7,273 research outputs found

    Resonant recoil in extreme mass ratio binary black hole mergers

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    The inspiral and merger of a binary black hole system generally leads to an asymmetric distribution of emitted radiation, and hence a recoil of the remnant black hole directed opposite to the net linear momentum radiated. The recoil velocity is generally largest for comparable mass black holes and particular spin configurations, and approaches zero in the extreme mass ratio limit. It is generally believed that for extreme mass ratios eta<<1, the scaling of the recoil velocity is V {\propto} eta^2, where the proportionality coefficient depends on the spin of the larger hole and the geometry of the system (e.g. orbital inclination). Here we show that for low but nonzero inclination prograde orbits and very rapidly spinning large holes (spin parameter a*>0.9678) the inspiralling binary can pass through resonances where the orbit-averaged radiation-reaction force is nonzero. These resonance crossings lead to a new contribution to the kick, V {\propto} eta^{3/2}. For these configurations and sufficiently extreme mass ratios, this resonant recoil is dominant. While it seems doubtful that the resonant recoil will be astrophysically significant, its existence suggests caution when extrapolating the results of numerical kick results to extreme mass ratios and near-maximal spins.Comment: fixed references; matches PRD accepted version (minor revision); 9 pages, 2 figure

    Ultrafast effective multi-level atom method for primordial hydrogen recombination

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    Cosmological hydrogen recombination has recently been the subject of renewed attention because of its importance for predicting the power spectrum of cosmic microwave background anisotropies. It has become clear that it is necessary to account for a large number n >~ 100 of energy shells of the hydrogen atom, separately following the angular momentum substates in order to obtain sufficiently accurate recombination histories. However, the multi-level atom codes that follow the populations of all these levels are computationally expensive, limiting recent analyses to only a few points in parameter space. In this paper, we present a new method for solving the multi-level atom recombination problem, which splits the problem into a computationally expensive atomic physics component that is independent of the cosmology, and an ultrafast cosmological evolution component. The atomic physics component follows the network of bound-bound and bound-free transitions among excited states and computes the resulting effective transition rates for the small set of "interface" states radiatively connected to the ground state. The cosmological evolution component only follows the populations of the interface states. By pre-tabulating the effective rates, we can reduce the recurring cost of multi-level atom calculations by more than 5 orders of magnitude. The resulting code is fast enough for inclusion in Markov Chain Monte Carlo parameter estimation algorithms. It does not yet include the radiative transfer or high-n two-photon processes considered in some recent papers. Further work on analytic treatments for these effects will be required in order to produce a recombination code usable for Planck data analysis.Comment: Version accepted by Phys. Rev. D. Proof of equivalence of effective and standard MLA methods moved to the main text. Some rewording

    Glutamate induces autophagy via the two-pore channels in neural cells

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    NAADP (nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate) has been proposed as a second messenger for glutamate in neuronal and glial cells via the activation of the lysosomal Ca2+ channels TPC1 and TPC2. However, the activities of glutamate that are mediated by NAADP remain unclear. In this study, we evaluated the effect of glutamate on autophagy in astrocytes at physiological, non-toxic concentration. We found that glutamate induces autophagy at similar extent as NAADP. By contrast, the NAADP antagonist NED-19 or SiRNA-mediated inhibition of TPC1/2 decreases autophagy induced by glutamate, confirming a role for NAADP in this pathway. The involvement of TPC1/2 in glutamate-induced autophagy was also confirmed in SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Finally, we show that glutamate leads to a NAADP-dependent activation of AMPK, which is required for autophagy induction, while mTOR activity is not affected by this treatment. Taken together, our results indicate that glutamate stimulates autophagy via NAADP/TPC/AMPK axis, providing new insights of how Ca2+ signalling glutamate-mediated can control the cell metabolism in the central nervous system

    Phenomenological interaction between current quarks

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    We construct a phenomenological model which describes the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) of QCD vacuum and reproduces meson spectra. Quark condensates, the pion decay constant, and meson spectra are well reproduced by phenomenological interaction which consists of a linear confining potential, a Coulombic potential, and the 't Hooft determinant interaction. In this model, the 't Hooft determinant interaction plays a important role not to only \eta,\eta' mass difference, but other meson masses through DCSB.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Interindividual Differences and Their Consistency in Grazing Cattle Behavior across Seasons

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    Interindividual differences and their consistency in behavior were investigated for cattle (Bos taurus) grazing a bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) and centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) dominated pasture as a herd of about 30 breeding cows with their calves. Behavior of the cows was monitored directly by observers and also using GPS and accelerometer data loggers attached to focal cows for a period of 1–5 days every month during the grazing seasons (from May to October) in 2018 and 2019. The data were converted into behavioral variables (e.g. time spent grazing, ruminating and resting, time spent in particular areas, and selectivity for grass species). Time budget of the maintenance behavior, spatial use pattern, preference for grass species on a daily basis were different among cows consistently across the seasons although the behavior varied daily and seasonally in accordance with sward and weather conditions, i.e. some individuals showed a particular tendency in some behavioral traits compared with others across various environmental situations. The consistent individual behavioral characteristics found in this study can be partly explained by age, body size and nutritional and physiological states; otherwise considered as personal traits of animals, which may affect their ecological fitness to the environment and production performances as livestock and be transmitted to their offspring. Further studies are warranted to reveal associations of behavioral traits with fitness or productivity and their transmissibility

    Continuous Spin Representations of the Poincar\'e and Super-Poincar\'e Groups

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    We construct Wigner's continuous spin representations of the Poincar\'e algebra for massless particles in higher dimensions. The states are labeled both by the length of a space-like translation vector and the Dynkin indices of the {\it short little group} SO(d−3)SO(d-3), where dd is the space-time dimension. Continuous spin representations are in one-to-one correspondence with representations of the short little group. We also demonstrate how combinations of the bosonic and fermionic representations form supermultiplets of the super-Poincar\'e algebra. If the light-cone translations are nilpotent, these representations become finite dimensional, but contain zero or negative norm states, and their supersymmetry algebra contains a central charge in four dimensions.Comment: 19 page

    On a functional satisfying a weak Palais-Smale condition

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    In this paper we study a quasilinear elliptic problem whose functional satisfies a weak version of the well known Palais-Smale condition. An existence result is proved under general assumptions on the nonlinearities.Comment: 18 page

    Mutual information challenges entropy bounds

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    We consider some formulations of the entropy bounds at the semiclassical level. The entropy S(V) localized in a region V is divergent in quantum field theory (QFT). Instead of it we focus on the mutual information I(V,W)=S(V)+S(W)-S(V\cup W) between two different non-intersecting sets V and W. This is a low energy quantity, independent of the regularization scheme. In addition, the mutual information is bounded above by twice the entropy corresponding to the sets involved. Calculations of I(V,W) in QFT show that the entropy in empty space cannot be renormalized to zero, and must be actually very large. We find that this entropy due to the vacuum fluctuations violates the FMW bound in Minkowski space. The mutual information also gives a precise, cutoff independent meaning to the statement that the number of degrees of freedom increases with the volume in QFT. If the holographic bound holds, this points to the essential non locality of the physical cutoff. Violations of the Bousso bound would require conformal theories and large distances. We speculate that the presence of a small cosmological constant might prevent such a violation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, minor change
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