research was conducted in 2019, in Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, Champotón, Campeche. Documentary research was conducted and a survey with a total of 200 questionnaires was applied, following the snowball technique. The resulting data were analyzed with descriptive statistics using Excel’s statistical package. Results: Chihua pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) and sugarcane (Sacharumm officinarum) are the most economically important crops. The former is specific to Santo Domingo Kesté and the latter, to Sihochac. Maize is grown in May in Sihochac, and in different months in Kesté. Chihua pumpkin, peanut (Arachis hypogaea), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), sesame seed (Sesamum indicum), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta), and hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are grown only in Kesté, in different times of the year. Study limitations/Implications: Since this research is of a local nature, its results cannot be generalized, although they may be similar to other regions of the country. Findings/Conclusions: Some agricultural relay crops are grown in Kesté and not in the Sihochac community. The way in which each community organizes its crops depends on socio-cultural factors and available resources


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    Brosimum alicastrum es una especie arbórea en México con amplio potencial para la alimentación animal y humana, que se distribuye de manera natural con nulo manejo silvícola, por lo que existe poca información sobre los métodos de propagación de la especie. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la producción científica reportada sobre B. alicastrum mediante minería de textos para conocer las técnicas que existen sobre su propagación; y evaluar en vivero la calidad de plántulas obtenidas por métodos de propagación sexual y asexual (estacas, acodos e injertos) mediante diseños experimentales. Se encontraron 550 artículos científicos sobre B. alicastrum, las disciplinas donde se publicaron fueron: Ecología (44,18%), Botánica (13,27%), Ciencias Forestales (11,27%, de los cuales el 2,54% trabajó propagación en vivero), Zoología (11,09%), Agricultura (9,64%), Antropología (5,45%) y otras (5,10%). Respecto al método de propagación por semilla, la mejor calidad de plántula se asoció con sustratos de baja porosidad (tierra de monte) y con contenedores con diámetros grandes (36 cm). Para el caso de la propagación asexual por acodos, cuando se empleó turba como sustrato se obtuvo 90% de sobrevivencia, y por injerto de enchape lateral se encontró 75% de prendimiento. En virtud de la poca investigación que existe sobre la propagación de la especie se recomienda que la selección de la técnica de propagación esté en función de la finalidad de la plántula. Las técnicas asexuales de injerto y acodo pueden ser más eficientes en caso de requerir acortar los ciclos de producción de la semilla de B. alicastrum.//Brosimum alicastrum is a tree species in Mexico with wide potential for animal and human food, which is distributed naturally with no silvicultural management, so there is little information on the propagation methods of the species. The objective of this work was to analyze the scientific research published on B. alicastrum, through literature review to know the techniques that exist on its propagation. In addition, the quality of the seedling obtained by sexual propagation and asexual methods (cuttings, layers and grafts) was evaluated in the nursery, by means of experimental designs. 550 scientific articles on B. alicastrum were found, the disciplines where they were published were: Ecology (44.18%), Botany (13.27%), Forest Sciences (11.27%, of which 2.54% worked propagation in the nursery), Zoology (11.09%), Agriculture (9.64%), Anthropology (5.45%) and others (5.10%). Regarding the seed propagation method, the best seedling quality was associated with low porosity substrates (bush soil) and containers with large diameters (36 cm). In the case of asexual propagation, with the layering method when peat was used as the substrate 90% survival was obtained, and by lateral grafting technique 75% yield was found. Due to the little research that exists on the propagation of the species, it is recommended that the selection of the propagation technique is based on the purpose of the seedling; if it is required to shorten the seed production cycles of B. alicastrum the asexual techniques grafting and layering can be more efficient

    El hongo Pleurotus ostreatus ( Jacq. ex Fr.) y su valor agregado: caso de estudio: HONGOS SETAS (Pleurotus ostreatus) Y SU VALOR AGREGADO

