105 research outputs found

    Manifeste Observatoire de la déficience visuelle

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    Cet observatoire de la dĂ©ficience visuelle doit permettre aux personnes, aux professionnels, aux chercheurs, aux Ă©lus et aux dĂ©cideurs politiques de se rĂ©unir et de s\u27enrichir mutuellement afin d’amĂ©liorer la situation des personnes dĂ©ficientes visuelles dans notre sociĂ©tĂ©.Cet observatoire dressera un Ă©tat des lieux de la dĂ©ficience visuelle en France y compris les dĂ©partements et rĂ©gions d’outre-mer. Cet observatoire offrira des ressources, des rĂ©flexions, des informations, des expertises portant sur la dĂ©ficience visuelle

    Infographie Ă©tude HomĂšre

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    Il s\u27agit d\u27une enquĂȘte participative qui associe les personnes concernĂ©es avec les chercheurs. Les objectifs sont les suivants : -Mieux connaĂźtre les personnes dĂ©ficientes visuelles et identifier leurs difficultĂ©s. -Mieux cibler les aides en fonction de leurs diffĂ©rents profils

    «Bio muss fĂŒr alle zugĂ€nglich sein»

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    RaphaĂ«l Charles blickt zurĂŒck auf die Entwicklung des Departements Westschweiz des FiBL, das er seit 2016 leitet. Innerhalb weniger Jahre hat sich das FiBL in der Romandie als kompetenter Partner etabliert

    Étude Homùre

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    L’enquĂȘte HomĂšre a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ©e par un collectif d’associations et l’Institut national des jeunes aveugles. Elle repose sur une dĂ©marche participative impliquant plus d’une cinquantaine de contributeurs : les personnes dĂ©ficientes visuelles, leurs proches et les professionnels qui les accompagnent. Cette Ă©tude permet de mieux comprendre ce que les personnes vivent au quotidien, mais aussi ce qu’elles savent de leur dĂ©ficience visuelle, mettant en Ă©vidence, pour certaines d’entre elles, les difficultĂ©s de comprĂ©hension ou de rĂ©ception du diagnostic mĂ©dical

    Combining spectral indices and statistics analysis to proposed a new risk of soil degradation method – application to the Cameroonians shores of lake Chad and its hinterland

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    International audienceIn the far northern part of Cameroon, the shores of Lake Chad are in the most exposed zone to the risks of soil degradation due to environmental conditions, more severe climatic conditions and modes of uses and exploitation of natural resources (National Action Plan to combat Desertification (PAN/LCD) 2006). It is an area marked by degradation and decline of soil fertility, unsuitable cultivation practices, high extension of barren land, erosion, runoff, and decrease of fallows, overgrazing, and pesticides pollution

    «Le bio doit ĂȘtre plus accessible!»

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    RaphaĂ«l Charles revient sur l’évolution du DĂ©partement Suisse Romande du FiBL qu’il dirige depuis 2016. Le FiBL s’est depuis imposĂ© dans le paysage technique et institutionnel agricole

    «Bio deve essere accessibile a tutti»

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    RaphaĂ«l Charles ripercorre lo sviluppo del dipartimento Svizzera romanda del FiBL che dirige dal 2016. Entro pochi anni l’istituzione si Ăš affermata un partner competente per gli esperti

    DĂ©fis et perspectives du dĂ©veloppement de l’activitĂ© touristique Ă  Foumban, ville historique de l’Ouest Cameroun

