73 research outputs found

    Zoonotic Diseases Report 2013

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    De Staat van zoönosen 2013 geeft een overzicht van de mate waarin zoönosen in Nederland voorkomen en ontwikkelingen daarin op de lange termijn. Zoönosen zijn infectieziekten die van dier op mens overgaan. Net als in voorgaande jaren waren er in 2013 geen uitgesproken veranderingen te zien in de mate waarin zoönosen in Nederland voorkomen. Zoals ieder jaar deden zich ook in 2013 enkele opmerkelijke voorvallen voor, zoals een geval van hazenpest. In deze jaarlijkse uitgave van het RIVM en de NVWA is het thema 'huis-, tuin- en keukenzoönosen': zoönosen die mensen kunnen oplopen in en om het huis. Opmerkelijke voorvallen Bij een haas afkomstig uit Noord-Limburg werd in mei 2013 hazenpest (tularemie) vastgesteld. Vervolgens werd ook bij een jongeman tularemie vastgesteld, die de infectie waarschijnlijk via een dazenbeet in een natuurgebied in Limburg had opgelopen. In 2011 is er mogelijk ook een in Nederland opgelopen geval van tularemie geweest, terwijl in de jaren daarvoor alleen sporadisch gevallen gemeld werden die in het buitenland waren opgelopen. Een andere opmerkelijke gebeurtenis betrof een uitbraak van Campylobacter onder bezoekers van een pluimveeslachthuis die waarschijnlijk via de lucht aan de ziekteverwekker waren blootgesteld. Negen mensen werden ziek. Ook blijkt uit een onderzoek naar de vossenlintworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) onder vossen en honden, dat deze lintworm bij vossen in Zuid-Limburg veel vaker voorkomt dan in voorgaande jaren. Thema: huis-, tuin- en keukenzoönosen Juist in en om het huis kunnen mensen worden blootgesteld aan allerlei zoönoseverwekkers. Duizenden mensen krijgen jaarlijks via hun huisdieren ringworm, een schimmelinfectie. Ook kunnen zoönosen afkomstig zijn van huisdieren of dieren die hun behoefte doen in de tuin. Verder komen voedselgerelateerde zoönosen aan de orde, waarbij aandacht is voor het feit dat zoönosen ook via groenten kunnen worden opgelopen.The Zoonotic Diseases Report is an annual publication of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). The report provides an overview of the incidence of zoonotic diseases in the Netherlands, as well as the associated long-term trends. Zoonotic diseases or zoonoses are infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. As in previous years, no marked changes were observed in 2013 in the incidence of zoonotic diseases in the Netherlands. Every year a number of notable incidents occurres. In 2013 this included a case of rabbit fever (tularemia). This year's edition of the Zoonotic Diseases Report focuses in particular on 'zoonoses close to home', i.e. the risk of contracting a zoonotic disease in or around the house. Notable incidents In May 2013, rabbit fever (tularemia) was discovered in a hare originating from the north of the province of Limburg. Tularemia was later also diagnosed in a young man, who had probably contracted the infection after having been bitten by a horse fly in a nature reserve in Limburg. Another person possibly contracted tularemia in the Netherlands in 2011. In previous years only incidental cases were reported, with the disease being contracted abroad. Another notable incident concerned an outbreak of Campylobacter infection among visitors to a poultry slaughterhouse who had probably been exposed to airborne pathogens. Nine people fell ill as a result of this outbreak. An investigation into the incidence of Echinococcus multilocularis in foxes and dogs showed that this tapeworm was much more common in foxes in the south of Limburg province than in previous years. 'Zoonoses close to home' Humans can be exposed to various zoonotic disease pathogens in or around the house. Every year, thousands of people contract dermatophytosis (a fungal infection commonly known in the Netherlands as 'ringworm') from their pets. Zoonotic diseases can also be contracted from pets or from animals defecating in the garden. The report also devotes attention to food-related zoonotic diseases, with a particular focus on the risk of contracting zoonoses through the consumption or handling of vegetables.NVW

