22 research outputs found

    The Predictive Value of Glomerular Filtration Rate-Based Scaling of Pediatric Clearance and Doses for Drugs Eliminated by Glomerular Filtration with Varying Protein-Binding Properties

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    INTRODUCTION: For drugs eliminated by glomerular filtration (GF), clearance (CL) is determined by GF rate (GFR) and the unbound fraction of the drug. When predicting CL of GF-eliminated drugs in children, instead of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) methods that consider changes in both GFR and protein binding, empiric bodyweight-based methods are often used. In this article, we explore the predictive value of scaling using a GFR function, and compare the results with linear and allometric scaling methods for drugs with different protein-binding properties. METHODS: First, different GFR maturation functions were compared to identify the GFR function that would yield the most accurate GFR predictions across the pediatric age range compared with published pediatric inulin/mannitol CL values. Subsequently, the accuracy of pediatric CL scaling using this GFR maturation function was assessed and compared with PBPK CL predictions for hypothetical drugs binding, to varying extents, to serum albumin or α-acid glycoprotein across the pediatric age range. Additionally, empiric bodyweight-based methods were assessed. RESULTS: The published GFR maturation functions yielded comparable maturation profiles, with the function reported by Salem et al. leading to the most accurate predictions. On the basis of this function, GFR-based scaling yields reasonably accurate (percentage prediction error ≤ 50%) pediatric CL values for all drugs, except for some drugs highly bound to AGP in neonates. Overall, this method was more accurate than linear or 0.75 allometric bodyweight-based scaling. CONCLUSION: When scaling CL and dose by GFR function, maturational changes in plasma protein concentrations impact GF minimally, making this method a superior alternative to empiric bodyweight-based scaling.status: publishe

    Evidence-based drug treatment for special patient populations through model-based approaches

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    The majority of marketed drugs remain understudied in some patient populations such as pregnant women, paediatrics, the obese, the critically-ill, and the elderly. As a consequence, currently used dosing regimens may not assure optimal efficacy or minimal toxicity in these patients. Given the vulnerability of some subpopulations and the challenges and costs of performing clinical studies in these populations, cutting-edge approaches are needed to effectively develop evidence-based and individualized drug dosing regimens. Five key issues are presented that are essential to support and expedite the development of drug dosing regimens in these populations using model-based approaches: 1) model development combined with proper validation procedures to extract as much valid information from available study data as possible, with limited burden to patients and costs; 2) integration of existing data and the use of prior pharmacological and physiological knowledge in study design and data analysis, to further develop knowledge and avoid unnecessary or unrealistic (large) studies in vulnerable populations; 3) clinical proof-of-principle in a prospective evaluation of a developed drug dosing regimen, to confirm that a newly proposed regimen indeed results in the desired outcomes in terms of drug concentrations, efficacy, and/or safety; 4) pharmacodynamics studies in addition to pharmacokinetics studies for drugs for which a difference in disease progression and/or in exposure-response relation is anticipated compared to the reference population; 5) additional efforts to implement developed dosing regimens in clinical practice once drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics have been characterized in special patient populations. The latter remains an important bottleneck, but this is essential to truly realize evidence-based and individualized drug dosing for special patient populations. As all tools required for this purpose are available, we have the moral and societal obligation to make safe and effective pharmacotherapy available for these patients too.status: publishe

    Pharmacokinetic considerations for pediatric patients receiving analgesia in the intensive care unit; targeting postoperative, ECMO and hypothermia patients

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    Adequate postoperative analgesia in pediatric patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) matters, since untreated pain is associated with negative outcomes. Compared to routine postoperative patients, children undergoing hypothermia (HT) or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or recovering after cardiac surgery likely display non-maturational differences in pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). These differences warrant additional dosing recommendations to optimize pain treatment. Areas covered: Specific populations within the ICU will be discussed with respect to expected variations in PK and PD for various analgesics. We hereby move beyond maturational changes and focus on why PK/PD may be different in children undergoing HT, ECMO or cardiac surgery. We provide a stepwise manner to develop PK-based dosing regimens using population PK approaches in these populations. Expert opinion: A one-dose to size-fits-all for analgesia is suboptimal, but for several commonly used analgesics the impact of HT, ECMO or cardiac surgery on average PK parameters in children is not yet sufficiently known. Parameters considering both maturational and non-maturational covariates are important to develop population PK-based dosing advices as part of a strategy to optimize pain treatment.status: accepte

    The Oral Bioavailability and Metabolism of Midazolam in Stable Critically Ill Children: A Pharmacokinetic Microtracing Study

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    Midazolam is metabolized by the developmentally regulated intestinal and hepatic drug-metabolizing enzyme cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4/5. It is frequently administered orally to children, yet knowledge is lacking on the oral bioavailability in term neonates up until 1 year of age. Furthermore, the dispositions of the major metabolites 1-OH-midazolam (OHM) and 1-OH-midazolam-glucuronide (OHMG) after oral administration are largely unknown for the entire pediatric age span. We aimed to fill these knowledge gaps with a pediatric [14 C]midazolam microtracer population pharmacokinetic study. Forty-six stable, critically ill children (median age 9.8 (range 0.3-276.4) weeks) received a single oral [14 C]midazolam microtracer (58 (40-67) Bq/kg) when they received a therapeutic continuous intravenous midazolam infusion and had an arterial line in place enabling blood sampling. For midazolam, in a one-compartment model, bodyweight was a significant predictor for clearance (0.98 L/hour) and volume of distribution (8.7 L) (values for a typical individual of 5 kg). The typical oral bioavailability in the population was 66% (range 25-85%). The exposures of OHM and OHMG were highest for the youngest age groups and significantly decreased with postnatal age. The oral bioavailability of midazolam, largely reflective of intestinal and hepatic CYP3A activity, was on average lower than the reported 49-92% for preterm neonates, and higher than the reported 21% for children> 1 year of age and 30% for adults. As midazolam oral bioavailability varied widely, systemic exposure of other CYP3A-substrate drugs after oral dosing in this population may also be unpredictable, with risk of therapy failure or toxicity.status: publishe