1,101 research outputs found

    Acceptance and usage of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafes in Klang Valley

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    The Malaysian public now has access to the Internet not only at home and the workplace, but also at cyber cafés. This study aims to examine the level of acceptance of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. The specific objectives of the study are: to determine the profile of webcasting users and its usage; to determine the types of webcasting technology most frequently used, level of knowledge of webcasting and the main source of knowledge in becoming aware of webcasting; to determine the acceptance of webcasting among non-users of webcasting; and to determine the relationship between behavioral intention to use and the actual usage of webcasting among users of webcasting. This study used the survey design, using purposive sampling to select the cyber cafés and visitors of these cafés. The findings indicate that usage of webcasting is still relatively low among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. Users of webcasting were found to be mostly male, young and relatively well educated with at least a diploma as the highest level of education obtained

    4th IR challenges for the creative and cottage industries

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    According to the Future of Jobs Report (2016), creativity will become one of the top three skills workers will need. With the avalanche of new products, new technologies and new ways of working, workers are going to have to become more creative in order to benefit from these changes. The global impact of 4th IR had already effect various industries, such as travel and hospitality, retail, media and the entertainment businesses, customer package goods and many others. In most countries in Asian region, government policies had been written to prepare their nation in facing the impact of the 4th IR. Most countries had plans to become the producer of high-value, diverse and complex products. So, what will happen to the small cottage industries which are run by small families through generations? Some are totally isolated from the mainstream technology and left out from the development radar. In this paper, the researcher shares a case study of an urban batik entrepreneur and some tips in preparing ourselves for the 4th I

    Pemilihan Kerjaya Berorientasikan Keusahawanan Di Kalangan Pelajar Diploma Perakaunan Politeknik Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia : Kajian Empiri

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    The perception research of the Accounting students towards entrepreneurship is to look at how students perceive entrepreneurship as a career. For the purpose of this research, 5 polytechnics have been selected. They are POLIMAS, POLISAS, PKB, PPD and PUO. About 250 students have been chosen as respondents for this research. The data collected from this questionnaire is analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The findings of this research show that not many respondents are interested to get involved full time in entrepreneurship after completion of their studies. The finding also reveal that the respondents are more interested in choosing the post of accountants as their main choice compared to entrepreneurship. The findings also show that the job that secures better prospects in the future would be the main criteria in choosing any career. This research reveals that the aspects of entrepreneurship are important and should be in a person who wishes to excel in business. These aspects, such as risk taking, creative, hard work, confident and knowledgeable are the core to any success The findings also show that the course quality, the process of learning and even the lecturers are important in helping students to acquire the knowledge. The result of the finding reveals that generally students are satisfied with the courses offered, the level of learning and teaching and the quality of the lecturers


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    This is a report of case study exploring the reaction of learners to CBL material which has been purposely develop suited with learners based on VARK learning styles. It discusses the strengths and weaknesses of CBL and the concept of learning style. Courseware demonstrating the use of images and video clips within the presentation software PowerPoint was created with four different routes to appeal to learners with visual, aural, reading and kinaesthetic (VARK) preferences. This was trialled with 30 student teachers for whom the material was deemed appropriate in level and context. It was found that VARK preferences could not be reliably identified and that providing different routes only appeared to have a marginal impact on learners’ comfort with the material and no appreciable impact on measurable learning outcomes. Instead more traditional design concerns such as structure, navigation as well as clarity of sound and images appeared as more important to participants in the trials in a series of semi structured interviews. However, interest in VARK is valuable if it focuses the designer on using a mix of media in courseware and if it provokes discussion of the properties of different media

    Factors Influencing ICT Usage Among Malaysian Small and Medium Agribusinesses: Conceptual Framework and Structural Model

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) adoption studies have identified ICT as a tool capable of spurring innovative business development in small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) if used wisely. Adopting the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model approach with adjustments by integrating two externally derived constructs (SME Managerial Creativity and SME Organisational Size as predictors), this study investigated factors that influence ICT usage among Malaysian agro-based SMEs. A pre-tested survey instrument consisting of 132 items was administered to 400 purposively selected workers from 43 agro-based SMEs that were randomly selected at Selangor. The study was aimed to identify the predominantly used ICTs by the agro-based SMEs in their businesses, to determine factors that influence ICT usage among the agro-based SMEs and to determine the relationship between the six predictors: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, SME organisational size and SME creativity and innovativeness and the dependent variable: ICT usage. Objective 4 was to determine the moderating effect of gender, age and experience on the relationship. Factor analysis was run to reduce the voluminous data; a new, robust model was designed using Structural Equation Modelling. The study concludes that integrating firm and management characteristic constructs into UTAUT model provides a scale capable explaining ICT usage behaviour of Malaysian agro-based SMEs better. Keywords: Agribusinesses, Agro-based SMEs, ICT Usage, SME Management Characteristics, SME Organisational Size, UTAU

    Exploring the Role of Student Exchange Programs in Fostering Halal Understanding among South Korean Non-Muslims

