503 research outputs found

    Clothes size prediction from dressed-human silhouettes

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    © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG. We propose an effective and efficient way to automatically predict clothes size for users to buy clothes online. We take human height and dressed-human silhouettes in front and side views as input, and estimate 3D body sizes with a data-driven method. We adopt 20 body sizes which are closely related to clothes size, and use such 3D body sizes to get clothes size by searching corresponding size chart. Previous image-based methods need to calibrate camera to estimate 3D information from 2D images, because the same person has different appearances of silhouettes (e.g. size and shape) when the camera configuration (intrinsic and extrinsic parameters) is different. Our method avoids camera calibration, which is much more convenient. We set up our virtual camera and train the relationship between human height and silhouette size under this camera configuration. After estimating silhouette size, we regress the positions of 2D body landmarks. We define 2D body sizes as the distances between corresponding 2D body landmarks. Finally, we learn the relationship between 2D body sizes and 3D body sizes. The training samples for each regression process come from a database of 3D naked and dressed bodies created by previous work. We evaluate the whole procedure and each process of our framework. We also compare the performance with several regression models. The total time-consumption for clothes size prediction is less than 0.1, s and the average estimation error of body sizes is 0.824, cm, which can satisfy the tolerance for customers to shop clothes online

    Shortcuts to adiabaticity in a time-dependent box

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    A method is proposed to drive an ultrafast non-adiabatic dynamics of an ultracold gas trapped in a box potential. The resulting state is free from spurious excitations associated with the breakdown of adiabaticity, and preserves the quantum correlations of the initial state up to a scaling factor. The process relies on the existence of an adiabatic invariant and the inversion of the dynamical self-similar scaling law dictated by it. Its physical implementation generally requires the use of an auxiliary expulsive potential analogous to those used in soliton control. The method is extended to a broad family of many-body systems. As illustrative examples we consider the ultrafast expansion of a Tonks-Girardeau gas and of Bose-Einstein condensates in different dimensions, where the method exhibits an excellent robustness against different regimes of interactions and the features of an experimentally realizable box potential.Comment: 6 pp, 4 figures, typo in Eq. (6) fixe

    Non-syndromic Hearing Impairment in a Hungarian Family with the m.7510T>C Mutation of Mitochondrial tRNA^^Ser(UCN)^^^ and Review of Published Cases

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    The m.7510T>C mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation is a tRNA(Ser(UCN)) alteration leading to matrilineal isolated hearing impairment. The current paper reviews the available reports on the m.7510T>C mtDNA mutation, with special attention to phenotypic variations and haplogroup background. A Hungarian family, the fourth family reported in the literature, is presented, in which analysis of three generations with bilateral isolated hearing loss revealed the m.7510T>C tRNA(Ser(UCN)) mutation in homoplasmic form in the affected members. Haplogroup analysis verified an unnamed subgroup of mitochondrial haplogroup H. Previously reported Spanish and North American Caucasian families belong to different subgroups of haplogroup H. Analyzing our biobank of Hungarian patients with sensorineural hearing loss, we did not detect this mutation in any other patient, nor was it found in Caucasian haplogroup H control samples. Comparing the cases reported so far, there is interfamilial variablity in the age of onset, accompanying symptoms, and haplogroup background. Our case adds further genetic evidence for the pathogenicity of the m.7510T>C mutation and underlines the need to include full mtDNA sequencing in the screening for unexplained hearing loss

    Residual angle closure one year after laser peripheral iridotomy in primary angle closure suspects

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    PURPOSE: To determine the incidence and baseline clinical and anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) predictors associated with residual angle closure as assessed by gonioscopy 1 year after laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in primary angle closure suspects (PACS). DESIGN: Sub-analysis of randomized controlled trial data METHODS: AS-OCT images (Visante, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA) from 181 PACS subjects ≥ 50 years of age, were analyzed using customized software, prior to, and 1 year after LPI. Other parameters assessed were intraocular pressure (IOP) and axial length (Axl). Residual angle closure was defined as the inability to see the posterior trabecular meshwork for at least 2 quadrants on gonioscopy after LPI. Multivariate regression analysis determined the baseline predictors of residual angle closure 1 year after LPI. RESULTS: The mean age of participants was 62.4 (SD 9.9) years. The majority were female (137, 75.7%) and Chinese 174, 96.1%). At 1 year post LPI, 148 (81.8%) subjects had gonioscopic residual angle closure. Univariate analysis showed that baseline Axl, anterior chamber area, anterior chamber volume, angle opening distance at 750 microns from the scleral spur and angle recess area were smaller while baseline lens vault and iris curvature were larger in residual angle closure subjects (all p80% of PACS had gonioscopic residual angle closure. Greater baseline iris volume and higher IOP at baseline are independent risk factors for residual gonioscopic angle closure

    Using Goal- and Grip-Related Information for Understanding the Correctness of Other’s Actions: An ERP Study

