546 research outputs found

    A three dimensional model of the photosynthetic membranes of Ectothiorhodospira halochloris

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    The three dimensional organization of the complete photosynthetic apparatus of the extremely halophilic, bacteriochlorophyll b containing Ectothiorhodospira halochloris has been elaborated by several techniques of electron microscopy. Essentially all thylakoidal sacs are disc shaped and connected to the cytoplasmic membrane by small membraneous ldquobridgesrdquo. In sum, the lumina of all thylakoids (intrathylakoidal space) form one common periplasmic space. Thin sections confirm a paracrystalline arrangement of the photosynthetic complexes in situ. The ontogenic development of the photosynthetic apparatus is discussed based on a structural model derived from serial thin sections

    Transoral laser microsurgery for laryngeal cancer: A primer and review of laser dosimetry

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    Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) is an emerging technique for the management of laryngeal and other head and neck malignancies. It is increasingly being used in place of traditional open surgery because of lower morbidity and improved organ preservation. Since the surgery is performed from the inside working outward as opposed to working from the outside in, there is less damage to the supporting structures that lie external to the tumor. Coupling the laser to a micromanipulator and a microscope allows precise tissue cutting and hemostasis; thereby improving visualization and precise ablation. The basic approach and principles of performing TLM, the devices currently in use, and the associated dosimetry parameters will be discussed. The benefits of using TLM over conventional surgery, common complications and the different settings used depending on the location of the tumor will also be discussed. Although the CO2 laser is the most versatile and the best-suited laser for TLM applications, a variety of lasers and different parameters are used in the treatment of laryngeal cancer. Improved instrumentation has lead to an increased utilization of TLM by head and neck cancer surgeons and has resulted in improved outcomes. Laser energy levels and spot size are adjusted to vary the precision of cutting and amount of hemostasis obtained

    Predicting Weight Outcomes in Preadolescence: The Role of Toddlers? Self-regulation Skills and the Temperament Dimension of Pleasure

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    Objective To investigate the role of toddlers? self-regulation skills and temperament in predicting weight outcomes in preadolescence. Method Participants for this study included 195 children (114 girls) obtained from three different cohorts participating in a larger ongoing longitudinal study. At 2 years of age, participants participated in several laboratory tasks designed to assess their self-regulation abilities, including emotion regulation, sustained attention, and delay of gratification, while parents filled out a temperament questionnaire to assess toddlers? pleasure expression. Height and weight measures were collected when children were 4, 5, 7, and 10 years of age. Children also filled out a body image and eating questionnaire at the 10 year visit. Results Self-regulation skills in toddlers were associated with both BMI development, pediatric obesity, and body image/eating concerns. The temperament dimension of pleasure was also associated with BMI development and pediatric obesity but not body image/eating concerns. Conclusion Self-regulation difficulties across domains as well as temperament based pleasure in toddlers represented significant individual risk factors for the development of pediatric obesity eight years later. Early self-regulation difficulties also contributed to body image and eating concerns that typically accompanied overweight children. The mechanisms by which early self-regulation skills and temperament based pleasure may contribute to the development of pediatric obesity and associated weight concerns are discussed

    Oppositional COMT Val158Met effects on resting state functional connectivity in adolescents and adults

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    Β© 2014, The Author(s).Prefrontal dopamine levels are relatively increased in adolescence compared to adulthood. Genetic variation of COMT (COMT Val158Met) results in lower enzymatic activity and higher dopamine availability in Met carriers. Given the dramatic changes of synaptic dopamine during adolescence, it has been suggested that effects of COMT Val158Met genotypes might have oppositional effects in adolescents and adults. The present study aims to identify such oppositional COMT Val158Met effects in adolescents and adults in prefrontal brain networks at rest. Resting state functional connectivity data were collected from cross-sectional and multicenter study sites involving 106 healthy young adults (mean age 24Β Β±Β 2.6Β years), gender matched to 106 randomly chosen 14-year-olds. We selected the anterior medial prefrontal cortex (amPFC) as seed due to its important role as nexus ofΒ the executive control and default mode network. We observed a significant age-dependent reversal of COMT Val158Met effects on resting state functional connectivity between amPFC and ventrolateral as well as dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and parahippocampal gyrus. Val homozygous adults exhibited increased and adolescents decreased connectivity compared to Met homozygotes for all reported regions. Network analyses underscored the importance of the parahippocampal gyrus as mediator of observed effects. Results of this study demonstrate that adolescent and adult resting state networks are dose-dependently and diametrically affected by COMT genotypes following a hypothetical model of dopamine function that follows an inverted U-shaped curve. This study might provide cues for the understanding of disease onset or dopaminergic treatment mechanisms in major neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

