834 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian chaos in a coupled BEC -- optomechanical cavity system

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    We study a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped inside a single-mode optical cavity with a moving end-mirror. The intracavity light field has a dual role: it excites a momentum side-mode of the condensate, and acts as a nonlinear spring that couples the vibrating mirror to that collective density excitation. We present the dynamics in a regime where the intracavity optical field, the mirror, and the side-mode excitation all display bistable behavior. In this regime we find that the dynamics of the system exhibits Hamiltonian chaos for appropriate initial conditions.Comment: 5 figure

    The charge shuttle as a nanomechanical ratchet

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    We consider the charge shuttle proposed by Gorelik {\em et al.} driven by a time-dependent voltage bias. In the case of asymmetric setup, the system behaves as a rachet. For pure AC drive, the rectified current shows a complex frequency dependent response characterized by frequency locking at fracional values of the external frequency. Due to the non-linear dynamics of the shuttle, the rachet effect is present also for very low frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum entanglement between a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator and a microwave field

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    We consider a theoretical model for a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator coupled to a superconducting microwave resonator. The nanomechanical resonator is driven parametrically at twice its resonance frequency, while the superconducting microwave resonator is driven with two tones that differ in frequency by an amount equal to the parametric driving frequency. We show that the semi-classical approximation of this system has an interesting fixed point bifurcation structure. In the semi-classical dynamics a transition from stable fixed points to limit cycles is observed as one moves from positive to negative detuning. We show that signatures of this bifurcation structure are also present in the full dissipative quantum system and further show that it leads to mixed state entanglement between the nanomechanical resonator and the microwave cavity in the dissipative quantum system that is a maximum close to the semi-classical bifurcation. Quantum signatures of the semi-classical limit-cycles are presented.Comment: 36 pages, 18 figure

    Transitions to improved confinement regimes induced by changes in heating in zero-dimensional models for tokamak plasmas

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    It is shown that rapid substantial changes in heating rate can induce transitions to improved energy confinement regimes in zero-dimensional models for tokamak plasma phenomenology. We examine for the first time the effect of step changes in heating rate in the models of E-J.Kim and P.H.Diamond, Phys.Rev.Lett. 90, 185006 (2003) and M.A.Malkov and P.H.Diamond, Phys.Plasmas 16, 012504 (2009) which nonlinearly couple the evolving temperature gradient, micro-turbulence and a mesoscale flow; and in the extension of H.Zhu, S.C.Chapman and R.O.Dendy, Phys.Plasmas 20, 042302 (2013), which couples to a second mesoscale flow component. The temperature gradient rises, as does the confinement time defined by analogy with the fusion context, while micro-turbulence is suppressed. This outcome is robust against variation of heating rise time and against introduction of an additional variable into the model. It is also demonstrated that oscillating changes in heating rate can drive the level of micro-turbulence through a period-doubling path to chaos, where the amplitude of the oscillatory component of the heating rate is the control parameter.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figure

    Generalising the logistic map through the qq-product

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    We investigate a generalisation of the logistic map as xn+1=1axnqmapxn x_{n+1}=1-ax_{n}\otimes_{q_{map}} x_{n} (1xn1-1 \le x_{n} \le 1, 0<a20<a\le2) where q\otimes_q stands for a generalisation of the ordinary product, known as qq-product [Borges, E.P. Physica A {\bf 340}, 95 (2004)]. The usual product, and consequently the usual logistic map, is recovered in the limit q1q\to 1, The tent map is also a particular case for qmapq_{map}\to\infty. The generalisation of this (and others) algebraic operator has been widely used within nonextensive statistical mechanics context (see C. Tsallis, {\em Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics}, Springer, NY, 2009). We focus the analysis for qmap>1q_{map}>1 at the edge of chaos, particularly at the first critical point aca_c, that depends on the value of qmapq_{map}. Bifurcation diagrams, sensitivity to initial conditions, fractal dimension and rate of entropy growth are evaluated at ac(qmap)a_c(q_{map}), and connections with nonextensive statistical mechanics are explored.Comment: 12 pages, 23 figures, Dynamics Days South America. To be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS - IOP

    Computing the multifractal spectrum from time series: An algorithmic approach

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    We show that the existing methods for computing the f(\alpha) spectrum from a time series can be improved by using a new algorithmic scheme. The scheme relies on the basic idea that the smooth convex profile of a typical f(\alpha) spectrum can be fitted with an analytic function involving a set of four independent parameters. While the standard existing schemes [16, 18] generally compute only an incomplete f(\alpha) spectrum (usually the top portion), we show that this can be overcome by an algorithmic approach which is automated to compute the Dq and f(\alpha) spectrum from a time series for any embedding dimension. The scheme is first tested with the logistic attractor with known f(\alpha) curve and subsequently applied to higher dimensional cases. We also show that the scheme can be effectively adapted for analysing practcal time series involving noise, with examples from two widely different real world systems. Moreover, some preliminary results indicating that the set of four independant parameters may be used as diagnostic measures is also included.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures, submitted to CHAO

