206 research outputs found

    Star Formation Rate Indicators in Wide-Field Infrared Survey Preliminary Release

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    With the goal of investigating the degree to which theMIR luminosity in theWidefield Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) traces the SFR, we analyze 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 {\mu}m data in a sample of {\guillemotright} 140,000 star-forming galaxies or star-forming regions covering a wide range in metallicity 7.66 < 12 + log(O/H) < 9.46, with redshift z < 0.4. These star-forming galaxies or star-forming regions are selected by matching the WISE Preliminary Release Catalog with the star-forming galaxy Catalog in SDSS DR8 provided by JHU/MPA 1.We study the relationship between the luminosity at 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 {\mu}m from WISE and H\alpha luminosity in SDSS DR8. From these comparisons, we derive reference SFR indicators for use in our analysis. Linear correlations between SFR and the 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 {\mu}m luminosity are found, and calibrations of SFRs based on L(3.4), L(4.6), L(12) and L(22) are proposed. The calibrations hold for galaxies with verified spectral observations. The dispersion in the relation between 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 {\mu}m luminosity and SFR relates to the galaxy's properties, such as 4000 {\deg}A break and galaxy color.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Short-term effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on sleep bruxism:a pilot study

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on patients with sleep bruxism (SB). Twelve patients with SB were included in an open, single-intervention pilot study. rTMS at 1 Hz and an intensity of 80% of the active motor threshold was applied to the ‘hot spot' of the masseter muscle representation at the primary motor cortex bilaterally for 20 min per side each day for 5 consecutive days. The jaw-closing muscle electromyographic (EMG) activity during sleep was recorded with a portable EMG recorder at baseline, during rTMS treatment and at follow-up for 5 days. In addition, patients scored their jaw-closing muscle soreness on a 0–10 numerical rating scale (NRS). Data were analysed with analysis of variance. The intensity of the EMG activity was suppressed during and after rTMS compared to the baseline (P = 0.04; P = 0.02, respectively). The NRS score of soreness decreased significantly during and after rTMS compared with baseline (P < 0.01). These findings indicated a significant inhibition of jaw-closing muscle activity during sleep along with a decrease of muscle soreness. This pilot study raises the possibility of therapeutic benefits from rTMS in patients with bruxism and calls for further and more controlled studies

    Programmed Death (PD)-1-Deficient Mice Are Extremely Sensitive to Murine Hepatitis Virus Strain-3 (MHV-3) Infection

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    The inhibitory receptor programmed death-1 (PD-1) has the capacity to maintain peripheral tolerance and limit immunopathological damage; however, its precise role in fulminant viral hepatitis (FH) has yet to be described. Here, we investigated the functional mechanisms of PD-1 as related to FH pathogenesis induced by the murine hepatitis virus strain-3 (MHV-3). High levels of PD-1-positive CD4+, CD8+ T cells, NK cells and macrophages were observed in liver, spleen, lymph node and thymus tissues following MHV-3 infection. PD-1-deficient mice exhibited significantly higher expression of the effector molecule which initiates fibrinogen deposition, fibrinogen-like protein 2 (FGL2), than did their wild-type (WT) littermates. As a result, more severe tissue damage was produced and mortality rates were higher. Fluorescence double-staining revealed that FGL2 and PD-1 were not co-expressed on the same cells, while quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that higher levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α mRNA transcription occurred in PD-1-deficient mice in response to MHV-3 infection. Conversely, in vivo blockade of IFN-γ and TNF-α led to efficient inhibition of FGL2 expression, greatly attenuated the development of tissue lesions, and ultimately reduced mortality. Thus, the up-regulation of FGL2 in PD-1-deficient mice was determined to be mediated by IFN-γ and TNF-α. Taken together, our results suggest that PD-1 signaling plays an essential role in decreasing the immunopathological damage induced by MHV-3 and that manipulation of this signal might be a useful strategy for FH immunotherapy

