147 research outputs found

    Advances in the genetics of rheumatoid arthritis point to subclassification into distinct disease subsets

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    In the past few years considerable advances have been made in the genetics of susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). For decades the HLA-DRB1 alleles were the only extensively replicated genetic factor, but more genetic risk factors have now been identified that predispose to RA. Interestingly, several of the observed genetic variants conferred risk to anticitrulline-peptide antibody (ACPA)-positive RA and two variants may be restricted to ACPA-negative RA, pointing to the need for subclassification of RA. The current manuscript reviews recently identified genetic factors predisposing to ACPA-positive RA and ACPA-negative RA. Additionally, although being scarcely explored, genetic variants affecting the severity of disease course are discussed

    To treat or not to treat? Current attitudes on treatment aimed at modifying the disease burden in clinically suspect arthralgia:a survey among participants of the TREAT EARLIER trial and healthcare professionals

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    Objectives While awaiting therapies accomplishing rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-prevention in individuals at-risk, recent evidence supports that a 1-year methotrexate treatment may lead to sustained reduction in disease burden and subclinical joint inflammation in patients with clinically suspect arthralgia (CSA). We aimed to study the previously unexplored attitudes of CSA patients and rheumatologists on 1-year DMARD treatment in the arthralgia phase to reduce the disease burden, while not preventing RA.Methods CSA patients who participated in the TREAT EARLIER trial, thus being expert by experience, were informed on the trial results. Thereafter they completed an anonymous questionnaire about their attitudes on treatment in the CSA phase. We used the same approach for Dutch healthcare professionals in rheumatology.Results The majority of trial participants (85%) considered the effects of the 1-year treatment as found in the TREAT EARLIER trial, beneficial in the symptomatic at-risk stage. 79% would recommend a 1-year methotrexate course to others with comparable joint complaints. Two-thirds indicated RA prevention and improving disease burden to be equally important treatment goals in the CSA phase. Most healthcare professionals (88%) were inclined to prescribe 1-year treatment to CSA patients aimed at long-term improvement of symptoms and functioning, while not preventing RA development. 59% believed the profits of a 1-year methotrexate course to outweigh disadvantages, for example, side effects.Conclusions A considerable willingness exists among CSA patients and rheumatologists to start a 1-year treatment resulting in long-term improvement of symptoms and functioning, while not preventing RA. This emphasises the need for more research optimising treatment regimens and disease monitoring in individuals at-risk to facilitate such treatment decisions in the future, while avoiding an intervention, either limited or for a prolonged period, which may have harms that outweigh benefits.Trial registration number The Netherlands Trials Registry (NTR4853-trial-NL4599). EudraCT number: NL2014-004472-35

    Can anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody-negative RA be subdivided into clinical subphenotypes?

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Studies investigating genetic risk factors for susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) studied anti-citrullinated peptide antibody (CCP)-positive RA more frequently than anti-CCP-negative RA. One of the reasons for this is the perception that anti-CCP-negative RA may include patients that fulfilled criteria for RA but belong to a wide range of diagnoses. We aimed to evaluate the validity of this notion and explored whether clinical subphenotypes can be discerned within anti-CCP-negative RA. METHODS: The 318 patients with anti-CCP-negative RA (1987 ACR criteria), included in the Leiden Early Arthritis Clinic between 1993 and 2006, were studied for baseline characteristics and radiologic progression data during a mean follow-up of 5 years. Grouping was studied both at variable and patient levels. Principal components analysis and partial least-squares regression were applied to study for clustering of variables. A cluster analysis was performed to look for clustering of patients. RESULTS: The simultaneous presence of patient characteristics at disease presentation was observed for several groups; however, the three largest groups of patients' characteristics explained only 26.5% of the total variance. Plotting the contribution of each patient to these three groups did not reveal clustering of patients. Comparable observations were made when data on progression of joint destruction were studied in relation to baseline clinical data. A cluster analysis, evaluating whether patients resemble each other, revealed no grouping of patients. Altogether, no clinically distinguishable subphenotypes were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The current data provide evidence that, for risk-factor studies, anti-CCP-negative RA patients can be studied as one group

    Low postseroconversion CD4 count and rapid decrease of CD4 density identify HIV+ fast progressors

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    CD4 expression in HIV replication is paradoxical: HIV entry requires high cell-surface CD4 densities, but replication requires CD4 down-modulation. However, is CD4 density in HIV+ patients affected over time? Do changes in CD4 density correlate with disease progression? Here, we examined the role of CD4 density for HIV disease progression by longitudinally quantifying CD4 densities on CD4+ T cells and monocytes of ART-naive HIV+ patients with different disease progression rates. This was a retrospective study. We defined three groups of HIV+ patients by their rate of CD4+ T cell loss, calculated by the time between infection and reaching a CD4 level of 200 cells/microl: fast (12 years). Mathematical modeling permitted us to determine the maximum CD4+ T cell count after HIV seroconversion (defined as "postseroconversion CD4 count") and longitudinal profiles of CD4 count and density. CD4 densities were quantified on CD4+ T cells and monocytes from these patients and from healthy individuals by flow cytometry. Fast progressors had significantly lower postseroconversion CD4 counts than other progressors. CD4 density on T cells was lower in HIV+ patients than in healthy individuals and decreased more rapidly in fast than in slow progressors. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) did not normalize CD4 density. Thus, postseroconversion CD4 counts define individual HIV disease progression rates that may help to identify patients who might benefit most from early ART. Early discrimination of slow and fast progressors suggests that critical events during primary infection define long-term outcome. A more rapid CD4 density decrease in fast progressors might contribute to progressive functional impairments of the immune response in advanced HIV infection. The lack of an effect of ART on CD4 density implies a persistent dysfunctional immune response by uncontrolled HIV infection

