4,076 research outputs found

    African Postharvest Losses Information System – a network for the estimation of cereal weight losses

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    Soaring food prices during 2007/2008, and the realisation that sporadic food shortages are likely to continue long into the future, has reawakened interest in the benefits of reducing food losses. As a means of making more accurate estimates of how much food is lost, the Joint Research Centre (European Commission) proposed the development of the African Postharvest Losses Information System (APhLIS) (http://www.phlosses.net). APhLIS estimates postharvest losses (PHLs) by cereal crop, by country and by province in East and Southern Africa. The system went live in March 2009 and combines a loss calculator, a free access database of key information, and a network of local experts who contribute the latest data and verify loss estimates. The loss calculator works of loss figures contributed from the literature and by local experts but also takes account of the prevailing climate, scale of farming (small/large), damp weather at harvest, larger grain borer (in the case of maize), proportion of grain held in farm sorage or marketed, and multiple harvests. Before the introduction of APhLIS, the origin and justification of PHL estimates were not well founded. Now PHL estimates are available that are • Transparent in the way they are calculated• Based on a complete screening of available research and literature• Contributed (in part) and verified by local experts• Based on the primary national unit (i.e. province not just country level, so estimates are more relevant)• Upgradeable as more (reliable) data become available, so that there is the opportunity for increasing accuracy in loss estimation over time.• Supported by a downloadable loss calculator that can be used to make loss calculations at ageographical scale below primary national unit.In the future, APhLIS may be expanded in technical scope (crops) and geographical range (countries) and used to help prioritize and justify loss reduction strategies including those for grain storage.Keywords: Weight loss, Loss calculator, Postharvest operations, Cereal suppl

    Principles of Control for Decoherence-Free Subsystems

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    Decoherence-Free Subsystems (DFS) are a powerful means of protecting quantum information against noise with known symmetry properties. Although Hamiltonians theoretically exist that can implement a universal set of logic gates on DFS encoded qubits without ever leaving the protected subsystem, the natural Hamiltonians that are available in specific implementations do not necessarily have this property. Here we describe some of the principles that can be used in such cases to operate on encoded qubits without losing the protection offered by the DFS. In particular, we show how dynamical decoupling can be used to control decoherence during the unavoidable excursions outside of the DFS. By means of cumulant expansions, we show how the fidelity of quantum gates implemented by this method on a simple two-physical-qubit DFS depends on the correlation time of the noise responsible for decoherence. We further show by means of numerical simulations how our previously introduced "strongly modulating pulses" for NMR quantum information processing can permit high-fidelity operations on multiple DFS encoded qubits in practice, provided that the rate at which the system can be modulated is fast compared to the correlation time of the noise. The principles thereby illustrated are expected to be broadly applicable to many implementations of quantum information processors based on DFS encoded qubits.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Braneworld inflation from an effective field theory after WMAP three-year data

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    In light of the results from the WMAP three-year sky survey, we study an inflationary model based on a single-field polynomial potential, with up to quartic terms in the inflaton field. Our analysis is performed in the context of the Randall-Sundrum II braneworld theory, and we consider both the high-energy and low-energy (i.e. the standard cosmology case) limits of the theory. We examine the parameter space of the model, which leads to both large-field and small-field inflationary type solutions. We conclude that small field inflation, for a potential with a negative mass square term, is in general favored by current bounds on the tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio rs.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; references updated and a few comments added; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Collineation group as a subgroup of the symmetric group

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    Let Ψ\Psi be the projectivization (i.e., the set of one-dimensional vector subspaces) of a vector space of dimension ≥3\ge 3 over a field. Let HH be a closed (in the pointwise convergence topology) subgroup of the permutation group SΨ\mathfrak{S}_{\Psi} of the set Ψ\Psi. Suppose that HH contains the projective group and an arbitrary self-bijection of Ψ\Psi transforming a triple of collinear points to a non-collinear triple. It is well-known from \cite{KantorMcDonough} that if Ψ\Psi is finite then HH contains the alternating subgroup AΨ\mathfrak{A}_{\Psi} of SΨ\mathfrak{S}_{\Psi}. We show in Theorem \ref{density} below that H=SΨH=\mathfrak{S}_{\Psi}, if Ψ\Psi is infinite.Comment: 9 page

    Functional Approach to Stochastic Inflation

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    We propose functional approach to the stochastic inflationary universe dynamics. It is based on path integral representation of the solution to the differential equation for the scalar field probability distribution. In the saddle-point approximation scalar field probability distributions of various type are derived and the statistics of the inflationary-history-dependent functionals is developed.Comment: 20 pages, Preprint BROWN-HET-960, uses phyzz

    Experimental Implementation of Logical Bell State Encoding

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    Liquid phase NMR is a general purpose test-bed for developing methods of coherent control relevant to quantum information processing. Here we extend these studies to the coherent control of logical qubits and in particular to the unitary gates necessary to create entanglement between logical qubits. We report an experimental implementation of a conditional logical gate between two logical qubits that are each in decoherence free subspaces that protect the quantum information from fully correlated dephasing.Comment: 9 Pages, 5 Figure
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