45 research outputs found

    Direct Mediation of Meta-Stable Supersymmetry Breaking

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    The supersymmetric SU(Nc) Yang-Mills theory coupled to Nf matter fields in the fundamental representation has meta-stable vacua with broken supersymmetry when Nc < Nf < 3/2 Nc. By gauging the flavor symmetry, this model can be coupled directly to the standard model. We show that it is possible to make a slight deformation to the model so that gaugino masses are generated and the Landau pole problem can be avoided. The deformed model has simple realizations on intersecting branes in string theory, where various features of the meta-stable vacua are encoded geometrically as brane configurations.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, a reference added, version to appear in PR

    Baby Universes in String Theory

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    We argue that the holographic description of four-dimensional BPS black holes naturally includes multi-center solutions. This suggests that the holographic dual to the gauge theory is not a single AdS_2 times S^2 but a coherent ensemble of them. We verify this in a particular class of examples, where the two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory gives a holographic description of the black holes obtained by branes wrapping Calabi-Yau cycles. Using the free fermionic formulation, we show that O(e^{-N}) non-perturbative effects entangle the two Fermi surfaces. In an Euclidean description, the wave-function of the multi-center black holes gets mapped to the Hartle-Hawking wave-function of baby universes. This provides a concrete realization, within string theory, of effects that can be interpreted as the creation of baby universes. We find that, at least in the case we study, the baby universes do not lead to a loss of quantum coherence, in accord with general arguments.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figure

    Summing up D-Instantons

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    We investigate quantum corrections to the moduli space for hypermultiplets for type IIA near a conifold singularity. We find a unique quantum deformation based on symmetry arguments which is consistent with a recent conjecture. The correction can be interpreted as an infinite sum coming from multiple wrappings of the Euclidean D-branes around the vanishing cycle.Comment: 8 pages, harvmac; a reference added, typoes correcte

    Hartle-Hawking Wave-Function for Flux Compactifications

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    We argue that the topological string partition function, which has been known to correspond to a wave-function, can be interpreted as an exact ``wave-function of the universe'' in the mini-superspace sector of physical superstring theory. This realizes the idea of Hartle and Hawking in the context of string theory, including all loop quantum corrections. The mini-superspace approximation is justified as an exact description of BPS quantities. Moreover this proposal leads to a conceptual explanation of the recent observation that the black hole entropy is the square of the topological string wave-function. This wave-function can be interpreted in the context of flux compactification of all spatial dimensions as providing a physical probability distribution on the moduli space of string compactification. Euclidean time is realized holographically in this setup.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Black Hole Attractors and the Topological String

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    A simple relationship of the form Z_BH = |Z_top|^2 is conjectured, where Z_BH is a supersymmetric partition function for a four-dimensional BPS black hole in a Calabi-Yau compactification of Type II superstring theory and Z_top is a second-quantized topological string partition function evaluated at the attractor point in moduli space associated to the black hole charges. Evidence for the conjecture in a perturbation expansion about large graviphoton charge is given. The microcanonical ensemble of BPS black holes can be viewed as the Wigner function associated to the wavefunction defined by the topological string partition function.Comment: 32 pages, harvma

    Wall Crossing As Seen By Matrix Models

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    The number of BPS bound states of D-branes on a Calabi-Yau manifold depends on two sets of data, the BPS charges and the stability conditions. For D0 and D2-branes bound to a single D6-brane wrapping a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X, both are naturally related to the Kahler moduli space M(X). We construct unitary one-matrix models which count such BPS states for a class of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds at infinite 't Hooft coupling. The matrix model for the BPS counting on X turns out to give the topological string partition function for another Calabi-Yau manifold Y, whose Kahler moduli space M(Y) contains two copies of M(X), one related to the BPS charges and another to the stability conditions. The two sets of data are unified in M(Y). The matrix models have a number of other interesting features. They compute spectral curves and mirror maps relevant to the remodeling conjecture. For finite 't Hooft coupling they give rise to yet more general geometry \widetilde{Y} containing Y.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Aspects of Large N Gauge Theory Dynamics as Seen by String Theory

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    In this paper we explore some of the features of large N supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric gauge theories using Maldacena's duality conjectures. We shall show that the resulting strong coupling behavior of the gauge theories is consistent with our qualitative expectations of these theories. Some of these consistency checks are highly nontrivial and give additional evidence for the validity of the proposed dualities.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, 11 eps figures, typos correcte

    Wilson Loops and Minimal Surfaces

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence suggests that the Wilson loop of the large N gauge theory with N=4 supersymmetry in 4 dimensions is described by a minimal surface in AdS_5 x S^5. We examine various aspects of this proposal, comparing gauge theory expectations with computations of minimal surfaces. There is a distinguished class of loops, which we call BPS loops, whose expectation values are free from ultra-violet divergence. We formulate the loop equation for such loops. To the extent that we have checked, the minimal surface in AdS_5 x S^5 gives a solution of the equation. We also discuss the zig-zag symmetry of the loop operator. In the N=4 gauge theory, we expect the zig-zag symmetry to hold when the loop does not couple the scalar fields in the supermultiplet. We will show how this is realized for the minimal surface.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure