22 research outputs found

    Exploring the Level of Tendency to Prayer and the Factors Affecting It among Students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences in 2017

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Considering the effect of prayer on each person, especially at a young age and studentship period, this study aimed to explore the level of tendency to prayer and the factors affecting it among students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences.Method: In this descriptive and analytical study, 260 students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences were selected by stratified sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire with two sections; the first section was intended to collect the participants’ demographic information and the second one aimed at exploring students’ tendency to prayer and its affecting factors. The collected data were analyzed by carrying out descriptive (frequency, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential (independent-samples t-test, ANOVA) statistical procedures. The significance level was set at P<0.05. All ethical issues were observed in this study and the researchers declared no conflict of interests.Results: The mean and standard deviation of the tendency toward prayer were 73.96±19.38. The most influential factors in the tendency of students to prayer were the enjoyment of prayer and the achievement of calmness, the prevention of sin and unpleasant deeds and the least influential factors in the tendency of students to prayer were the intimate relationship with the imam congregation, the useful lecture and the scientific mastery of imam congregation during the time of the prayers. The results of the t-test showed students’ marital status and gender significantly influenced their tendency to prayer (P<0.05). Further, the results of one-way ANOVA showed that students’ academic year, GPA, and parents’ academic degree (P<0.05) significantly influenced the participants tendency toward prayer. In other words, the level of prayer tendency was considerably higher in married, female students. Also, students with higher GPAs and students in the fourth year of their studies were more willing to say prayer.Conclusion: The level of tendency to prayer among students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences was good. However, an effective educational program should be designed to strengthen this ritual.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Kavosi A, Meshkani M, Shurvarzi N, Roohi Gh, Nasiri H, Kavosi A, Mohammadi Gh. Exploring the Level of Tendency to Prayer and the Factors Affecting It among Students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences in 2017. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 5(3):96- 108. doi: https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.2230

    Determination of suitable size of Rutilus frisii kutum for releasing by evaluation of osmotic regulation ability

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    The study was done in Nutrition and Live Food Station was located in Bandar Anzali Ghaziyan. Juveniles weighted average 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g were randomly selected in three water conditions with a salinity of 11 ppt (Caspian sea water), water 7 ppt and freshwater (with three replicates per group) were included. At intervals of 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 72, 168, 240 hours, blood samples were heparinized capillary tubes by caudal juveniles and ion concentrations Mg, Ca,Cl using the spectrophotometer and sodium and potassium ions with Flaym photometry (flame photometric), the osmotic pressure of blood plasma by osmometer and cortisol levels were measured by RIA method. To study the microstructure of gill and kidney tissue for each treatment , tissue samples by classical histological methods and stained with hematoxylin - eosin slides were prepared. The frequency and location of the enzyme Na^+, K^+ - ATPase and chloride cells with immunohistochemical localization was performed. Studies micrometric gill chloride cells and renal glomerular networks by software Image tool (version 2.0) was performed. Measurement of enzyme Na^+, K^+-ATPase, by Zaugg (1982) method was conducted. Data analyzed by one-way ANOVA (Oneway ANOVA) with Tukey's test was performed. Overall, the results of measuring ions and osmotic pressure on the tenth day of treatment, the osmotic potential juveniles 2.5, 5, 10, 20 gr in Caspian sea water and all groups except the 0.5 in water of 7 ppt confirmed. But in case of unfavorable conditions for the release in estuaries river and river, fish with weight 1 to 3 release directly to beach (where the salinity is 7 grams per liter) and fishes with weight from 10 to 20 gr to sea. Although suitable river conditions necessary condition for release of juveniles in riverine areas to adaptation juveniles occur gradually

    Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers on Quantitative-Qualitative Traits and Drought Tolerance Indices of Rainfed Wheat Cultivar

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    Increasing global food requirements and global warming are two challenges of future food security. Water availability and nutrient management are two important factors that affect high-yield and high-quality wheat production. The main and interactive effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on quantitative-qualitative properties and drought tolerance of an Iranian rainfed cultivar of wheat, Azar-2, were evaluated. Four rates of nitrogen (N0, N30, N60, and N90 kg/ha), along with four concentrations of potassium (K0, K30, K60, and K90 kg/ha), were applied in rainfed (drought stress) and non-stress conditions. The interactive effect of N × K was significant on nitrogen and protein contents of grains at 5% and 1% probability levels, respectively. Different trends of SSI, STI, K1STI, and K2STI indexes were observed with the interactive levels of nitrogen and potassium. The lowest SSI index (0.67) was observed in N30K30, whereas the highest STI (1.07), K1STI (1.46), and K2STI (1.51) indexes were obtained by N90K60 and N90K90. The obtained results could be useful to increase yield and quality of winter rainfed wheat cultivars under drought stress with cool-rainfed areas. N60K30 and N90K60 can be recommended to increase the grain yield and protein content of rainfed wheat under drought stress and non-stress conditions, respectively

    Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers on Quantitative-Qualitative Traits and Drought Tolerance Indices of Rainfed Wheat Cultivar

