1,422 research outputs found

    Economic Polarisation in Latin America and the Caribbean: What do Household Surveys Tell Us?

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    This document presents and discusses an extensive set of statistics aimed at characterizing the degree of economic polarisation in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. The study is based on a dataset of household surveys from 21 LAC countries in the period 1989-2004. Latin America is characterised by a high level of economic polarisation, compared to other regions in the world. On average, income polarisation has mildly increased in the region since the early 1990s. The country experiences in terms of income polarisation, however, have been heterogeneous. The region has moved forward toward the reduction of educational inequalities, while the gaps between the rich and the poor in terms of access to basic services (water and electricity) have been reduced.polarisation, cohesion, inequality, Latin America, Caribbean

    Henri Temianka Correspondence; (horenstein)

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    This collection contains material pertaining to the life, career, and activities of Henri Temianka, violin virtuoso, conductor, music teacher, and author. Materials include correspondence, concert programs and flyers, music scores, photographs, and books.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/temianka_correspondence/3619/thumbnail.jp

    Management of the Demented Patient

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    There are four essential points to the rational management of the demented patient which will be dealt with here. They are 1) the definition of the term dementia, facilitating the identification of a specific group of patients, 2) the sequence of diagnostic steps required to identify manageable and treatable features in demented patients, 3) the effective separation of dementia from depression, which is probably the most significant diagnostic point for primary care physicians, and 4) the description of a few clinical features encountered in demented patients which the physician can often modify by family education and training, by the manipulation of the patient’s environment, and by medication needed to maintain the patient’s general health

    A New All-sky Catalogue of Candidate Protoplanetary Disks from Aggregated Optical and Infrared Surveys

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    To guide research into formation scenarios for giant planets, I present a catalogue of 199,391 sources with candidate protoplanetary disks. These candidates are identified through an iterative color selection process in a 5,460-dimensional color-color space. As part of this process, photometry and SIMBAD classifications are aggregated from multiple large surveys, collectively covering 14 optical and infrared bands from 0.35 – 22 microns. An estimated false positive rate of 36.1% makes this catalogue a suitably sturdy foundation for a wide range of subsequent studies. After a discussion of the context surrounding this research, the forthcoming journal article describing this catalogue is reprinted in its entirety, and commentary is offered on the results

    Henri Temianka Correspondence; (horenstein)

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    Forma, perspectiva y percepción: ¿es el alma la que ve y no el cuerpo?

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    In this paper I try to explore two models of vision, one of them is supported by the distinction between soul and body, the other instead proposes an embodied perceptual subject. The first model of vision is developed by R. Descartes on his writings about Optic, whereas the second model has, as its most clear representative, the French philosopher M. Merleau-Ponty. I would focus on a phenomenological description of the experiences of seeing, which are promoted by each model. IEn este trabajo se exploran dos modelos de la visión, uno que se apoya sobre la distinción alma-cuerpo y otro que privilegia a un sujeto perceptivo encarnado. El primero de ellos se encuentra desarrollado por R. Descartes en sus escritos sobre óptica, mientras que el segundo encuentra en la filosofía de M. Merleau-Ponty a su más lúcido representante. Intentando una descripción fenomenológica de las experiencias del ver que promocionan cada uno de estos modelos se reflexiona acerca de la relación entre forma, perspectiva y percepción en ocasión de una exposición de arte

    The conditions of situated thought

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    En este artículo se considera el diagnóstico de Enrique Dussel Ambrosini sobre el estado actual de la enseñanza de la filosofía para esclarecer la importancia de la discusión de las “guías racionales” que orientan nuestro trabajo intelectual. Ilustraré mi conclusión a través de un examen de la concepción de Descartes de los sistemas filosóficos y a través de la referencia a casos y experiencias concretas de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la filosofía.In this paper I will consider the diagnosis given by Enrique Dussel Ambrosini upon the current state of the teaching of philosophy in order to clarify the importance of the discussion of the “rational guides” that orientate our intellectual work. I will illustrate my conclusion through an examination of Descartes's view on philosophical systems and by reference to concrete cases of teaching and learning philosophy.Fil: Battán Horenstein, Ariela. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Homosexuals in the Teaching Profession

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    What is the status of the homosexual in the teaching profession? What are the problems in obtaining authorization to teach, or applying for a teaching position, and the effects of exposure as a homosexual on job security

    Escalas y medición de magnitudes no-métricas

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    La práctica de la medición mediante el uso de instrumentos alcanza en primera instancia a diversos aspectos del dominio físico y tardíamente se extiende al área de la investigación social, como secuela del interés por medir magnitudes no métricas del tipo de la inteligencia, las sensaciones, las actitudes, las opiniones En la presente contribución planeo discutir el sentido y alcance de la medición derivada del uso de escalas en la teorización psicosocial, recurriendo para ello a un análisis centrado en las escalas Likert

    "Hay conjuntos y conjuntos"

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    La concepción estructural se inscribe en la tradición semanticista, a. pesar de los escrúpulos y objeciones que esta inclusión suscita en Snppe. Los reparos que este autor opone en The Semantic Conception of Theories and Screntific Realism (1989) refieren al hecho dicho que Sneed emplea reglas de correspondencia. Razón suficiente para excluir al estructuralismo de la Concepción Semántica es -a juicio de Suppe- que " ... el análisis de Sneed retiene ciertas reglas de correspondencia explicitas en la forma de oraciones de Ramsey" (íd., p. 19)