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    La simple Ă©vocation du nom de Foumban rappelle aux touristes nationaux et internationaux les grandes richesses culturelle et artisanale du peuple Bamoun. En effet, qu’il s’agisse du Palais royal Ă©difiĂ© au dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle, de son musĂ©e riche d’attributs royaux et d’objets anciens, ou encore de la diversitĂ© des pratiques ancestrales lors des manifestations du Ngouon, le chef-lieu du dĂ©partement du Noun attire en moyenne 4 500 Ă  5 000 visiteurs chaque annĂ©e. Ces visites sont tournĂ©es essentiellement vers le Palais et son musĂ©e. Les principaux acteurs intervenant dans l’activitĂ© touristique sont : le Sultan, Roi des Bamoun, qui supervise et coordonne le bon dĂ©roulement du tourisme afin d’en sauvegarder principalement l’aspect culturel ; des opĂ©rateurs touristiques, qui partent des grandes mĂ©tropoles avec leurs « clients » vers Foumban ; les guides locaux, qui selon le degrĂ© de confiance qui leur est accordĂ©, ont accĂšs au musĂ©e royal. En dĂ©pit du fait que chacun de ces acteurs joue un rĂŽle essentiel pour le dĂ©veloppement du tourisme dans la ville, quelques lacunes peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©celĂ©es. Ainsi, on peut remarquer entre autres : la concentration de l’activitĂ© au centre ville et donc la non visite de certains autres sites potentiels ; l’inexistence d’un circuit prĂ©Ă©tabli connu Ă  l’avance, d’oĂč la monotonie de celui actuel ; le nombre limitĂ© d’acteurs ; l’entretien non assurĂ© et la durabilitĂ© mise Ă  mal de certains sites et dans le milieu naturel en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Cette contribution part de l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle la gestion concertĂ©e du tourisme entre des acteurs diversifiĂ©s est une solution pour une meilleure dĂ©finition du rĂŽle des acteurs, une utilisation optimale et durable des sites touristiques de la ville, et par consĂ©quent une multiplication des flux. Son objectif est alors d’aboutir Ă  la proposition d’un schĂ©ma local de gestion touristique, avec reprĂ©cisions des rĂŽles des acteurs, en fonction de la hiĂ©rarchisation sociale et des exigences administratives et institutionnelles. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont la mise en place d’un schĂ©ma stratĂ©gique local de gestion concertĂ©e du tourisme, dont la configuration favorise la durabilitĂ©.The simple evocation of Fumban reminds national and international tourists of the great cultural and artistic treasures of the Bamun people. Be it the royal palace constructed at the dawn of the 20th century, her museum enriched with treasures and royal attires, and/or the diversities of ancestral practices during the Nguon celebrations ; the headquarters of the Noun division is a treasure which attracts between 4 500 and 5 000 visitors each year. Visits are mainly directed to the palace and its museum. The principal actors involved in the practice of touristic activities are : his Royal Highness the Sultan, King of the Bamun who supervises and coordinates the good functioning of the cultural aspects ; the touristic operators, who come from metropolis with their client to Fumban ; local guides who, according to the degree of confidence put on them, have access to the royal museum.if it seems that each actor plays an essential role for the development of tourism in the town, some lacunas can be observed ; outstandingly there is : a concentration of touristic activities in the central town ; the non existence of a predefined circuit, therefore monotony in the actual circuit ; a limited number of actors ; a lack of maintenance of some sites in the natural environment.This article relies on the hypothesis that concerted management of tourism between actors is a solution for a better definition of their role for an optimal and sustainable utilization of touristic sites in the town, and consequently, a multiplication of incoming flow. The objective is to propose a local scheme of touristic management, with precisions on the role of actors according to the social organization of institutional and administrative requirements. The main result is that the implementation of a strategic local scheme of concerted management of tourism with configuration favors sustainability

    Targeting Ara h 2 with human‐derived monoclonal antibodies prevents peanut‐induced anaphylaxis in mice

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    Background: Peanut allergy is a type‐I hypersensitivity immune reaction mediated by the binding of peanut allergens to IgE‐FcΔRI complexes on mast cells and basophils and by their subsequent cellular degranulation. Of all major peanut allergens, Ara h 2 is considered the most anaphylactic. With few options but allergen avoidance, effective treatment of allergic patients is needed. Passive immunotherapy (herein called PIT) based on prophylactic administration of peanut‐specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) may present a promising treatment option for this under‐served disease. Method: Fully human recombinant anti‐peanut IgG mAbs were tested in mice sensitized to peanut allergen extract. Allergic mice received intravenous immunotherapy with anti‐peanut Ara h 2‐specific IgG1 or IgG4 mAbs cocktails, and were then challenged by a systemic injection of high‐dose peanut allergen extract. The protection from allergic anaphylaxis was measured by monitoring the core body temperature. Results: PIT with peanut‐specific mAbs was associated with a significant and dose‐dependent reduction of anaphylactic reactions in peanut‐sensitized mice challenged with peanut allergen extract. Complete protection was observed at doses approximately 0.3–0.6 mg mAbs. Mixtures of mAbs were more effective than single mAbs, and effective treatment could be obtained with mAbs of both IgG1 and IgG4 subclasses. The therapeutic effect of anti‐Ara h 2 mAbs was based on allergen neutralization and independent of the FcÎł receptor and mast‐cell inhibition. Conclusion: This is the first report that shows that human‐derived anti‐peanut mAbs can prevent allergic anaphylaxis in mice. The study demonstrates that neutralizing allergenic epitopes on Ara h 2 by mAbs may represent a promising treatment option in peanut‐allergy

    A murine model of peanut-allergic asthma

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    ObjectivesPeanut allergy is an IgE-mediated food allergy that is associated with asthma in certain patients. With increasing prevalence, its great impact on the quality of life, and a lack of treatment options, the need for new therapy options is a given. Hence, models for research and development are required. This study aimed to establish a murine model of allergic airway inflammation induced by peanut allergens.MethodsC3H mice were sensitised by intraperitoneal injections of peanut allergen extract and challenged by an intranasal application of the same extract. The assessment of airway inflammation involved the analysis of immune cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as measured by flow cytometry. Inflammatory reactions in the lung tissue were also studied by histology and quantitative PCR. Moreover, peanut-specific immune responses were studied after re-stimulation of spleen cells in vitro.ResultsSensitisation led to allergen-specific IgE, IgA, and IgG1 seroconversion. Subsequent nasal exposure led to allergic airway inflammation as manifested by structural changes such as bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy, mucus cell hyperplasia, infiltration of eosinophil cells and T cells, as well as an upregulation of genes expressing IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IFN-Îł. Upon re-stimulation of splenocytes with peanut allergen, increased secretion of both T-helper type 2 (Th2) and Th1 cytokines was observed.ConclusionWe successfully established a peanut-associated asthma model that exhibited many features characteristic of airway inflammation in human patients with allergic asthma. The model holds potential as a tool for investigating novel therapeutic approaches aimed at preventing the development of allergic asthma