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    Increasing global food requirements and global warming are two challenges of future food security. Water availability and nutrient management are two important factors that affect high-yield and high-quality wheat production. The main and interactive effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on quantitative-qualitative properties and drought tolerance of an Iranian rainfed cultivar of wheat, Azar-2, were evaluated. Four rates of nitrogen (N0, N30, N60, and N90 kg/ha), along with four concentrations of potassium (K0, K30, K60, and K90 kg/ha), were applied in rainfed (drought stress) and non-stress conditions. The interactive effect of N × K was significant on nitrogen and protein contents of grains at 5% and 1% probability levels, respectively. Different trends of SSI, STI, K1STI, and K2STI indexes were observed with the interactive levels of nitrogen and potassium. The lowest SSI index (0.67) was observed in N30K30, whereas the highest STI (1.07), K1STI (1.46), and K2STI (1.51) indexes were obtained by N90K60 and N90K90. The obtained results could be useful to increase yield and quality of winter rainfed wheat cultivars under drought stress with cool-rainfed areas. N60K30 and N90K60 can be recommended to increase the grain yield and protein content of rainfed wheat under drought stress and non-stress conditions, respectively

    Towards Ultra-Efficient Qca Reversible Circuits

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    Nanotechnologies, remarkably Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA), offer an attractive perspective for future computing technologies. In this paper, QCA is investigated as an implementation method for reversible logic. A novel XOR gate and also a new approach to implement 2:1 multiplexer are presented. Moreover, an efficient and potent universal reversible gate based on the proposed XOR gate is designed. The proposed reversible gate has a superb performance in implementing the QCA standard benchmark combinational functions in terms of area, complexity, power consumption, and cost function in comparison to the other reversible gates. The gate achieves the lowest overall cost among the most cost-efficient designs presented so far, with a reduction of 24%. In order to employ the merits of reversibility, the proposed reversible gate is leveraged to design the four common latches (D latch, T latch, JK latch, and SR latch). Specialized structures of the proposed circuits could be used as building blocks in designing sequential and combinational circuits in QCA architectures

    Culture of a new medicinal leech: growthı survival and reproduction of Hirudo orientalis Utevsky and Tronteljı 2005 under laboratory conditions

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    Malek, Masoumeh, Jafarifar, Fatemeh, Aminjan, Atabak Roohi, Salehi, Hassan, Parsa, Hossein (2019): Culture of a new medicinal leech: growthı survival and reproduction of Hirudo orientalis Utevsky and Tronteljı 2005 under laboratory conditions. Journal of Natural History 53 (11): 627-637, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2019.159720

    بررسی میزان گرایش به نماز و عوامل مؤثر بر آن در دانشجویان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی نیشابور در سال 1396