    Quantum integrability and nonintegrability in the spin-boson model

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    We study the spectral properties of a spin-boson Hamiltonian that depends on two continuous parameters 0Λ<0\leq\Lambda<\infty (interaction strength) and 0απ/20\leq\alpha\leq\pi/2 (integrability switch). In the classical limit this system has two distinct integrable regimes, α=0\alpha=0 and α=π/2\alpha=\pi/2. For each integrable regime we can express the quantum Hamiltonian as a function of two action operators. Their eigenvalues (multiples of \hbar) are the natural quantum numbers for the complete level spectrum. This functional dependence cannot be extended into the nonintegrable regime (0<α<π/2)(0<\alpha<\pi/2). Here level crossings are prohibited and the level spectrum is naturally described by a single (energy sorting) quantum number. In consequence, the tracking of individual eigenstates along closed paths through both regimes leads to conflicting assignments of quantum numbers. This effect is a useful and reliable indicator of quantum chaos -- a diagnostic tool that is independent of any level-statistical analysis

    Fractal and chaotic solutions of the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in classical and quantum systems

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    We discuss stationary solutions of the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (DNSE) with a potential of the ϕ4\phi^{4} type which is generically applicable to several quantum spin, electron and classical lattice systems. We show that there may arise chaotic spatial structures in the form of incommensurate or irregular quantum states. As a first (typical) example we consider a single electron which is strongly coupled with phonons on a 1D1D chain of atoms --- the (Rashba)--Holstein polaron model. In the adiabatic approximation this system is conventionally described by the DNSE. Another relevant example is that of superconducting states in layered superconductors described by the same DNSE. Amongst many other applications the typical example for a classical lattice is a system of coupled nonlinear oscillators. We present the exact energy spectrum of this model in the strong coupling limit and the corresponding wave function. Using this as a starting point we go on to calculate the wave function for moderate coupling and find that the energy eigenvalue of these structures of the wave function is in exquisite agreement with the exact strong coupling result. This procedure allows us to obtain (numerically) exact solutions of the DNSE directly. When applied to our typical example we find that the wave function of an electron on a deformable lattice (and other quantum or classical discrete systems) may exhibit incommensurate and irregular structures. These states are analogous to the periodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic structures found in classical chaotic dynamics

    Ensemble averages and nonextensivity at the edge of chaos of one-dimensional maps

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    Ensemble averages of the sensitivity to initial conditions ξ(t)\xi(t) and the entropy production per unit time of a {\it new} family of one-dimensional dissipative maps, xt+1=1ae1/xtz(z>0)x_{t+1}=1-ae^{-1/|x_t|^z}(z>0), and of the known logistic-like maps, xt+1=1axtz(z>1)x_{t+1}=1-a|x_t|^z(z>1), are numerically studied, both for {\it strong} (Lyapunov exponent λ1>0\lambda_1>0) and {\it weak} (chaos threshold, i.e., λ1=0\lambda_1=0) chaotic cases. In all cases we verify that (i) both [lnqx(x1q1)/(1q);ln1x=lnx] [\ln_q x \equiv (x^{1-q}-1)/(1-q); \ln_1 x=\ln x] and <Sq>[Sq(1ipiq)/(q1);S1=ipilnpi]<S_q > [S_q \equiv (1-\sum_i p_i^q)/(q-1); S_1=-\sum_i p_i \ln p_i] {\it linearly} increase with time for (and only for) a special value of qq, qsenavq_{sen}^{av}, and (ii) the {\it slope} of andthatof and that of {\it coincide}, thus interestingly extending the well known Pesin theorem. For strong chaos, qsenav=1q_{sen}^{av}=1, whereas at the edge of chaos, qsenav(z)<1q_{sen}^{av}(z)<1.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Visualizing the logistic map with a microcontroller

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    The logistic map is one of the simplest nonlinear dynamical systems that clearly exhibit the route to chaos. In this paper, we explored the evolution of the logistic map using an open-source microcontroller connected to an array of light emitting diodes (LEDs). We divided the one-dimensional interval [0,1][0,1] into ten equal parts, and associated and LED to each segment. Every time an iteration took place a corresponding LED turned on indicating the value returned by the logistic map. By changing some initial conditions of the system, we observed the transition from order to chaos exhibited by the map.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 listin