    Dynamic cerebral autoregulation after intracerebral hemorrhage: A case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dynamic cerebral autoregulation after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) remains poorly understood. We performed a case-control study to compare dynamic autoregulation between ICH patients and healthy controls.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-one patients (66 Β± 15 years) with early (< 72 hours) lobar or basal ganglia ICH were prospectively studied and compared to twenty-three age-matched controls (65 Β± 9 years). Continuous measures of mean flow velocity (MFV) in the middle cerebral artery and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were obtained over 5 min. Cerebrovascular resistance index (CVR<sub>i</sub>) was calculated as the ratio of MAP to MFV. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation was assessed using transfer function analysis of spontaneous MAP and MFV oscillations in the low (0.03-0.15 Hz) and high (0.15-0.5 Hz) frequency ranges.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The ICH group demonstrated higher CVR<sub>i </sub>compared to controls (ipsilateral: 1.91 Β± 1.01 mmHgΒ·sΒ·cm<sup>-1</sup>, <it>p </it>= 0.04; contralateral: 2.01 Β± 1.24 mmHgΒ·sΒ·cm<sup>-1</sup>, <it>p </it>= 0.04; vs. control: 1.42 Β± 0.45 mmHgΒ·sΒ·cm<sup>-1</sup>). The ICH group had higher gains than controls in the low (ipsilateral: 1.33 Β± 0.58%/mmHg, <it>p </it>= 0.0005; contralateral: 1.47 Β± 0.98%/mmHg, <it>p </it>= 0.004; vs. control: 0.82 Β± 0.30%/mmHg) and high (ipsilateral: 2.11 Β± 1.31%/mmHg, <it>p </it>< 0.0001; contralateral: 2.14 Β± 1.49%/mmHg, <it>p </it>< 0.0001; vs. control: 0.66 Β± 0.26%/mmHg) frequency ranges. The ICH group also had higher coherence in the contralateral hemisphere than the control (ICH contralateral: 0.53 Β± 0.38, <it>p </it>= 0.02; vs. control: 0.38 Β± 0.15) in the high frequency range.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Patients with ICH had higher gains in a wide range of frequency ranges compared to controls. These findings suggest that dynamic cerebral autoregulation may be less effective in the early days after ICH. Further study is needed to determine the relationship between hematoma size and severity of autoregulation impairment.</p

    Comparative molecular biological analysis of membrane transport genes in organisms

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    Comparative analyses of membrane transport genes revealed many differences in the features of transport homeostasis in eight diverse organisms, ranging from bacteria to animals and plants. In bacteria, membrane-transport systems depend mainly on single genes encoding proteins involved in an ATP-dependent pump and secondary transport proteins that use H+ as a co-transport molecule. Animals are especially divergent in their channel genes, and plants have larger numbers of P-type ATPase and secondary active transporters than do other organisms. The secondary transporter genes have diverged evolutionarily in both animals and plants for different co-transporter molecules. Animals use Na+ ions for the formation of concentration gradients across plasma membranes, dependent on secondary active transporters and on membrane voltages that in turn are dependent on ion transport regulation systems. Plants use H+ ions pooled in vacuoles and the apoplast to transport various substances; these proton gradients are also dependent on secondary active transporters. We also compared the numbers of membrane transporter genes in Arabidopsis and rice. Although many transporter genes are similar in these plants, Arabidopsis has a more diverse array of genes for multi-efflux transport and for response to stress signals, and rice has more secondary transporter genes for carbohydrate and nutrient transport

    Determination of the Proteolytic Cleavage Sites of the Amyloid Precursor-Like Protein 2 by the Proteases ADAM10, BACE1 and Ξ³-Secretase