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: بالنظر الى تأثير الصلاة على كل شخص، وخاصة في عمر الشباب والمرحلة الجامعية، فقد تم اجراء هذا البحث بهدف تحديد مستوى الرغبة الى الصلاة وعوامله المؤثرة في طلاب جامعة نيسابور للعلوم الطبية في عام. منهجية البحث: في هذه الدراسة الوصفية والتحليلية تم اختيار 260 طالب من الطلاب المؤهلين من جامعة نيسابور للعلوم الطبية عن طريق اخذ العيات الطبقية. وكانت اداة جمع البيانات عبارة عن استبيان ذي قسمين يتضمن معلومات ديموغرافية ومستوى الرغبة الى الصلاة والعوامل المؤثرة على ذلك. تم تحليل البيانات وتجزئتها من خلال اختبارات وصفية (المتوسط، الانحراف المعياري، التردد) وإحصاءات استنتاجية (اختبار تی و التباين الاحادي)، وقد اعتبر مستوى الدلالة 05/0P<. تمت مراعاة جميع الموارد الاخلاقية في هذا البحث واضافة الى هذا فإن مؤلفي البحث لم يشيروا الى اي تضارب في المصالح. الكشوفات: كان المتوسط والانحراف المعياري للميل الى الصلاة 38/19±96/73. و إن أهم العوامل المؤثرة في الرغبة الطلاب إلى الصلاة على التوالي هي التمتع بالصلاة والوصول الى طمأنينة قلبية، وتجنب المعاصي والاعمال السيئة، وكانت العوامل الأقل تأثيراً في ميل الطلاب إلى الصلاة على التوالي هي العلاقة الحميمة مع امام الجماعة والمحاضرات المفيدة والتمكن العلمي لإمام الجماعة أثناء اقامة الصلاة. اظهر اختبار "تي" الاحصائي ان هناك علاقة ذات دلالة احصائية بين الحالة الزوجية والجنس وبين متوسط الميل الى الصلاة (05/0P<)؛ بينما اظهر اختبار التباين الاحادي فرقا كبيراً بين متوسط الميل الى الصلاة وبين السنة الدراسية والمعدل والمستوى الدراسي للوالدين (05/0P<). بعبارة اخرى فإن نسبة الميل الى الصلاة في الطالبات المتزوجات وبمعدل عالي وفي السنة الدراسية الأخيرة، أعلى من الطلاب الآخرين. الاستنتاج: إن مستوى الرغبة الى الصلاة لدى طلاب جامعة نيسابور للعلوم الطبية كان بمستوى جيد لكنه بحاجة الى تنظيم برنامج تعليمي فعال في مجال تعزيز هذه الفريضة.   يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Kavosi A, Meshkani M, Shurvarzi N, Roohi Gh, Nasiri H, Kavosi A, Mohammadi Gh. Exploring the Level of Tendency to Prayer and the Factors Affecting It among Students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences in 2017. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(3):96-108. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.22306Background and Objective: Considering the effect of prayer on each person, especially at a young age and studentship period, this study aimed to explore the level of tendency to prayer and the factors affecting it among students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this descriptive and analytical study, 260 students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences were selected by stratified sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire with two sections; the first section was intended to collect the participants’ demographic information and the second one aimed at exploring students’ tendency to prayer and its affecting factors. The collected data were analyzed by carrying out descriptive (frequency, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential (independent-samples t-test, ANOVA) statistical procedures. The significance level was set at P<0.05. In this study all ethical issues were observed and the researchers declared no conflict of interests. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the tendency toward prayer were 73.96±19.38. The most influential factors in the tendency of students to prayer were the enjoyment of prayer and the achievement of calmness, the prevention of sin and unpleasant deeds and the least influential factors in the tendency of students to prayer were the intimate relationship with the imam congregation, the useful lecture and the scientific mastery of imam congregation during the time of the prayers. The results of the t-test showed students’ marital status and gender significantly influenced their tendency to prayer (P<0.05). Further, the results of one-way ANOVA showed that students’ academic year, GPA, and parents’ academic degree (P<0.05) significantly influenced the participants tendency toward prayer. In other words, the level of prayer tendency was considerably higher in married, female students. Also, students with higher GPAs and students in the fourth year of their studies were more willing to say prayer. Conclusion: The level of tendency to prayer among students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences was good. However, an effective educational program should be designed to strengthen this ritual.   Please cite this article as: Kavosi A, Meshkani M, Shurvarzi N, Roohi Gh, Nasiri H, Kavosi A, Mohammadi Gh. Exploring the Level of Tendency to Prayer and the Factors Affecting It among Students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences in 2017. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(3):96-108. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.22306سابقه و هدف: با توجه به تأثیر نماز بر هر شخص به‌ویژه در سن جوانی و دوران دانشجویی، این پژوهش با هدف تعیین میزان گرایش به نماز و عوامل مؤثر بر آن، در دانشجویان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی نیشابور در سال 1396 انجام شده است. روش کار: در این پژوهش توصیفی-تحلیلی، تعداد 260 دانشجوی واجد شرایط دانشگاه علوم پزشکی نیشابور با روش نمونه‌گیری طبقه‌یی وارد پژوهش شدند. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات یک پرسش‌نامه‌ی دوبخشی شامل اطلاعات جمعیت‌شناختی و میزان گرایش به نماز و عوامل مؤثر بر آن بود. داده‌ها پس از جمع‌آوری با استفاده از آزمون‌های توصیفی (میانگین، انحراف معیار و فراوانی) و استنباطی (آزمون تی و واریانس یک‌طرفه) تجزیه ‌و تحلیل شد و سطح معناداری 05/0P< در نظر گرفته شد. در این پژوهش همه‌ی موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و نویسندگان مقاله هیچ‌گونه تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: میانگین و انحراف معیار کلی گرایش به نماز 38/19±96/73 به‌ دست آمد. بیشترین عوامل تأثیرگذار در گرایش دانشجویان به نماز به‌ترتیب لذت‌بخش بودن نماز و رسیدن به آرامش قلبی، پیشگیری از گناه و کارهای ناپسند؛ و کمترین عوامل تأثیرگذار به‌ترتیب ارتباط صمیمی با امام جماعت، سخنرانی مفید و تسلط علمی امام جماعت در زمان برپایی نماز بود. آزمون آماری تی بین تأهل و جنس با میانگین گرایش به نماز ارتباط معنادار (05/0P<)؛ و آزمون آماری واریانس یک‌طرفه بین میانگین گرایش به نماز با سال تحصیلی، معدل و تحصیلات والدین دانشجویان اختلاف معناداری نشان داد (05/0P<). به‌عبارتی‌دیگر، میزان گرایش به نماز در دانشجویان متأهلِ زن، با معدل بالا و سال آخر، نسبت به دانشجویان دیگر بیشتر بود.   نتیجه‌گیری: میزان گرایش دانشجویان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی نیشابور به نماز در سطح خوب بود، اما نیازمند تدوين برنامه‌ی آموزشي مؤثر در زمینه‌ی تقويت اين فريضه است. استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Kavosi A, Meshkani M, Shurvarzi N, Roohi Gh, Nasiri H, Kavosi A, Mohammadi Gh. Exploring the Level of Tendency to Prayer and the Factors Affecting It among Students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences in 2017. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(3):96-108. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.2230