25 research outputs found

    Mesozoic and Cenozoic Magmatism in the Betics

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    SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of anatexis in high-grade migmatite complexes of Central Spain: implications in the Hercynian evolution of Central Iberia

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    U–Pb SHRIMP ages obtained in zircons from the Sotosalbos and Toledo anatectic complexes in Central Spain give new constraints to the evolution of the inner part of the Hercynian Iberian belt. Pre- Hercynian ages in zircons from the Sotosalbos complex (~464 Ma) are well preserved and reveal that an age diversity of the Lower Paleozoic magmatism in the area exists, as previous data on westernmost orthogneisses yield significant older ages. Zircon ages in the pelite-derived granites from the Toledo complex also show an important Neoproterozoic age component which points to a metasedimentary protolith deposited maximally 560 Ma ago. Younger zircon populations in both complexes at ~330 Ma in the Sotosalbos region and ~317 Ma in the Toledo complex indicate an important diachronism between the anatectic processes in both areas but also that these processes are mainly unrelated to the generation of the later Hercynian granite batholith of Central Spain, which could be of deeper crustal derivation. In addition, as migmatization occurred late in the metamorphic cycle, after peak conditions were attained, the age of anatexis is younger than the age of the main Hercynian metamorphic event, which still is not well constrained

    Andalusite and Na- and Li-rich cordierite in the La Costa pluton, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: textural and chemical evidence for a magmatic origin

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    The La Costa pluton in the Sierra de Velasco (NW Argentina) consists of S-type granitoids that can be grouped into three igneous facies: the alkali-rich Santa Cruz facies (SCF, SiO2 *67 wt%) distinguished by the presence of andalusite and Na- and Li-rich cordierite (Na2O = 1.55–1.77 wt% and Li2O = 0.14–0.66 wt%), the Anillaco facies (SiO2 *74 wt%) with a significant proportion of Mn-rich garnet, and the Anjullo´n facies (SiO2 *75 wt%) with abundant albitic plagioclase. The petrography, mineral chemistry and whole-rock geochemistry of the SCF are compatible with magmatic crystallization of Na- and Li-rich cordierite, andalusite and muscovite from the peraluminous magma under moderate P–T conditions (*1.9 kbar and ca. 735C). The high Li content of cordierite in the SCF is unusual for granitic rocks of intermediate composition

    Multiple crustal sources for post-tectonic I-type granites in the Hercynian Iberian Belt

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    A post-tectonic plutonic array of felsic I-type granites crops out in the western Hercynian Iberian Belt. Isotope (Sr, N d, Pb) data favour the absence of an important input of juvenile magmas in late- to post- tectonic Hercynian felsic magmatism in western Iberia, but suggest a reworking of different crustal protoliths, including oceanic metabasic rocks accreted to mid-to-Iower crustal levels during the early stages of the collision. I-type granites were derived from different meta-igneous protoliths ranging from metabasic to felsic compositions depending on their geographical position from the external (e.g. Galicia-N Portugal, GNP) to the innermost continental areas (Spanish Central System and Los Pedroches Batholiths). The GNP 1- type pIu tons related to eo-Hercynian accretional terranes have lower initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, lower negative εNd values, and higher 206PbP04Pb ratios than other I-type granites of the Central Iberian zone. These more isotopically primitive Hercynian I-type granites are important in tracking pre-Hercynian accreted oceanic lithosphere terranes

    U–Pb isotopic ages and Hf isotope composition of zircons in Variscan gabbros from central Spain: evidence of variable crustal contamination

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    Ion microprobe U–Pb analyses of zircons from three gabbroic intrusions from the Spanish Central System (SCS) (Talavera, La Solanilla and Navahermosa) yield Variscan ages (300 to 305 Ma) in agreement with recent studies. Only two zircon crystals from La Solanilla massif gave slightly discordant Paleoproterozoic ages (1,848 and 2,010 Ma). Hf isotope data show a relatively large variation with the juvenile end-members showing ɛHfi values as high as +3.6 to +6.9 and +1.5 to +2.9 in the Navahermosa and Talavera gabbros, respectively. These positive ɛHfi values up to +6.9 might represent the composition of the subcontinental mantle which generates these SCS gabbros. This ɛHfi range is clearly below depleted mantle values suggesting the involvement of enriched mantle components on the origin of these Variscan gabbros, and is consistent with previous whole-rock studies. The presence of zircons with negative ɛHfi values suggest variable, but significant, crustal contamination of the gabbros, mainly by mixing with coeval granite magmas. Inherited Paleoproterozoic zircons of La Solanilla gabbros have similar trace element composition (e.g. Th/U ratios), but more evolved Hf-isotope signatures than associated Variscan zircons. Similar inherited ages have been recorded in zircons from coeval Variscan granitoids from the Central Iberian Zone. Granitic rocks have Nd model ages (TDM) predominantly in the range of 1.4 to 1.6 Ga, suggesting a juvenile addition during the Proterozoic. However, Hf crustal model ages of xenocrystic Proterozoic zircons in La Solanilla gabbro indicate the presence of reworked Archean protoliths (TDM2 model ages of 3.0 to 3.2 Ga) incorporated into the hybridized mafic magma

    Petrogenesis of Permian alkaline lamprophyres and diabases from the Spanish Central System and their geodynamic context within western Europe

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    Basic to ultrabasic alkaline lamprophyres and diabases intruded within the Spanish Central System (SCS) during Upper Permian. Their high LREE, LILE and HFSE contents, together with positive Nb–Ta anomalies, link their origin with the infiltration of sublithospheric K-rich fluids. These alkaline dykes may be classified in two distinct groups according to the Sr–Nd isotope ratios: (1) a depleted PREMA-like asthenospheric component, and (2) a BSE-like lithospheric component. A slight enrichment in radiogenic 207Pb and 208Pb allows the contribution of a recycled crustal or lithospheric component in the mantle sources. The intrusion of this alkaline magmatism is likely to have occurred due to adiabatic decompression and mantle upwelling in the context of the widespread rifting developed from Carboniferous to Permian in western Europe. The clear differences in the geochemical affinity of Lower Permian basic magmas from north-western and south-western Europe might be interpreted in terms of a more extensive separation of both regions during that period, until they were assembled during Upper Permian