1,289 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Teachers’ and Instructional Coaches’ Perceptions of Self-Efficacy in the Areas of Instructional Strategies, Student Engagement, and Classroom Management

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    Schools may choose to employ staff members dedicated to helping teachers increase their sense of self-efficacy. The addition of these individuals contributes to an effective professional learning model; increasingly, it is instructional coaches who are serving as facilitators of professional learning (Knight, 2019). Teachers acknowledge the value in working with instructional coaches (Rush & Young, 2011), bringing credence to the federal legislation designed to promote the practice. Utilizing modified versions of the Ohio State teacher efficacy survey (OSTES) this dissertation research examined teachers’ and instructional coaches’ perceptions of self-efficacy and the possible implications of those perceptions in the field of educational leadership. Through purposive sampling of 361 teachers and 55 instructional coaches from elementary, middle, and high schools, descriptive statistics were used to explore the relationship between instructional coaches’ and teachers’ perceptions of self-efficacy in three specific domains: (1) instructional strategies, (2) classroom management, and (3) student engagement. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to split data into two groups (teachers and coaches). Three One-Way ANOVA tests (one for each domain) were run to determine if there were any differences between efficacy ratings based on gender, grade-level, and years of teaching experience and coaching experience—Group 1: 0-2 years, Group 2: 3-10 years, and Group 3: 10 or more years. Dunnet’s T3 post hoc tests were used to compare pair-wise groups to locate any significant differences. Only one pair-wise comparison between Group 1 and Group 3 yielded a significant difference: the Classroom Management domain. INDEX WORDS: Instructional coaching, self-efficacy, perception, instructional strategies, student engagement, classroom managemen

    Neomycin resistance as a dominant selectable marker for selection and isolation of vaccinia virus recombinants

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    The antibiotic G418 was shown to be an effective inhibitor of vaccinia virus replication when an appropriate concentration of it was added to cell monolayers 48 h before infection. Genetic engineering techniques were used in concert with DNA transfection protocols to construct vaccinia virus recombinants containing the neomycin resistance gene (neo) from transposon Tn5. These recombinants contained the neo gene linked in either the correct or incorrect orientation relative to the vaccinia virus 7.5-kilodalton gene promoter which is expressed constitutively throughout the course of infection. The vaccinia virus recombinant containing the chimeric neo gene in the proper orientation was able to grow and form plaques in the presence of G418, whereas both the wild-type and the recombinant virus with the neo gene in the opposite polarity were inhibited by more than 98%. The effect of G418 on virus growth may be mediated at least in part by selective inhibition of the synthesis of a subset of late viral proteins. These results are discussed with reference to using this system, the conferral of resistance to G418 with neo as a positive selectable marker, to facilitate constructing vaccinia virus recombinants which contain foreign genes of interest

    Expression of Sindbis virus structural proteins via recombinant vaccinia virus: synthesis, processing, and incorporation into mature Sindbis virions

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    We have obtained a vaccinia virus recombinant which contains a complete cDNA copy of the 26S RNA of Sindbis virus within the thymidine kinase gene of the vaccinia virus genome. This recombinant constitutively transcribed the Sindbis sequences throughout the infectious cycle, reflecting the dual early-late vaccinia promoter used in this construction. The Sindbis-derived transcripts were translationally active, giving rise to both precursor and mature structural proteins of Sindbis virus, including the capsid protein (C), the precursor of glycoprotein E2 (PE2), and the two mature envelope glycoproteins (E1 and E2). These are the same products translated from the 26S mRNA during Sindbis infection, and thus these proteins were apparently cleaved, glycosylated, and transported in a manner analogous to that seen during authentic Sindbis infections. By using epitope-specific antibodies, it was possible to demonstrate that recombinant-derived proteins were incorporated into Sindbis virions during coinfections with monoclonal antibody-resistant Sindbis variants. These results suggest that all the information necessary to specify the proper biogenesis of Sindbis virus structural proteins resides within the 26S sequences and that vaccinia may provide an appropriate system for using DNA molecular genetic manipulations to unravel a variety of questions pertinent to RNA virus replication

    A conditional-lethal vaccinia virus mutant demonstrates that the I7L gene product is required for virion morphogenesis

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    A conditional-lethal recombinant virus was constructed in which the expression of the vaccinia virus I7L gene is under the control of the tetracycline operator/repressor system. In the absence of I7L expression, processing of the major VV core proteins is inhibited and electron microscopy reveals defects in virion morphogenesis subsequent to the formation of immature virion particles but prior to core condensation. Plasmid-borne I7L is capable of rescuing the growth of this virus and rescue is optimal when the I7L gene is expressed using the authentic I7L promoter. Taken together, these data suggest that correct temporal expression of the VV I7L cysteine proteinase is required for core protein maturation, virion assembly and production of infectious progeny

    Development of an in vitro cleavage assay system to examine vaccinia virus I7L cysteine proteinase activity