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    Regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the protease activities Ξ±-, Ξ²- and Ξ³-secretase controls the generation of the neurotoxic amyloid Ξ² peptide. APLP2, the amyloid precursor-like protein 2, is a homolog of APP, which shows functional overlap with APP, but lacks an amyloid Ξ² domain. Compared to APP, less is known about the proteolytic processing of APLP2, in particular in neurons, and the cleavage sites have not yet been determined. APLP2 is cleaved by the Ξ²-secretase BACE1 and additionally by an Ξ±-secretase activity. The two metalloproteases ADAM10 and ADAM17 have been suggested as candidate APLP2 Ξ±-secretases in cell lines. Here, we used RNA interference and found that ADAM10, but not ADAM17, is required for the constitutive Ξ±-secretase cleavage of APLP2 in HEK293 and SH-SY5Y cells. Likewise, in primary murine neurons knock-down of ADAM10 suppressed APLP2 Ξ±-secretase cleavage. Using mass spectrometry we determined the proteolytic cleavage sites in the APLP2 sequence. ADAM10 was found to cleave APLP2 after arginine 670, whereas BACE1 cleaves after leucine 659. Both cleavage sites are located in close proximity to the membrane. Ξ³-secretase cleavage was found to occur at different peptide bonds between alanine 694 and valine 700, which is close to the N-terminus of the predicted APLP2 transmembrane domain. Determination of the APLP2 cleavage sites enables functional studies of the different APLP2 ectodomain fragments and the production of cleavage-site specific antibodies for APLP2, which may be used for biomarker development

    An effectiveness analysis of healthcare systems using a systems theoretic approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of accreditation and quality measurement and reporting to improve healthcare quality and patient safety has been widespread across many countries. A review of the literature reveals no association between the accreditation system and the quality measurement and reporting systems, even when hospital compliance with these systems is satisfactory. Improvement of health care outcomes needs to be based on an appreciation of the whole system that contributes to those outcomes. The research literature currently lacks an appropriate analysis and is fragmented among activities. This paper aims to propose an integrated research model of these two systems and to demonstrate the usefulness of the resulting model for strategic research planning.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>To achieve these aims, a systematic integration of the healthcare accreditation and quality measurement/reporting systems is structured hierarchically. A holistic systems relationship model of the administration segment is developed to act as an investigation framework. A literature-based empirical study is used to validate the proposed relationships derived from the model. Australian experiences are used as evidence for the system effectiveness analysis and design base for an adaptive-control study proposal to show the usefulness of the system model for guiding strategic research.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three basic relationships were revealed and validated from the research literature. The systemic weaknesses of the accreditation system and quality measurement/reporting system from a system flow perspective were examined. The approach provides a system thinking structure to assist the design of quality improvement strategies. The proposed model discovers a fourth implicit relationship, a feedback between quality performance reporting components and choice of accreditation components that is likely to play an important role in health care outcomes. An example involving accreditation surveyors is developed that provides a systematic search for improving the impact of accreditation on quality of care and hence on the accreditation/performance correlation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is clear value in developing a theoretical systems approach to achieving quality in health care. The introduction of the systematic surveyor-based search for improvements creates an adaptive-control system to optimize health care quality. It is hoped that these outcomes will stimulate further research in the development of strategic planning using systems theoretic approach for the improvement of quality in health care.</p

    Assessing the Quality of Clinical Teachers: A Systematic Review of Content and Quality of Questionnaires for Assessing Clinical Teachers

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    BACKGROUND: Learning in a clinical environment differs from formal educational settings and provides specific challenges for clinicians who are teachers. Instruments that reflect these challenges are needed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of clinical teachers. OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the content, validity, and aims of questionnaires used to assess clinical teachers. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO and ERIC from 1976 up to March 2010. REVIEW METHODS: The searches revealed 54 papers on 32 instruments. Data from these papers were documented by independent researchers, using a structured format that included content of the instrument, validation methods, aims of the instrument, and its setting. Results : Aspects covered by the instruments predominantly concerned the use of teaching strategies (included in 30 instruments), supporter role (29), role modeling (27), and feedback (26). Providing opportunities for clinical learning activities was included in 13 instruments. Most studies referred to literature on good clinical teaching, although they failed to provide a clear description of what constitutes a good clinical teacher. Instrument length varied from 1 to 58 items. Except for two instruments, all had to be completed by clerks/residents. Instruments served to provide formative feedback ( instruments) but were also used for resource allocation, promotion, and annual performance review (14 instruments). All but two studies reported on internal consistency and/or reliability; other aspects of validity were examined less frequently. CONCLUSIONS: No instrument covered all relevant aspects of clinical teaching comprehensively. Validation of the instruments was often limited to assessment of internal consistency and reliability. Available instruments for assessing clinical teachers should be used carefully, especially for consequential decisions. There is a need for more valid comprehensive instruments
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