    Zoonotic Diseases Report 2014

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    De Staat van zoönosen geeft jaarlijks een overzicht van infectieziekten die overgaan van dier op mens, de zogenoemde zoönosen. Het gaat om de mate waarin meldingsplichtige zoönosen voorkomen en de ontwikkelingen daarvan op de lange termijn. Hierbij betreft het zowel het aantal ziektegevallen bij mensen als het voorkomen van deze ziekteverwekkers bij dieren. Ook worden elk jaar opmerkelijke voorvallen uitgelicht en wordt een thema behandeld. Voor de meeste zoönosen zijn in 2014 geen uitgesproken veranderingen waargenomen. Wel is het aantal mensen met leptospirose (waarvan de bekendste vorm de ziekte van Weil is) aanmerkelijk hoger dan het vorige jaar, van gemiddeld 30 gevallen in de afgelopen jaren naar 97 in 2014. Ook steeg het aantal Hantavirusinfecties (van gemiddeld 13 in de voorgaande jaren naar 36 in 2014). UItgelicht Een opmerkelijke gebeurtenis in 2014 is dat twee patiënten in een ziekenhuis zijn opgenomen met een ernstige longontsteking na een infectie met Chlamydia caviae. Beide patiënten bleken thuis cavia's te houden die een luchtweginfectie hadden doorgemaakt. Verder was er sinds 2003 weer een uitbraak van vogelgriep bij pluimveebedrijven veroorzaakt door een hoogpathogeen virus. Hierbij zijn vier van de vijf besmette bedrijven onafhankelijk van elkaar besmet geraakt. Het virus was vermoedelijk afkomstig van trekkende watervogels. Het is onbekend of dit virustype overdraagbaar is op de mens; wereldwijd zijn daar geen gevallen van bekend. Vogels Het thema van dit jaar is 'Onze gevleugelde vrienden' en gaat over zoönosen die via vogels kunnen worden overgebracht, zoals de papegaaienziekte. Hierbij wordt onder andere beschreven op welke vliegroutes van trekvogels gezamenlijke broed- en voederplaatsen liggen waar ze elkaar kunnen treffen en zoönoseverwekkers aan elkaar zouden kunnen overdragen.The Zoonotic Diseases Report provides an annual overview of infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans, so-called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses. It focuses on the degree to which notifiable zoonoses occur and how they develop over the long term. Specifically, this concerns both the number of human cases and the occurrence of these pathogens in animals. Noteworthy incidents of zoonoses are also highlighted each year and a particular theme is discussed. For most zoonoses, no pronounced changes were observed in 2014. Nonetheless, the number of people with leptospirosis (of which the most well-known form is Weil's disease) was considerably higher than in the previous year, rising from an average of 30 cases in recent years to 97 cases in 2014. The number of Hantavirus infections also rose (from an average of 13 cases in the previous years to 36 cases in 2014). A closer look A notable event in 2014 is the admission of two patients to hospital with serious lung infections after being infected with Chlamydia caviae. Both patients kept guinea pigs at home that suffered from respiratory infections. There was also the first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza since 2003 affecting five poultry farms. Four of the five farms became contaminated independently of each other. It is thought that the virus was transmitted from waterfowls. It is not known whether the particular virus strain can be transmitted to humans; worldwide no cases of such transmission have been reported. Birds This year's theme is 'Our winged friends'. It focuses on zoonoses that can be transmitted by birds, such as psittacosis (parrot fever). The migratory routes that coincide with shared breeding and feeding locations where migratory birds can come into contact with one another and thereby possibly transmit zoonotic pathogens to each other are also described.NVW

    Forensic microbiology reveals that Neisseria animaloris infections in harbour porpoises follow traumatic injuries by grey seals.

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    Neisseria animaloris is considered to be a commensal of the canine and feline oral cavities. It is able to cause systemic infections in animals as well as humans, usually after a biting trauma has occurred. We recovered N. animaloris from chronically inflamed bite wounds on pectoral fins and tailstocks, from lungs and other internal organs of eight harbour porpoises. Gross and histopathological evidence suggest that fatal disseminated N. animaloris infections had occurred due to traumatic injury from grey seals. We therefore conclude that these porpoises survived a grey seal predatory attack, with the bite lesions representing the subsequent portal of entry for bacteria to infect the animals causing abscesses in multiple tissues, and eventually death. We demonstrate that forensic microbiology provides a useful tool for linking a perpetrator to its victim. Moreover, N. animaloris should be added to the list of potential zoonotic bacteria following interactions with seals, as the finding of systemic transfer to the lungs and other tissues of the harbour porpoises may suggest a potential to do likewise in humans

    Prevalence of Coxielle Burnetii anbitodies in Danish Dairy herds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>During recent years in Denmark higher rates of antibodies to <it>Coxiella burnetii </it>have been detected in animals and humans than previously reported. A study based on bulk tank milk samples from 100 randomly selected dairy herds was performed to estimate the prevalence and geographical distribution of antibody positive dairy herds. Using the CHEKIT Q-Fever Antibody ELISA Test Kit (IDEXX), the study demonstrated a prevalence of 59% antibody positive herds, 11% antibody intermediate herds and 30% antibody negative herds based on the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The geographical distribution does not indicate a relationship between the regional density of dairy farms and the prevalence of antibody positive dairy farms. The result supports the hypothesis of an increase in the prevalence of positive dairy herds compared to previous years.</p

    An ELISA-based high throughput protein truncation test for inherited breast cancer