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    Through the use of transient expression assays and directed genetics, the vaccinia virus (VV) I7L gene product has been implicated as the major maturational proteinase required for viral core protein cleavage to occur during virion assembly. To confirm this hypothesis and to enable a biochemical examination of the I7L cysteine proteinase, an in vitro cleavage assay was developed. Using extracts of VV infected cells as the source of enzyme, reaction conditions were developed which allowed accurate and efficient cleavage of exogenously added core protein precursors (P4a, P4b and P25K). The cleavage reaction proceeded in a time-dependent manner and was optimal when incubated at 25°C. I7L-mediated cleavage was not affected by selected inhibitors of metalloproteinases, aspartic acid proteinases or serine proteinases (EDTA, pepstatin, and PMSF, respectively), but was sensitive to several general cysteine proteinase inhibitors (E-64, EST, Iodoacetic acid, and NEM) as well as the I7L active site inhibitor TTP-6171 [C. Byrd et al., J. Virol. 78:12147–12156 (2004)]. Finally, in antibody pull down experiments, it could be demonstrated that monospecific αI7L serum depleted the enzyme activity whereas control sera including αG1L, directed against the VV metalloproteinase, did not. Taken together, these data provide biochemical evidence that I7L is a cysteine proteinase which is directly involved in VV core protein cleavage. Furthermore, establishment of this I7L-mediated in vitro cleavage assay should enable future studies into the enzymology and co-factor requirements of the proteolysis reaction, and facilitate antiviral drug development against this essential target

    Mutational analysis of the potential catalytic residues of the VV G1L metalloproteinase

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    The vaccinia virus G1L open-reading frame is predicted to be a metalloproteinase based upon the presence of a conserved zinc-binding motif. Western blot analysis demonstrates G1L undergoes proteolytic processing during the course of infection, although the significance of this event is unknown. In order to determine which amino acid residues are important for G1L activity, a plasmid-borne library of G1L constructs containing mutations in and about the active site was created. Transient expression analysis coupled with a trans complementation assay of a conditionally-lethal mutant virus suggest that, of the mutants, only glutamic acid 120 is non-essential for G1L processing to occur

    Dietary Magnesium and Genetic Interactions in Diabetes and Related Risk Factors: A Brief Overview of Current Knowledge

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    Nutritional genomics has exploded in the last decade, yielding insights—both nutrigenomic and nutrigenetic—into the physiology of dietary interactions and our genes. Among these are insights into the regulation of magnesium transport and homeostasis and mechanisms underlying magnesium’s role in insulin and glucose handling. Recent observational evidence has attempted to examine some promising research avenues on interaction between genetics and dietary magnesium in relation to diabetes and diabetes risk factors. This brief review summarizes the recent evidence on dietary magnesium’s role in diabetes and related traits in the presence of underlying genetic risk, and discusses future potential research directions

    Pulsed hall thruster system

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    A pulsed Hall thruster system includes a Hall thruster having an electron source, a magnetic circuit, and a discharge chamber; a power processing unit for firing the Hall thruster to generate a discharge; a propellant storage and delivery system for providing propellant to the discharge chamber and a control unit for defining a pulse duration .tau.<0.1d.sup.3.rho./m, where d is the characteristic size of the thruster, .rho. is the propellant density at standard conditions, and m is the propellant mass flow rate for operating either the power processing unit to provide to the Hall thruster a power pulse of a pre-selected duration, .tau., or operating the propellant storage and delivery system to provide a propellant flow pulse of duration, .tau., or providing both as pulses, synchronized to arrive coincidentally at the discharge chamber to enable the Hall thruster to produce a discreet output impulse

    Importance of disulphide bonds for vaccinia virus L1R protein function

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    L1R, a myristylated late gene product of vaccinia virus, is essential for formation of infectious intracellular mature virions (IMV). In its absence, only viral particles arrested at an immature stage are detected and no infectious progeny virus is produced. Previous studies have shown that the L1R protein is exclusively associated with the IMV membrane and that myristylation is required for correct targeting. The L1R protein contains six cysteine amino acid residues that have all been shown to participate in intramolecular disulphide bonds. However, it was not clear what role, if any, the disulfide bonds play in the membrane topology of the L1R protein. To address this question, a comprehensive library of L1R mutants in which the cysteine residues have been mutated to serine (either individually or in combination) were tested for their ability to rescue a L1R conditional lethal mutant virus under non-permissive conditions. Much to our surprise, we determined that C57 was not essential for production of infectious IMV. These results suggest that protein disulphide isomerases may be involved in reorganization of disulfide bonds within the L1R protein

    Analysis of vaccinia virus temperature-sensitive I7L mutants reveals two potential functional domains

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    As an approach to initiating a structure-function analysis of the vaccinia virus I7L core protein proteinase, a collection of conditional-lethal mutants in which the mutation had been mapped to the I7L locus were subjected to genomic sequencing and phenotypic analyses. Mutations in six vaccinia virus I7L temperature sensitive mutants fall into two groups: changes at three positions at the N-terminal end between amino acids 29 and 37 and two different substitutions at amino acid 344, near the catalytic domain. Regardless of the position of the mutation, mutants at the non-permissive temperature failed to cleave core protein precursors and had their development arrested prior to core condensation. Thus it appears that the two clusters of mutations may affect two different functional domains required for proteinase activity