31 research outputs found

    The Receptor-Like Kinase SOL2 Mediates CLE Signaling in Arabidopsis

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    Arabidopsis sol2 mutants showed CLV3 peptide resistance. Twenty-six synthetic CLE peptides were examined in the clv1, clv2 and sol2 mutants. sol2 showed different levels of resistance to the various peptides, and the spectrum of peptide resistance was quite similar to that of clv2. SOL2 encoded a receptor-like kinase protein which is identical to CORYNE (CRN). GeneChip analysis revealed that the expression of several genes was altered in the sol2 root tip. Here, we suggest that SOL2, together with CLV2, plays an important role in the regulation of root meristem development through the CLE signaling pathway

    Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Regulated by the CLAVATA Receptors Contributes to Shoot Apical Meristem Homeostasis

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    In Arabidopsis, the CLAVATA (CLV) pathway operates in the regulation of the size of the stem cell population in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). CLV3 functions as a small peptide ligand to negatively regulate the expression of the WUSCHEL (WUS) transcription factor through three major receptor kinase complexes of CLV1, CLV2-SUPPRESSOR OF LLP1-2 (SOL2)/CORYNE (CRN) and recently identified RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE 2 (RPK2)/TOADSTOOL 2 (TOAD2). Aiming to understand the precise molecular details of CLV3 signaling, we investigated the contribution of phospho-signaling, potentially regulated by these kinase complexes, to the CLV pathway. We detected CLV3-triggered CLV1 phosphorylation, which is also conditioned by the rest of the CLV receptors, presumably by their direct association. Our comprehensive analysis of the activities of the respective CLV receptors on mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) suggested that the precise balanced regulation of MAPK activity by the CLV receptors is likely to be key for SAM homeostasis

    CLE Peptides can Negatively Regulate Protoxylem Vessel Formation via Cytokinin Signaling

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    Cell–cell communication is critical for tissue and organ development. In plants, secretory CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION-related (CLE) peptides function as intercellular signaling molecules in various aspects of tissue development including vascular development. However, little is known about intracellular signaling pathways functioning in vascular development downstream of the CLE ligands. We show that CLE peptides including CLE10, which is preferentially expressed in the root vascular system, inhibit protoxylem vessel formation in Arabidopsis roots. GeneChip analysis displayed that CLE10 peptides repressed specifically the expression of two type-A Arabidopsis Response Regulators (ARRs), ARR5 and ARR6, whose products act as negative regulators of cytokinin signaling. The arr5 arr6 roots exhibited defective protoxylem vessel formation. These results indicate that CLE10 inhibits protoxylem vessel formation by suppressing the expression of type-A ARR genes including ARR5 and ARR6. This was supported by the finding that CLE10 did not suppress protoxylem vessel formation in a background of arr10 arr12, a double mutant of type-B ARR genes. Thus, our results revealed cross-talk between CLE signaling and cytokinin signaling in protoxylem vessel formation in roots. Taken together with the indication that cytokinin signaling functions downstream of the CLV3/WUS signaling pathway in the shoot apical meristem, the cross-talk between CLE and cytokinin signaling pathways may be a common feature in plant development

    History of extreme ultraviolet lithography

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    Plant meristems: CLAVATA3/ESR-related signaling in the shoot apical meristem and the root apical meristem

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    Abstract The plant meristems, shoot apical meristem (SAM) and root apical meristem (RAM), are unique structures made up of a self-renewing population of undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells. The SAM produces all aerial parts of postembryonic organs, and the RAM promotes the continuous growth of roots. Even though the structures of the SAM and RAM differ, the signaling components required for stem cell maintenance seem to be relatively conserved. Both meristems utilize cell-to-cell communication to maintain proper meristematic activities and meristem organization and to coordinate new organ formation. In SAM, an essential regulatory mechanism for meristem organization is a regulatory loop between WUSCHEL (WUS) and CLAVATA (CLV), which functions in a non-cell-autonomous manner. This intercellular signaling network coordinates the development of the organization center, organ boundaries and distant organs. The CLAVATA3/ESR (CLE)-related genes produce signal peptides, which act non-cell-autonomously in the meristem regulation in SAM. In RAM, it has been suggested that a similar mechanism can regulate meristem maintenance, but these functions are largely unknown. Here, we overview the WUS-CLV signaling network for stem cell maintenance in SAM and a related mechanism in RAM maintenance. We also discuss conservation of the regulatory system for stem cells in various plant species

    Nb/Si multilayer mirror for high power EUV light source

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    We developed and experimentally investigated a Nb/Si multilayer mirror for high power EUV light sources. The multilayer deposited by magnetron sputtering system has a reflectivity of 64% at 13.5 nm. As a first demonstration, this value is not inferior to that of conventional Mo/Si multilayer mirror. For investigating highpower irradiation tolerance, EUV damage threshold was measured by using SACLA BL1. The input beam specifications are as below; power density of 60 mJ/cm2, pulse duration of 1100 fs, wavelength of 13.5 nm, 10 shots, and incident angle of 45 deg. The observed beam profiles clearly show that the damage threshold of Nb/Si multilayer mirror is higher than that of Mo/Si multilayer mirror. In detail measurements, damage threshold of Nb/Si multilayer mirror was estimated to as twice as that of Mo/Si multilayer mirror. The results will be extremely useful to drivie new standard multilayer mirrors developments for industrial uses.International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2018

    Oral soft tissue disorders are associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease: retrospective study

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    Abstract Background Dental erosion (DE), one of oral hard tissue diseases, is one of the extraoesophageal symptoms defined as the Montreal Definition and Classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, no study evaluated the relationship between GERD and oral soft tissues. We hypothesized that oral soft tissue disorders (OSTDs) would be related to GERD. The study aimed to investigate the association OSTDs and GERD. Methods GERD patients (105 cases), older and younger controls (25 cases each) were retrospectively examined for oral symptoms, salivary flow volume (Saxon test), swallowing function (repetitive saliva swallowing test [RSST]), teeth (decayed, missing, and filled [DMF] indices), and soft tissues (as evaluation of OSTDs, gingivitis; papillary, marginal, and attached [PMA] gingival indexes, simplified oral hygiene indices [OHI-S], and inflammatory oral mucosal regions). Clinical histories, which included body mass index [BMI], the existence of alcohol and tobacco use, and bruxism, were also investigated. A P value of <0.05 was defined as statistically significant. Results GERD patients, older and younger controls participated and aged 66.4 ± 13.0, 68.3 ± 8.2 and 28.7 ± 2.6 years old, respectively. The most common oral symptom in the GERD patients was oral dryness. Salivary flow volume and swallowing function in the GERD patients were significantly lower than in either of the controls (all P < 0.05). Inflammatory oral mucosal regions were found only in the GERD patients. The DMF indices, as a measure of dental caries, in the GERD patients were higher than in the younger controls (P < 0.001), but lower than in the older controls (P = 0.033). The PMA gingival indexes, as a measurement for gingival inflammation, and OHI-S, as a measure for oral hygiene, in the GERD patients were significantly higher than in either of the controls (all P < 0.05). Though no significant differences in BMI, the existence of alcohol and tobacco use were found, bruxism, as an exacerbation factor of periodontal disease, in the GERD patients was significantly more frequent than in either control group (P = 0.041). Conclusions OSTDs were associated with GERD, which was similar to the association between DE and GERD