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    Objective: The objective of this work was to evaluate the recognition of mushroom fungi (Pleurotus ostreatus) and the acceptance of their products made in Champotón, Campeche. Design/methodology/approach: A survey was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 100 people from Sihochac and Santo Domingo Kesté to assess the recognition of edible fungi. Three types of sausages and two types of jam were made; These products were valued by a panel of 62 untrained tasters, on a hedonic scale of pleasant, unpleasant and neutral. Bromatological analyzes were performed on the processed products. Results: The edible fungus is known in the communities of Champotón, Campeche, but is little consumed. All by-products had good acceptability values, such as smell, color, taste and appearance. Limitations on study/implications: Although the elaboration of products based on Pleurotus ostreatus is a good alternative for its consumption and commercialization, the inhabitants of the municipality of Champotón, Campeche, do not know the process of elaboration, so it is necessary to publicize its procedure. Findings/conclusions: It was found that the elaboration of edible mushroom by-products is a viable alternative for the diversification of products made with mushroom mushrooms. In addition to these by-products have a good acceptance by the inhabitants of the municipality of Champotón, Campeche.Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el reconocimiento de los hongos setas (Pleurotus ostreatus) y la aceptación de sus productos elaborados, en Champotón, Campeche. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra no probabilística de 100 personas de Sihochac y Santo Domingo Kesté para evaluar el reconocimiento de los hongos comestibles. Se elaboraron tres tipos de embutidos y dos tipos de mermelada; dichos productos fueron valorados por un panel de 62 degustadores no entrenados, en escala tipo hedónica de agradable, desagradable y neutro. Se realizaron análisis bromatológicos a los productos elaborados. Resultados: El hongo comestible es conocido en las comunidades de Champotón, Campeche, pero es poco consumido. Todos los subproductos tuvieron buenos valores de aceptabilidad, tales como olor, color, sabor y apariencia. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Aunque la elaboración de productos a base de Pleurotus ostreatus es una buena alternativa para su consumo y comercialización, los habitantes del municipio de Champotón, Campeche, desconocen el proceso de elaboración, por lo que es necesario dar a conocer su procedimiento. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Se comprobó que la elaboración de subproductos de hongos comestibles es una alternativa viable para la diversificación de productos elaborados con hongos setas. Además de que estos subproductos tienen una buena aceptación por los habitantes del municipio de Champotón, Campeche

    Potencial biotecnológico de residuos vegetales para producir Pleurotus ostreatus en zonas rurales de Campeche

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    The objective of this study was to identify the main plant residues available in smallholder farming systems and use them as substrates for the cultivation of two strains of Pleurotus ostreatus(CP 50 and CP 753) under laboratory conditions. 184 questionnaires were applied in 13 rural communities in Campeche, Mexico. The availability of agricultural residues (t DM ha-1) in crops of corn, chihua pumpkin, x-pelonbeans and tree species was evaluated. The selection of plant residues was evaluated in the culture of Pleurotus ostreatusstrains. The variables evaluated in the Pleurotos culture were: colonization of the substrate, appearance of primordia, biological efficiency, colonization rate and production rate. The results were analyzed with descriptive statistics and an experimental design of random blocks. The availability (t DM ha-1) of the vegetable residues was corn (10.7), chihua pumpkin(14) and x-pelon beans (17.36). The CP-753 in bean stubble presented the shortest times with 12 and 15 days in colonization and appearance of primordia, while the CP-50 inoculated in pixoi fruit was the least efficient. The bean stubble substrate inoculated with the CP-753 strain presented the best biological efficiency with values of 102.75 ±7.48 and a production rate of 5.13 g day-1. Most of the producers surveyed have an interest in using the plant residues generated in the lots or backyards as productive alternatives usingagroecological strategies that contribute to the generation of economic income for much of the year.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los principales residuos vegetales disponibles en sistemas agrícolas de pequeños productores y utilizarlos como sustratos para el cultivo de dos cepas de Pleurotus ostreatus (CP 50 y CP 753) en condiciones de laboratorio. Se aplicaron 184 cuestionarios en 13 comunidades rurales Campeche, México. Se evaluó la disponibilidad de los residuos agrícolas (t MS ha-1) en cultivos de maíz, calabaza chihua, frijol x-pelón y especies arbóreas. La selección de los residuos vegetales se evaluó en el cultivo de cepas de Pleurotus ostreatus. Las variables evaluadas en el cultivo de pleurotos fueron: colonización del sustrato, aparición de primordios, eficiencia biológica, tasa de colonización y tasa de producción. Los resultados se analizaron con estadística descriptiva y un diseño experimental de bloques al azar. La disponibilidad (t MS ha-1) de los residuos vegetales fue maíz (10.7), calabaza chihua (14) y frijol x-pelón (17.36). La CP-753 en rastrojo de frijol presentó los tiempos más cortos con 12 y 15 días en colonización y aparición de primordios, mientras que la CP-50 inoculada en fruta de pixoi fue la menos eficiente. El sustrato rastrojo de frijol inoculado con la cepa CP-753 presentó la mejor eficiencia biológica con valores de 102.75 ±7.48 y una tasa de producción de 5.13 g día-1. La mayoría de los productores encuestados tienen interés en utilizar los residuos vegetales que se generan en los solares o traspatios como alternativas productivas utilizando estrategias agroecológicas que aporten a la generación de ingresos económicos durante gran parte del año