    A qualitative study of the experiences and expectations of women receiving in-patient postnatal care in one English maternity unit

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    Background Studies consistently highlight in-patient postnatal care as the area of maternity care women are least satisfied with. As part of a quality improvement study to promote a continuum of care from the birthing room to discharge home from hospital, we explored women’s expectations and experiences of current inpatient care. Methods For this part of the study, qualitative data from semi-structured interviews were transcribed and analysed using content analyses to identify issues and concepts. Women were recruited from two postnatal wards in one large maternity unit in the South of England, with around 6,000 births a year. Results Twenty women, who had a vaginal or caesarean birth, were interviewed on the postnatal ward. Identified themes included; the impact of the ward environment; the impact of the attitude of staff; quality and level of support for breastfeeding; unmet information needs; and women’s low expectations of hospital based postnatal care. Findings informed revision to the content and planning of in-patient postnatal care, results of which will be reported elsewhere. Conclusions Women’s responses highlighted several areas where changes could be implemented. Staff should be aware that how they inter-act with women could make a difference to care as a positive or negative experience. The lack of support and inconsistent advice on breastfeeding highlights that units need to consider how individual staff communicate information to women. Units need to address how and when information on practical aspects of infant care is provided if women and their partners are to feel confident on the woman’s transfer home from hospital

    Mechanistic interrogation of combination Bevacizumab/dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor response in Glioblastoma implementing novel MR and PET imaging biomarkers.

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    Purpose: Resistance to bevacizumab (BEV) in glioblastoma (GBM) is believed to occur via activation of molecular networks including the mTOR/PI3K pathway. Implementing an MRI/PET molecular imaging biomarker approach, we sought to interrogate response to combining BEV with the mTOR/PI3K inhibitor BEZ235. Methods: Tumors were established by orthotopically implanting U87MG-luc2 in mice. Animals were treated with BEZ235 and/or BEV, and imaged using diffusion weighted-MRI, T2 weighted (T2w), and T2* weighted (T2*w) before and following delivery of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) contrast. Maps for changes in relaxation rates: ΔR2, ΔR2* and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were calculated. Vessel Size Index (VSI) and micro vessel density index (MDI) were derived. 3´-deoxy-3´-[18F]fluorothymidine ([18F]FLT)- and O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine ([18F]FET) PET was further performed and tumor endothelium/proliferation markers assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results: Treatment with BEV resulted in a pronounced decrease in tumor volume (T2w MRI). No additive effect on tumour volume was observed in BEV/BEZ235 combination compared with BEV monotherapy. Ki67 proliferation index staining and [18F]FLT uptake studies were used to support observations. Using ΔR2* and ΔR2 values respectively, BEZ235 + BEV combination significantly reduced tumor microvessel volume in comparison to BEV alone. Decreased MDI was further observed in the combination group; supported by von Willebrand Factor (vWF) immunohistochemistry. We observed decreased [18F]FET uptake following BEV, but failed to observe further reduced [18F]FET uptake in the combination cohort. vWF IHC analysis showed mean tumor vessel size increased in all cohorts. Conclusions: Assessing MR imaging biomarker parameters together with [18F]FET and [18F]FLT PET, informed drug combination mechanism of action and provided clues as to potential clinical response. Translation of a BEZ35/BEV combination regimen could support reduction of peritumoral edemaobviating the requirement for steroids. Implementing hypothesis driven molecular imaging studies facilitates the interrogation of drug response in the pre-clinic. These data may more accurately predict the clinical potential of novel therapeutic approaches in oncology

    Revising acute care systems and processes to improve breastfeeding and maternal postnatal health: a pre and post intervention study in one English maternity unit

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    Background Most women in the UK give birth in a hospital labour ward, following which they are transferred to a postnatal ward and discharged home within 24 to 48 hours of the birth. Despite policy and guideline recommendations to support planned, effective postnatal care, national surveys of women’s views of maternity care have consistently found in-patient postnatal care, including support for breastfeeding, is poorly rated. Methods Using a Continuous Quality Improvement approach, routine antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care systems and processes were revised to support implementation of evidence based postnatal practice. To identify if implementation of a multi-faceted QI intervention impacted on outcomes, data on breastfeeding initiation and duration, maternal health and women’s views of care, were collected in a pre and post intervention longitudinal survey. Primary outcomes included initiation, overall duration and duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Secondary outcomes included maternal morbidity, experiences and satisfaction with care. As most outcomes of interest were measured on a nominal scale, these were compared pre and post intervention using logistic regression. Results Data were obtained on 741/1160 (64%) women at 10 days post-birth and 616 (54%) at 3 months post-birth pre-intervention, and 725/1153 (63%) and 575 (50%) respectively postintervention. Post intervention there were statistically significant differences in the initiation (p = 0.050), duration of any breastfeeding (p = 0.020) and duration of exclusive breastfeeding to 10 days (p = 0.038) and duration of any breastfeeding to three months (p = 0.016). Post intervention, women were less likely to report physical morbidity within the first 10 days of birth, and were more positive about their in-patient care. Conclusions It is possible to improve outcomes of routine in-patient care within current resources through continuous quality improvement