2,625 research outputs found

    Growth of Sales, Investment, Liquidity, Profitability, Dan Size of Firm Terhadap Kebijakan Dividend Payout Ratio Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research was to analysis influenced growth of sales, investment, liquidity, profitability, and size of firm to the dividend payout ratio. By using purposive sampling on the data of manufacturing company listed in BEI 2008-2010. The number of sample use in this research were 29 company. Data was analyzed use multiple linier regression. the result of the research indicated that all of variables independent have positive effect together to dividend payout ratio. There was negative effect significant return on equity to DPR, there was no ositive effect significant growth of sale to DPR, there was positive effect significant investment to DPR, there was positive effect not significant liquidity to DPR, there was negative effect not significant profitability to DPR, and there was positive effect not significant size of firm to DPR

    Hubungan Struktur Kepemilikan, Tingkat Utang, Dividen, Dan Nilai Perusahaan Dalam Mengurangi Konflik Keagenan Di Indonesia

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    This research tried to analyze substitution relationship among debt policy, dividend and insider ownershipstructure as the agency control mechanism on manufacturing firms in period 2005-2009. The hypothesisproposed in this paper were there was a substitution relationship between insider's ownership and debt policyin reducing agency conflict, there was a substitution relationship between debt and dividend policy in reducingagency conflict and there was substitution relationship between insider's ownership and dividend policyin reducing agency conflict. This research used purposive sampling method to determine samples and therewere 42 firms as the samples. The analysis instrument used was simultaneous equation model by using twostages least square method. These empirical results verified that debt and dividend policy was determined bysimultaneous, while insider ownership did not influence debt policy. Hypothesis test showed that there was nosubstitution relationship between insider's ownership and debt policy in reducing agency conflict, there wassubstitution relationship between debt and dividend policy in reducing agency conflict and there was substitutionrelationship between insider's ownership and dividend policy in reducing agency conflict. Because as awhole, eventhough not fully, there was simultaneity among debt policy, insider's ownership and dividend itwas expected to increase firm value

    KUD Members’ Participation Development through Society Education

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    This research conducted based on the weak participation of KUD members. KUD members’ participation is very determined by the members’ habits. The weak participation of KUD members will affect the weak of KUD activities. Therefore, the benefits that is gotten by members also low which affects the prosperousness of the members that most of them are live in a small village. Bantul district was chosen as the field of the research because after the earthquake years ago, the participation of the KUD members are getting weak.  In Bantul, almost 50% of the KUDs are non-active KUDs. This study is intended to produce a model in a form of “guidance” for KUD, therefore it might be used to develop the KUD activities in Indonesia. The first year research was funded by Dikti grant competition 2013 found that KUD participation was weak, then many KUDs went bankrupt because KUD could not rise. In this second year of research, the researcher emphasized the research on KUD members’ habits and provided support and training to them assumed that their participation as the members would rise and rise the KUD activities.The total respondents for this second research was 116 respondents. The instrument used in this research was PLS (Partial Least Square) to investigate the habits factor which has influence in KUD members’ participation. The data gathering technique used in this research is questioner, while the sampling gathering technique is judgment sampling. The result of this research indicates that Biographical Characteristic, Learning Process and Ability give direct positive influence and significant to Organization Commitment. Learning Process gave direct positive influence and significant to Organization Commitment, Organization Commitment gave direct positive influence and significant to Members’ Participation, Members’ Participation gave direct positive influence and significant to benefits received by the members. The result of this research also proves that support and training for KUD members must be conducted continually and increase the KUD members’ participation. Based on the result of this research, the researcher intended that the government should give better attention to KUD by providing support and training continually, therefore KUD might rise. Limitations of this study, only covers an area of one of the districts in Bantul Yogyakarta. The future research could include a wider area. Hopefully the results of the research can be applied in all regions in Indonesia and other countries that have such organizations KUD. Keywords: biographical characteristic, learning process, ability, organizational commitment, members’ participatio

    The Effects of Brand Image, Review Beauty Vlogger, and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions for Wardah Cosmetics