    The contribution of RCTs to quality management and their feasibility in practice

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    The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is generally accepted as the most reliable method of conducting clinical research. To obtain an unbiased evaluation of the effectiveness of spine surgery, patients should be randomly assigned to either new or standard treatment. The aim of the present article is to provide a short overview of the advantages and challenges of RCTs and to present a summary of the conclusions of the Cochrane Reviews in spine surgery and later published trials in order to evaluate their contribution to quality management and feasibility in practice. From the searches, 130 RCTs were included, 95 from Cochrane Reviews and systematic reviews, and 35 from additional search. No study comparing surgery with sham surgery was identified. The first RCT in spine surgery was published in 1974 and compared debridement and ambulatory treatment in tuberculosis of the spine. The contribution of RCTs in spinal surgery has markedly increased over the last 10 years, which indicates that RCTs are feasible in this field. The results demonstrate missing quality specifications. Despite the number of published trials there is conflicting or limited evidence to support various techniques of instrumentation. The only intervention that receives strong evidence is discectomy for faster relief in carefully selected patients due to lumbar disc prolapse with sciatica. For future trials, authors, referees, and editors are recommended to follow the CONSORT statement. RCTs provide evidence to support clinical opinions before implementation of new techniques, but the individual clinical experience is still important for the doctor who has to face the patient

    The Molecular Signature Underlying the Thymic Migration and Maturation of TCRαβ+CD4+CD8- Thymocytes

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    BACKGROUND: After positive selection, the newly generated single positive (SP) thymocytes migrate to the thymic medulla, where they undergo negative selection to eliminate autoreactive T cells and functional maturation to acquire immune competence and egress capability. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To elucidate the genetic program underlying this process, we analyzed changes in gene expression in four subsets of mouse TCRαβ(+)CD4(+)CD8(-) thymocytes (SP1 to SP4) representative of sequential stages in a previously defined differentiation program. A genetic signature of the migration of thymocytes was thus revealed. CCR7 and PlexinD1 are believed to be important for the medullary positioning of SP thymocytes. Intriguingly, their expression remains at low levels in the newly generated thymocytes, suggesting that the cortex-medulla migration may not occur until the SP2 stage. SP2 and SP3 cells gradually up-regulate transcripts involved in T cell functions and the Foxo1-KLF2-S1P(1) axis, but a number of immune function-associated genes are not highly expressed until cells reach the SP4 stage. Consistent with their critical role in thymic emigration, the expression of S1P(1) and CD62L are much enhanced in SP4 cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results support at the molecular level that single positive thymocytes undergo a differentiation program and further demonstrate that SP4 is the stage at which thymocytes acquire the immunocompetence and the capability of emigration from the thymus

    Poorer outcome in stromal HIF-2α- and CA9-positive colorectal adenocarcinomas is associated with wild-type TP53 but not with BNIP3 promoter hypermethylation or apoptosis

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    Stromal expression of hypoxia inducible factor 2α (HIF-2α) and carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA9) are associated with a poorer prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). Tumour cell death, regulated by a hypoxic stromal microenvironment, could be of importance in this respect. Therefore, we correlated apoptosis, TP53 mutational status and BNIP3 promoter hypermethylation of CRC cells with HIF-2α- and CA9-related poor outcome. In a series of 195 CRCs, TP53 mutations in exons 5–8 were analysed by direct sequencing, and promoter hypermethylation of BNIP3 was determined by methylation-specific PCR. Expressions of HIF-2α, CA9, p53, BNIP3 and M30 were analysed immunohistochemically. Poorer survival of HIF-2α and CA9 stromal-positive CRCs was associated with wild-type TP53 (P=0.001 and P=0.0391), but not with BNIP3 methylation. Furthermore, apoptotic levels were independent of the TP53 status, but lower in unmethylated BNIP3 CRCs (P=0.004). It appears that wild-type TP53 in CRC cells favours the progression of tumours expressing markers for hypoxia in their stroma, rather than in the epithelial compartment. Preserved BNIP3 function in CRC cells lowers apoptosis, and may thus be involved in alternative cell death pathways, such as autophagic cell death. However, BNIP3 silencing in tumour cells does not impact on hypoxia-driven poorer prognosis

    Plant cell culture technology in the cosmetics and food industries : current state and future trends

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    The production of drugs, cosmetics, and food which are derived from plant cell and tissue cultures has a long tradition. The emerging trend of manufacturing cosmetics and food products in a natural and sustainable manner has brought a new wave in plant cell culture technology over the past 10 years. More than 50 products based on extracts from plant cell cultures have made their way into the cosmetics industry during this time, whereby the majority is produced with plant cell suspension cultures. In addition, the first plant cell culture-based food supplement ingredients, such as Echigena Plus and Teoside 10, are now produced at production scale. In this mini review, we discuss the reasons for and the characteristics as well as the challenges of plant cell culture-based productions for the cosmetics and food industries. It focuses on the current state of the art in this field. In addition, two examples of the latest developments in plant cell culture-based food production are presented, that is, superfood which boosts health and food that can be produced in the lab or at home