28 research outputs found
Acoustic Space is Affected by Anthropogenic Habitat Features: Implications for Avian Vocal Communication
Human-altered landscapes often include structural features, such as higher levels of impervious surface cover (ISC) and less vegetation, that are likely to affect the transmission of avian vocalizations. We investigated the relationships between human habitat modifications and signal transmission by measuring four acoustic parameters—persistence, reverberation, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of broadcast tones, as well as absolute ambient noise level—in each of 39 avian breeding territories across an anthropogenic disturbance gradient. Using a geographic information system, we quantified the amounts of different habitat features (e.g., ISC, grass, trees) at each site; a principal component analysis was used to identify which of these habitat features commonly co-occurred (e.g., “habitat suites”). Finally, we used a model selection process to explore whether the habitat suites predicted the acoustic parameters. Tone persistence was higher and reverberation was lower in more open, grassy habitats than in areas with more vertical anthropogenic structures. In more human-modified sites, ambient noise levels were higher, leading to lower SNR. In habitats with low levels of human modification, we found that even small increases in the total amount of open—grassy area will quickly improve the acoustic space of singing birds. However, our results also indicated that there may be a critical level of human habitat modification above which the addition of “natural” areas does not benefit avian communication. Thus, we recommend that managers focus their efforts on preserving pre-existing “natural” habitat, rather than attempting to introduce it into areas that have already received significant human modification
Desempenho de vacas Jersey suplementadas com diferentes fontes lipídicas na fase inicial da lactação
The experimental investigation of dynamic MHz ultrasound effect on short current, open circuit voltage, maximal output power and shunting resistance of silicon solar cells have been carried out. The ultrasound intensity is up to 3 W/cm2 . It is revealed that acousto-induced variations of measured parameters depend non-linearly on applied ultrasound intensity and may reach dozens of percents. The analysis of observed effects has been done in an assumption that tunnelling is the prevailing mechanism of carriers drift through the energy barrier.Проведено экспериментальное исследование динамического влияния ультразвука на ток короткого замыкания, напряжение холостого хода, максимальную выходную мощность и шунтирующее сопротивление кремниевого солнечного элемента. Использовался звук мегагерцового диапазона, интенсивностью до 3 Вт/см2. Обнаружено, что акустостимулированные изменения исследованных параметров нелинейно зависят от интенсивности введенного ультразвука и могут достигать десятков процентов. Проведен анализ полученных результатов в предположении, что преобладающим механизмом переноса носителей через энергетический барьер является туннельный.Проведене експериментальне дослідження динамічного впливу ультразвуку на струм короткого замикання, напругу холостого ходу, максимальну вихідну потужність та шунтуючий опір кремнієвого сонячного елементу. В роботі використовувався звук мегагерцового діапазону інтенсивністю до 3 Вт/см2. Виявлено, що акустостимульовані зміни досліджених параметрів нелінійно залежать від інтенсивності введеного ультразвуку і можуть досягати десятків відсотків. Проведено аналіз отриманих результатів у припущенні, що переважаючим механізмом перенесення носіїв через енергетичний бар’єр є тунельний