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    This study is aimed at analyzing the effect of Brand Image , Review Vlogger, and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions for Wardah Cosmetics at Female Management Study Program Students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. the the research method used in this research is the quantitative method. The population in this study were management students at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta . Method of collecting data by using online questioner. The sampling method used was purposive sampling. The analytical tools used are descriptive and quantitative methods using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program version 26. This research finds that (1) there is an influence of brand image, beauty vlogger reviews and product quality on purchase decisions (2) there is no effect of brand image on purchase decisions (3) there is an effect of beauty vlogger reviews on purchase decision (4) there is an effect of product quality on purchase decision

    Perlindungan Hak Paten dalam Kajian Hukum Islam dan Peran Umat Islam dalam Bidang Iptek

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    Hak Paten adalah bagian dari hak atas kekayaaan intelektual (HKI). HKI sebagai hak yang timbul dari hasil olah pikir yang menghasilkan suatu produk atau proses yang berguna untuk manusia. Hak Paten merupakan bentuk reward yang diberikan terhadap seseorang dalam bentuk hak eksklusif. Jika ditinjau dari hukum Islam, keberadaan hak paten dibenarkan, namun tidak diperkenankan kalau hak paten yang sudah diperoleh hanya semata-mata untuk memperkaya diri sendiri. Minimnya jumlah paten negara Islam yang terdaftar di Dirjen HKI ataupun PCT menunjukkan betapa minimnya penelitian yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam. Padahal Al Qur'an telah banyak memberikan pesan agar manusia selalu berpikir menggunakan akalnya untuk menemukan segala. Sudah saatnya umat Islam harus bangkit di era globalisasi. Negara Islam harus mampu menunjukkan eksistensinya melalui riset dan teknologi, sehingga bisa mengungguli negara-negara Barat. Indonesia sebagai negara mayoritas Islam tentunya juga harus memulai eksistensinya dalam IPTEK yaitu dengan memulai melakukan penelitian-penelitian yang berbasis paten. Paten is a part of Intelectual Property Rights (IPRs). HKI refers to product of human's intellectual that is beneficial for human being. Patent is a reward which is awarded to someone in exclusive form. In Islamic perspective, patent right is justified but it is forbidden to get patent merely for economic or financial interest. The inadequate number of muslim countries that are registered in HKI directorate general or PCT shows that only a few number of research conducted by muslims. In fact, Quran has sent its messages to human beings to use their brain in thinking to gather knowledge. This is the time for muslims to awake in this globalization era. Islamic states must be able to show their existences through research and technology in order they go beyond western countries. Indonesia as muslim majority country should start its existence in technology by conducting research which is patent-based

    Mediation Model Investment Opportunity Set on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia: Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach

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    The purpose of the study was to test and analyze the influence of multinationality, size, and profitability as company advantages, and leverage and systematic risk as company limitations on the change in investment opportunity set with its appropriate proxy and influence on company financing. The sample of the study are manufacture firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange that distributed successively in 2010 – 2013. Sample size consists of total is 435 firms Data analysis was conducted in two ways: a) Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to find appropriate proxies; and b) Partially Least Square (PLS). Results: company advantages were proven to have a positive effect on Investment Opportunity Set (IOS). Company limitations were not proven to have a negative effect on Investment Opportunity Set (IOS). Investment Opportunity Set was proven to have a positive effect on corporate financing policies at 10% significance level. Company advantages were proven to have a negative effect on corporate financing policies. Company limitations were proven to have a negative effect on corporate financing policies. IOS was proven to mediate the influence of company advantages on corporate financing policies at 10% significance level. IOS was proven to mediate the influence of company limitations on corporate financing policies. Company limitations have no significant influence on investment opportunity set. This is because companies inIndonesia have yet considered the leverage and systematic risk in determining the directions of corporate investment policies to grow and develop as well as in determining their financing policies

    The Effect of Talent Management and Knowledge Management on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Mediation in the Yogyakarta Special Region Government

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of talent management and knowledge management on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction for Civil Servants in the Yogyakarta Special Region Government. Employee performance is thought to be influenced by the management of human resources, namely talent management and knowledge management with job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection through questionnaires. The population of this research is the Civil Servants of the Yogyakarta Special Region Government who have received Education and Cadre Training of 60 employees with the sunsus technique in sampling. The analytical method used in this research is Path Analysis. The results of the study indicate that talent management and knowledge management have a direct and significant effect on employee performance. Talent management has an indirect effect on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction. Knowledge management has an indirect effect on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction
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