16,637 research outputs found

    TMS communications hardware. Volume 2: Bus interface unit

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    A prototype coaxial cable bus communication system used in the Trend Monitoring System to interconnect intelligent graphics terminals to a host minicomputer is described. The terminals and host are connected to the bus through a microprocessor-based RF modem termed a Bus Interface Unit (BIU). The BIU hardware and the Carrier Sense Multiple Access Listen-While-Talk protocol used on the network are described

    End user development: Satisfaction with tools and satisfaction with applications

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    This study explored the relationship between end user developers’ perceptions of their applications and their perceptions of the tools used to create them. Satisfaction with a user developed application was found to be significantly correlated with satisfaction with the tool used to create the application. The role of experience in this relationship was also explored, and possible implications of the findings are discussed

    Asymptotic decay of pair correlations in a Yukawa fluid

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    We analyse the rr \to \infty asymptotic decay of the total correlation function, h(r)h(r), for a fluid composed of particles interacting via a (point) Yukawa pair potential. Such a potential provides a simple model for dusty plasmas. The asymptotic decay is determined by the poles of the liquid structure factor in the complex plane. We use the hypernetted-chain closure to the Ornstein-Zernike equation to determine the line in the phase diagram, well-removed from the freezing transition line, where crossover occurs in the ultimate decay of h(r)h(r), from monotonic to damped oscillatory. We show: i) crossover takes place via the same mechanism (coalescence of imaginary poles) as in the classical one-component plasma and in other models of Coulomb fluids and ii) leading-order pole contributions provide an accurate description of h(r)h(r) at intermediate distances rr as well as at long range.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The quantum Casimir operators of \Uq and their eigenvalues

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    We show that the quantum Casimir operators of the quantum linear group constructed in early work of Bracken, Gould and Zhang together with one extra central element generate the entire center of \Uq. As a by product of the proof, we obtain intriguing new formulae for eigenvalues of these quantum Casimir operators, which are expressed in terms of the characters of a class of finite dimensional irreducible representations of the classical general linear algebra.Comment: 10 page

    Domestic Correspondence.

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    Restoration of Lake Hakanoa: Results of model simulations

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    This report was requested by Waikato District Council. It covers the lake water quality of, and possible restoration scenarios for, Lake Hakanoa a riverine lake situated in Huntly. The lake is used as a recreational resource by the community. In the past it has been reported to have had very poor water quality and is known to be eutrophic. It is currently in an algal-dominated, devegetated state and has low water clarity. The shallowness of this lake makes it potentially susceptible to resuspension of sediments through wind action. A community group, Friends of Hakanoa, has been responsible for the formation of a path around the perimeter of the lake, retiring about 3.6% of the catchment from pastoral farming and creating a riparian margin. Results from more recent reports and this report indicate a trend of improving water quality which may be related to recent restoration actions such as re-establishment of a riparian margin

    A position sensitive phoswich hard X-ray detector system

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    A prototype position sensitive phoswich hard X-ray detector, designed for eventual astronomical usage, was tested in the laboratory. The scintillation crystal geometry was designed on the basis of a Monte Carlo simulation of the internal optics and includes a 3mm thick NaI(T1) primary X-ray detector which is actively shielded by a 20 mm thick CsI(T1) scintillation crystal. This phoswich arrangement is viewed by a number two inch photomultipliers. Measured values of the positional and spectral resolution of incident X-ray photons are compared with calculation

    Solvent mediated interactions between model colloids and interfaces: A microscopic approach

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    We determine the solvent mediated contribution to the effective potentials for model colloidal or nano- particles dispersed in a binary solvent that exhibits fluid-fluid phase separation. Using a simple density functional theory we calculate the density profiles of both solvent species in the presence of the `colloids', which are treated as external potentials, and determine the solvent mediated (SM) potentials. Specifically, we calculate SM potentials between (i) two colloids, (ii) a colloid and a planar fluid-fluid interface, and (iii) a colloid and a planar wall with an adsorbed wetting film. We consider three different types of colloidal particles: colloid A which prefers the bulk solvent phase rich in species 2, colloid C which prefers the solvent phase rich in species 1, and `neutral' colloid B which has no strong preference for either phase, i.e. the free energies to insert the colloid into either of the coexisting bulk phases are almost equal. When a colloid which has a preference for one of the two solvent phases is inserted into the disfavored phase at statepoints close to coexistence a thick adsorbed `wetting' film of the preferred phase may form around the colloids. The presence of the adsorbed film has a profound influence on the form of the SM potentials.Comment: 17 Pages, 13 Figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Advanced dendritic web growth development and development of single-crystal silicon dendritic ribbon and high-efficiency solar cell program

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    Efforts to demonstrate that the dendritic web technology is ready for commercial use by the end of 1986 continues. A commercial readiness goal involves improvements to crystal growth furnace throughput to demonstrate an area growth rate of greater than 15 sq cm/min while simultaneously growing 10 meters or more of ribbon under conditions of continuous melt replenishment. Continuous means that the silicon melt is being replenished at the same rate that it is being consumed by ribbon growth so that the melt level remains constant. Efforts continue on computer thermal modeling required to define high speed, low stress, continuous growth configurations; the study of convective effects in the molten silicon and growth furnace cover gas; on furnace component modifications; on web quality assessments; and on experimental growth activities