    Propagação sexual e assexual de Brosimum Alicastrum Swartz em Campeche, México

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    Brosimum alicastrum is a tree species in Mexico with wide potential for animal and human food, which is distributed naturally with no silvicultural management, so there is little information on the propagation methods of the species. The objective of this work was to analyze the scientific research published on B. alicastrum, through literature review to know the techniques that exist on its propagation. In addition, the quality of the seedling obtained by sexual propagation and asexual methods (cuttings, layers and grafts) was evaluated in the nursery, by means of experimental designs. 550 scientific articles on B. alicastrum were found, the disciplines where they were published were: Ecology (44.18%), Botany (13.27%), Forest Sciences (11.27%, of which 2.54% worked propagation in the nursery), Zoology (11.09%), Agriculture (9.64%), Anthropology (5.45%) and others (5.10%). Regarding the seed propagation method, the best seedling quality was associated with low porosity substrates (bush soil) and containers with large diameters (36 cm). In the case of asexual propagation, with the layering method when peat moss was used as the substrate 90% survival was obtained, and by grafting of lateral plating 75% yield was found. Due to the little research that exists on the propagation of the species, it is recommended that the selection of the propagation technique is based on the purpose of the seedling; if it is required to shorten the seed production cycles of B. alicastrum the asexual techniques grafting and layering can be more efficient.Brosimum alicastrum es una especie arbórea en México con amplio potencial para la alimentación animal y humana, que se distribuye de manera natural con nulo manejo silvícola, por lo que existe poca información sobre los métodos de propagación de la especie. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la producción científica reportada sobre B. alicastrum, mediante minería de textos para conocer las técnicas que existen sobre su propagación. De igual forma, evaluar en vivero la calidad de plántulas obtenidas por métodos de propagación sexual y asexual (estacas, acodos e injertos) mediante diseños experimentales.  Se encontraron 550 artículos científicos sobre B. alicastrum, las disciplinas donde se publicaron fueron: Ecología (44,18%), Botánica (13,27%), Ciencias Forestales (11,27%, de los cuales el 2,54% trabajó propagación en vivero), Zoología (11,09%), Agricultura (9,64%), Antropología (5,45%) y otras (5,10%). Respecto al método de propagación por semilla, la mejor calidad de plántula se asoció con sustratos de baja porosidad (tierra de monte) y a contenedores con diámetros grandes (36 cm). Para el caso de la propagación asexual por acodos, cuando se empleó turba como sustrato se obtuvo 90% de sobrevivencia, y por injerto de enchape lateral se encontró 75% de prendimiento. En virtud de la poca investigación que existe sobre la propagación de la especie se recomienda que la selección de la técnica de propagación esté en función de la finalidad de la plántula. Las técnicas asexuales de injerto y acodo pueden ser más eficientes en caso de requerir acortar los ciclos de producción de la semilla de B. alicastrum.Brosimum alicastrum é uma espécie arbórea no México com amplo potencial para alimentação animal e humana, que se distribui naturalmente sem manejo silvicultural, portanto, há poucas informações sobre os métodos de propagação da espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a produção científica reportada sobre B. alicastrum por meio da mineração de textos para conhecer as técnicas existentes sobre a sua propagação e avaliar em viveiro a qualidade das mudas obtidas por métodos de propagação sexual e assexuada (estaquia, estratificação e enxertia) por meio de delineamentos experimentais. Foram encontrados 550 artigos científicos sobre B. alicastrum, as áreas onde foram publicados foram: Ecologia (44,18%), Botânica (13,27%), Ciências Florestais (11,27%, dos quais 2,54% trabalhavam com propagação em viveiros), Zoologia (11,09%) , Agricultura (9,64%), Antropologia (5,45%) e outros (5,10%). Em relação ao método de propagação por semente, a melhor qualidade das mudas foi associada a substratos de baixa porosidade (solo de montanha) e a recipientes com grandes diâmetros (36 cm). No caso de propagação assexuada por estratificação, quando se utilizou turfa como substrato, obteve-se 90% de sobrevivência e, por enxertia de faceta lateral, encontrou-se 75% de descolamento. Devido às poucas pesquisas que existem sobre a propagação da espécie, recomenda-se que a seleção da técnica de propagação seja baseada na finalidade das plantas. As técnicas assexuadas de enxerto e estratificação podem ser mais eficientes se for necessário encurtar os ciclos de produção de sementes de B. alicastrum