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    One of the challenges in halal is the acceptance among non-Muslims of the values, due to their lack of appreciation in understanding its concept. Media bias, culture, personal beliefs, racism and Islamophobia are some of the common causes. Past studies concluded that the concept of misjudgment could be realigned to a positive attitude by providing the appropriate information and education. Therefore, the study was conducted with the aim, of assessing how the provision of halal knowledge through the concept of a student exchange program could change a group of non-Muslims’ attitude, acceptance and behavior towards halal. A research experiment was administered that involved a group of university students from a private university in South Korea, who voluntarily took part in a 7-day halal program in Malaysia. The study involved 1) a pre-test assessment, 2) participation in the student exchange heutagogy program and 3) a post-test assessment. Based on the paired sample test results, overall, there was a significant increase in the halal understanding among non-Muslims of South Koreans. The novelty of the study stems from the need to understand non-Muslims’ perception of halal, specifically from the learning and cultural perspectives

    Influence of ICT Adoption on Tertiary Education: Investigating ICT Usage in E-learning Context among Nigerian Students

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    Abstract Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been employed in various fields of human endeavours, especially to engender socio-economic development. One key sub-sector in which the adoption of ICTs is increasingly becoming critical is the farm-based (agri-based) enterprises. This study was prompted by the urge to determine the critical factors that affect ICT usage in e-learning by students of post-secondary schools.  The concept of e-learning, through the application of information and communication technology (ICT) has been increasingly attracting the attention of researchers. Recent studies found that there is quite a number of factors that affect students’ adoption (usage) of ICT for learning purposes. However, students’ expectation toward effort-free (easy-to-use) ICT hardware and software has been singled out as one of the major factors that becloud their perceptions of adopting ICT in their academic activity. In addition, the literature has highlighted that students’ ICT adoption expectancies in e-learning context is influenced by their prior experience and inexperience (e.g., anxiety). This study therefore, was prompted by the urge to determine the effect of ICT usage expectancies and prior usage experience (via-a-vis inexperience) on tertiary institutions students’ ICT adoption in e-learning context. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model was adopted and a pre-tested and validated questionnaire was administered to 400 students that were randomly selected in Yobe State University Damaturu, in Nigeria.  The study found effort expectancy explains about 80% of the variance in ICT usage, and only prior experience moderated the relationship significantly and positively. Keywords: Effort Expectancy, Experience, e-Learning, Tertiary Institutions, ICT Usage, the UTAU

    Bergendang Dan Bermukun Dalam Masyarakat Melayu Sarawak

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    Kertas kerja ini akan membicarakan secara deskriptif aktiviti bergendang dan bermukun dalam masyarakat Melayu Sarawak. Bergendang dan bermukun merupakan satu aktiviti yang masih diamalkan oleh sesetengah masyarakat Melayu, khususnya di kawasan kampung-kampung. Bentuk seni ini dipenuhi dengan aksi berbalas pantun antara tukang gendang (seh gendang) dan topeng-topeng/penandak-penandak (penari) Oleh itu, aktiviti ini secara langsung dikaitkan dengan aktiviti berpantun dalam kalangan masyarakat Sarawak

    Pemerolehan dan Penguasaan Bahasa Kanak-kanak dari sudut Fonologi : Kajian Pemerolehan Dialek Melayu Sarawak

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    Makalah ini merupakan analisis tentang penggunaan dan pemerolehan bahasa kanak-kanak dari sudut fonologi. Kanak-kanak telah dibekalkan dengan kebolehan menggunakan bahasa sejak dilahirkan yang dinamakan nahu universal (Universal Grammar). Kemampuan bahasa manusia adalah semula jadi (innate). Kajian ini akan memperlihatkan jangka masa kritikal untuk memperoleh bahasa iaitu antara umur 1-5 tahun dan apabila usia mencapai 13 tahun, pemerolehan bahasa adalah melalui pembelajaran. Steinberg (1995), membuktikan bahawa pemerolehan bahasa kanak-kanak berkembang mengikut susun atur, yang bermula dengan peringkat ‘vokalisasi’, ‘holofrasa’, ‘telegrapik’ dan berakhir pada peringkat ‘perkembangan ayat-ayat kompleks’. Kajian ini memanfaatkan seorang kanak-kanak lelaki yang berusia 2 tahun dengan menganalisis keupayaan kanak-kanak ini menguasai aspek fonologi. Proses-proses seperti ‘ommissions’ yang melibatkan proses penyingkatan ke ekasuku; gantian-gantian; geluncuran, likuida; dan suku kata kanonik telah digunakan untuk mengesan keupayaan sampel kajian memperoleh sudut fonologi bahasa pertamanya, iaitu dialek Melayu Sarawa

    Kekerabatan Bahasa Melanau dengan Bahasa Melayu

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    Kajian ini meneliti taraf hubungan kekerabatan antara Dialek Melanau Mukah dengan Dialek Melanau Matu-Daro. Menurut Zaini (1986), Bahasa Melanau mempunyai 6 dialek yang berbeza berdasarkan kawasan penuturnya iaitu dialek Melanau Kuala Rejang, dialek Seduan, dialek Matu-Daro, dialek Mukah, dialek Balingian dan dialek Bintulu. Penentuan taraf kekerabatan kedua-dua dialek ini akan menggunakan kaedah perbandingan leksikostatistik 100 kosa kata dasar Swadesh (1955). Daripada perbandingan tersebut, peratusan kekerabatan kedua-dua dialek ini dapat diperoleh yang secara langsung dapat membuktikan sama ada kedua-dua dialek ini berstatus keluarga bahasa ataupun terangkum dalam dialek yang sama. Kajian ini juga dapat menentukan taraf kekerabatannya dengan bahasa Melayu yang merupakan capahan daripada induk yang sama, iaitu rumpun Austronesia
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