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    Abstract Introduction Breast cancer is the most diagnosed and second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. female population. An estimated 5 to 10 percent of all breast cancers are inherited, caused by mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility genes (BRCA1/2). As many as 90% of all mutations are nonsense mutations, causing a truncated polypeptide product. A popular and low cost method of mutation detection has been the protein truncation test (PTT), where target regions of BRCA1/2 are PCR amplified, transcribed/translated in a cell-free protein synthesis system and analyzed for truncated polypeptides by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and autoradiography. We previously reported a novel High Throughput Solid-Phase PTT (HTS-PTT) based on an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) format that eliminates the need for radioactivity, SDS-PAGE and subjective interpretation of the results. Here, we report the next generation HTS-PTT using triple-epitope-tagged proteins and demonstrate, for the first time, its efficacy on clinical genomic DNA samples for BRCA1/2 analysis. Methods Segments of exons 11 of BRCA1/2 open reading frames were PCR amplified from either blood derived genomic DNA or cell line mRNA. PCR primers incorporate elements for cell-free transcription/translation and epitope tagging. Cell-free expressed nascent proteins are then antibody-captured onto the wells of a microtiter plate and the relative amount of truncated polypeptide measured using antibodies against the N- and C-terminal epitope tags in an ELISA format. Results 100% diagnostic sensitivity and 96% specificity for truncating mutations in exons 11 of BRCA1/2 were achieved on one hundred blood-derived clinical genomic DNA samples which were previously assayed using the conventional gel based PTT. Feasibility of full gene coverage for BRCA1/2 using mRNA source material is also demonstrated. Conclusions Overall, the HTS-PTT provides a simple, quantitative, objective, low cost and high throughput method for analysis of truncating mutations as an alternative to gel based PTT for BRCA analysis. The technology is readily accessible to virtually any laboratory, with the only major instrumentation required being a PCR thermocycler and a basic micro-well plate reader. When compared to conventional gel based PTT, the HTS-PTT provides excellent concordance

    A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study: Will Anxiety Disorders Increase Subsequent Cancer Risk?

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate a possible association between malignancy and anxiety disorders (AD) in Taiwan. METHODS: We employed data from the National Health Insurance system of Taiwan. The AD cohort contained 24,066 patients with each patient randomly frequency matched according to age and sex with 4 individuals from the general population without AD. Cox's proportional hazard regression analysis was conducted to estimate the influence of AD on the risk of cancer. RESULTS: Among patients with AD, the overall risk of developing cancer was only 1% higher than among subjects without AD, and the difference was not significant (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.01, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 0.95-1.07). With regard to individual types of cancer, the risk of developing prostate cancer among male patients with AD was significantly higher (HR = 1.32, 95% CI = 1.02-1.71). On the other hand, the risk of cervical cancer among female patients with AD was marginally significantly lower than among female subjects without AD (HR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.51-1.03). LIMITATIONS: One major limitation is the lack of information regarding the life style or behavior of patients in the NHI database, such as smoking and alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the failure to identify a relationship between AD and the overall risk of cancer, we found that Taiwanese patients with AD had a higher risk of developing prostate cancer and a lower risk of developing cervical cancer

    Co-existence of physiologically similar sulfate-reducing bacteria in a full-scale sulfidogenic bioreactor fed with a single organic electron donor

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    A combination of culture-dependent and independent methods was used to study the co-existence of different sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in an upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor treating sulfate-rich wastewater. The wastewater was fed with ethanol as an external electron donor. Twenty six strains of SRB were randomly picked and isolated from the highest serial dilution that showed growth (i.e. 108). Repetitive enterobacterial palindromic polymerase chain reaction and whole cell protein profiling revealed a low genetic diversity, with only two genotypes among the 26 strains obtained in the pure culture. The low genetic diversity suggests the absence of micro-niches within the reactor, which might be due to a low spatial and temporal micro-heterogeneity. The total 16S rDNA sequencing of two representative strains L3 and L7 indicated a close relatedness to the genus Desulfovibrio. The two strains differed in as many as five physiological traits, which might allow them to occupy distinct niches and thus co-exist within the same habitat. Whole cell hybridisation with fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes was performed to characterise the SRB community in the reactor. The isolated strains Desulfovibrio L3 and Desulfovibrio L7 were the most dominant SRB, representing 30–35% and 25–35%, respectively, of the total SRB community. Desulfobulbus-like bacteria contributed for 20–25%, and the Desulfobacca acetoxidans-specific probe targeted approximately 15–20% of the total SRB. The whole cell hybridisation results thus revealed a consortium of four different species of SRB that can be enriched and maintained on a single energy source in a full-scale sulfidogenic reactor

    Maternal TLR4 and NOD2 Gene Variants, Pro-Inflammatory Phenotype and Susceptibility to Early-Onset Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome

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    Background: Altered maternal inflammatory responses play a role in the development of preeclampsia and the hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. We examined whether allelic variants of the innate immune receptors toli-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD2), that impair the inflammatory response to endotexin are related to preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Methods and Finding: We determined five common mutations in TLR4 (D299G and T399I and NOD2 (R70W, G908R and L1007fs) in 340 primiparous women with a histo
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