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    Detecting errors in other’s actions is of pivotal importance for joint action, competitive behavior and observational learning. Although many studies have focused on the neural mechanisms involved in detecting low-level errors, relatively little is known about error-detection in everyday situations. The present study aimed to identify the functional and neural mechanisms whereby we understand the correctness of other’s actions involving well-known objects (e.g. pouring coffee in a cup). Participants observed action sequences in which the correctness of the object grasped and the grip applied to a pair of objects were independently manipulated. Observation of object violations (e.g. grasping the empty cup instead of the coffee pot) resulted in a stronger P3-effect than observation of grip errors (e.g. grasping the coffee pot at the upper part instead of the handle), likely reflecting a reorienting response, directing attention to the relevant location. Following the P3-effect, a parietal slow wave positivity was observed that persisted for grip-errors, likely reflecting the detection of an incorrect hand-object interaction. These findings provide new insight in the functional significance of the neurophysiological markers associated with the observation of incorrect actions and suggest that the P3-effect and the subsequent parietal slow wave positivity may reflect the detection of errors at different levels in the action hierarchy. Thereby this study elucidates the cognitive processes that support the detection of action violations in the selection of objects and grips

    Abstracts in high profile journals often fail to report harm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To describe how frequently harm is reported in the abstract of high impact factor medical journals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>Design and population</it>: We carried out a blinded structured review of a random sample of 363 Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) carried out on human beings, and published in high impact factor medical journals in 2003. <it>Main endpoint</it>: 1) Proportion of articles reporting harm in the abstract; and 2) Proportion of articles that reported harm in the abstract when harm was reported in the main body of the article. <it>Analysis</it>: Corrected Prevalence Ratio (cPR) and its exact confidence interval were calculated. Non-conditional logistic regression was used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>363 articles and 407 possible comparisons were studied. Overall, harm was reported in 135 abstracts [37.2% (CI95%:32.2 to 42.4)]. Harm was reported in the main text of 243 articles [66.9% (CI95%: 61.8 to 71.8)] and was statistically significant in 54 articles [14.9% (CI95%: 11.4 to 19.0)]. Among the 243 articles that mentioned harm in the text, 130 articles [53.5% (CI95% 47.0 to 59.9)] reported harm in the abstract; a figure that rose to 75.9% (CI95%: 62.4 to 86.5) when the harm reported in the text was statistically significant. Harm in the abstract was more likely to be reported when statistically significant harm was reported in the main body of the article [cPR = 1.70 (CI95% 1.47 to 1.92)] and when drug companies (not public institutions) funded the RCTs [cPR = 1.29 (CI95% 1.03 to 1.67)].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Abstracts published in high impact factor medical journals underreport harm, even when harm is reported in the main body of the article.</p

    Memory recall in arousing situations – an emotional von Restorff effect?

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    BACKGROUND: Previous research has demonstrated a relationship between memory recall and P300 amplitude in list learning tasks, but the variables mediating this P300-recall relationship are not well understood. In the present study, subjects were required to recall items from lists consisting of 12 words, which were presented in front of pictures taken from the IAPS collection. One word per list is made distinct either by font color or by a highly arousing background IAPS picture. This isolation procedure was first used by von Restorff. Brain potentials were recorded during list presentation. RESULTS: Recall performance was enhanced for color but not for emotional isolates. Event-related brain potentials (ERP) showed a more positive P300-component for recalled non-isolated words and color-isolated words, compared to the respective non-remembered words, but not for words isolated by arousing background. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that it is crucial to take emotional mediator variables into account, when using the P300 to predict later recall. Highly arousing environments might force the cognitive system to interrupt rehearsal processes in working memory, which might benefit transfer into other, more stable memory systems. The impact of attention-capturing properties of arousing background stimuli is also discussed

    Validation of a method for identifying nursing home admissions using administrative claims

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Currently there is no standard algorithm to identify whether a subject is residing in a nursing home from administrative claims. Our objective was to develop and validate an algorithm that identifies nursing home admissions at the resident-month level using the MarketScan Medicare Supplemental and Coordination of Benefit (COB) database.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The computer algorithms for identifying nursing home admissions were created by using provider type, place of service, and procedure codes from the 2000 – 2002 MarketScan Medicare COB database. After the algorithms were reviewed and refined, they were compared with a detailed claims review by an expert reviewer. A random sample of 150 subjects from the claims was selected and used for the validity analysis of the algorithms. Contingency table analysis, comparison of mean differences, correlations, and t-test analyses were performed. Percentage agreement, sensitivity, specificity, and Kappa statistics were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The computer algorithm showed strong agreement with the expert review (99.9%) for identification of the first month of nursing home residence, with high sensitivity (96.7%), specificity (100%) and a Kappa statistic of 0.97. Weighted Pearson correlation coefficient between the algorithm and the expert review was 0.97 (<it>p </it>< 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A reliable algorithm indicating evidence of nursing home admission was developed and validated from administrative claims data. Our algorithm can be a useful tool to identify patient transitions from and to nursing homes, as well as to screen and monitor for factors associated with nursing home admission and nursing home discharge.</p

    Macular and serum carotenoid concentrations in patients with malabsorption syndromes

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    The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are believed to protect the human macula by absorbing blue light and quenching free radicals. Intestinal malabsorption syndromes such as celiac and Crohn’s disease are known to cause deficiencies of lipid-soluble nutrients. We hypothesized that subjects with nutrient malabsorption syndromes will demonstrate lower carotenoid levels in the macula and blood, and that these lower levels may correlate with early-onset maculopathy. Resonance Raman spectrographic (RRS) measurements of macular carotenoid levels were collected from subjects with and without a history of malabsorption syndromes. Carotenoids were extracted from serum and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Subjects with malabsorption (n = 22) had 37% lower levels of macular carotenoids on average versus controls (n = 25, P < 0.001). Malabsorption was not associated with decreased serum carotenoid levels. Convincing signs of early maculopathy were not observed. We conclude that intestinal malabsorption results in lower macular carotenoid levels
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