46,194 research outputs found
Separate and Legally Unequal – How The Demonization of Immigrants Affects United States Policy
Samverkan blir allt vanligare som organisatorisk lösning på situationer där ansvarsområden är vaga eller skär över organisationsgränser. Inom området vård och omsorg om äldre korsar ansvaret gränser både avseende huvudmän och yrkesgrupper och satsningar på samverkan är därför frekvent förekommande. Särskilda satsningar på samverkan inom just rehabiliteringsområdet har också främjats av statliga stimulansmedel riktade mot vården och omsorgen om äldre. Föreliggande studie belyser hur kärntruppen, en grupp bestående av representanter för olika yrkesgrupper och huvudmän med ansvar för olika uppdrag i rehabiliteringen av äldre i Kinda kommit att samverka i syfte att skapa bättre samordning och samsyn kring brukaren. Materialet som studien bygger på består av fem års kontinuerliga mötesanteckningar, personliga intervjuer, en fokusgruppsintervju, ett års kontinuerligt nedskrivna mötesdagböcker samt övrig dokumentation om verksamheten. Studien visar hur samverkan kan utvecklas och samsyn frammanas i viktiga frågor genom att rätt personer involveras, personligt engagemang skapas och tid ges till diskussion om frågor som lyfts upp och bearbetas efter hand. Sett ur ett meningsskapandeperspektiv framträder betydelsen av gemensamma aktiviteter vid olika mötesarenor för den samsyn som åstadkoms. Brukaren, eller ”Kalle”, blir det objekt som företrädare för samtliga inblandade organisationer och yrkesgrupper kan samlas kring. Genom mötet dem emellan framträder kärntruppen som en organisation som fungerar som en länk mellan olika världar likväl som en brobyggare för att inkludera även andra i ett alternativt synsätt på brukaren.Rapporten tillgänglig för beställning via FoU-centrum, www.linkoping.se.</p
Situating Grammar Instruction in the World Language Classroom: Four Content-Enriched Strategies
The role of grammar instruction in promoting communicative competence continues to be a controversial issue for the world language classroom teacher. Second language acquisition research suggests that critical to sustained progress in language use is a focus on form, which we define as attention to linguistic form in the context of performing a communicative task. We therefore offer here four content-enriched strategies for situating grammar in a communicative context: textual enhancement, input flood, structured input, and dictogloss. We present these tasks and activities within the framework of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century (SFLL, 2006) to illustrate how a standards-based approach that integrates form-focused instruction with content increases student achievement in the target language
Cosmological test on viscous bulk models using Hubble Parameter measurements and type Ia Supernovae data
From a phenomenological point of view, we analyze the dynamics of the
Universe at late times by introducing a polynomial and hyperbolic bulk
viscosity into the Einstein field equations respectively. We constrain their
free parameters using the observational Hubble parameter data and the Type Ia
Supernovae dataset to reconstruct the deceleration and the jerk
parameters within the redshift region . At current epochs, we obtain
and for the
polynomial model and
() and
() for the tanh (cosh) model. Furthermore, we explore
the statefinder diagnostic that gives us evident differences with respect to
the concordance model (LCDM). According to our results this kind of models is
not supported by the data over LCDM.Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ
Language Practice and Study Abroad
The present study measures the impact that pragmatic intervention has when students are exposed to targeted language practice during a six-week study abroad programme in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The intervention had three goals. First, the researcher drew learners’ attention to language use and context through discussion about pragmatics and exposure to authentic input. Second, the intervention aimed at making students aware of the pragmatic norms of the target culture, including the appropriate use of communication strategies. The third and final goal was to afford the participants opportunities to engage in what DeKeyser (2007) and others argue are five critical aspects of language practice during study abroad: input, output, interaction, guided reflection and targeted feedback. Results indicated that over time all six students increased their use of targetlike request strategies. Journal entries and interviews with the researcher also revealed that the students became more aware of appropriate target-like request behaviour as a result of the language practice. In their journals and interviews, the students also attributed their pragmatic development to three additional sources: interactions with host families and other native speakers, their participation in service encounter exchanges and the targeted feedback given to them by the researcher. The results suggest that exposure to targeted language practice prior to and during study abroad can facilitate pragmatic learning and, in turn, contribute to a more successful study abroad experience
A novel and economical explanation for SM fermion masses and mixings
I propose the first multiscalar singlet extension of the Standard Model (SM),
that generates tree level top quark and exotic fermion masses as well as one
and three loop level masses for charged fermions lighter than the top quark and
for light active neutrinos, respectively, without invoking electrically charged
scalar fields. That model, which is based on the discrete
symmetry, successfully explains the observed SM fermion mass and mixing
pattern. The charged exotic fermions induce one loop level masses for charged
fermions lighter than the top quark. The charged scalar singlet
generates the observed charged fermion mass and quark mixing pattern.Comment: 4 pages. Section on the 750 GeV diphoton anomaly removed. Accepted
for publication as a Letter in the European Physical Journal
MHD Remote Numerical Simulations: Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are solar eruptions into interplanetary space
of as much as a few billion tons of plasma, with embedded magnetic fields from
the Sun's corona. These perturbations play a very important role in
solar--terrestrial relations, in particular in the spaceweather. In this work
we present some preliminary results of the software development at the
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico to perform Remote MHD Numerical
Simulations. This is done to study the evolution of the CMEs in the
interplanetary medium through a Web-based interface and the results are store
into a database. The new astrophysical computational tool is called the Mexican
Virtual Solar Observatory (MVSO) and is aimed to create theoretical models that
may be helpful in the interpretation of observational solar data.Comment: 2 pages, 1 color figure. To appear in Proceedings IAU Symposium No.
259. Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies. In pres
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