31,634 research outputs found

    On the use of space photography for identifying transportation routes: A summary of problems

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    It has been widely suggested that space photography may be used for updating maps of transportation networks. Proponents of the argument have suggested that color space photographs of the resolution obtained with Hasselblad 80 mm lenses (about 300 feet) contain enough useful information to update the extensions of major U. S. highways. The present study systematically documents for the Dallas-Fort Worth area the potential of such space photography in detecting, and to a lesser degree identifying, the existing road networks. Color separation plates and an enlargement of the color photograph were produced and all visible roads traced onto transparencies for study. Major roads and roads under construction were the most visible while lower class roads and roads in urban areas had the poorest return. Road width and classification were found to be the major determinant in visibility, varying from 100 per cent visible for divided highways to 15 per cent visible of bladed earth roads. In summary, space photographs of this resolution proved to be difficult to use for accurate road delineation. Only super highways in rural areas with the greatest road-width were completely identifiable, the width being about 1/3 that of the resolution cell

    Entanglement versus Quantum Discord in Two Coupled Double Quantum Dots

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    We study the dynamics of quantum correlations of two coupled double quantum dots containing two excess electrons. The dissipation is included through the contact with an oscillator bath. We solve the Redfield master equation in order to determine the dynamics of the quantum discord and the entanglement of formation. Based on our results, we find that the quantum discord is more resistant to dissipation than the entanglement of formation for such a system. We observe that this characteristic is related to whether the oscillator bath is common to both qubits or not and to the form of the interaction Hamiltonian. Moreover, our results show that the quantum discord might be finite even for higher temperatures in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (new version is the final version to appear in NJP

    The role of coherence entropy of physical twin observables in entanglement

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    The concept of physical twin observables (PTO) for bipartite quantum states,introduced and proved relevant for quantum information theory in recent work, is substantially simplified. The relation of observable and state is studied in detail from the point of view of coherence entropy. Properties of this quantity are further explored. It is shown that, besides for pure states, quantum discord (measure of entanglement) can be expressed through the coherence entropy of a PTO complete in relation to the state.Comment: 19 pages, Latex+Revtex

    Analysis of urban area land cover using SEASAT Synthetic Aperture Radar data

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    Digitally processed SEASAT synthetic aperture raar (SAR) imagery of the Denver, Colorado urban area was examined to explore the potential of SAR data for mapping urban land cover and the compatability of SAR derived land cover classes with the United States Geological Survey classification system. The imagery is examined at three different scales to determine the effect of image enlargement on accuracy and level of detail extractable. At each scale the value of employing a simplistic preprocessing smoothing algorithm to improve image interpretation is addressed. A visual interpretation approach and an automated machine/visual approach are employed to evaluate the feasibility of producing a semiautomated land cover classification from SAR data. Confusion matrices of omission and commission errors are employed to define classification accuracies for each interpretation approach and image scale

    Preliminary sonic boom correlation of predicted and measured levels for STS-1 entry

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    A preliminary analysis correlating peaks from sonic boom pressure signatures recorded during the descent trajectory of the Orbiter Columbia, which landed in the dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB), California, with measured wind tunnel signatures extrapolated from flight altitudes to the ground has been made for Mach numbers ranging from 1.3 to 6. The flight pressure signatures were recorded by microphones positioned at ground level near the groundtrack, whereas the wind tunnel signatures were measured during a test of a 0.0041-scale model Orbiter. The agreement between overpressure estimates based on wind tunnel data using preliminary flight trajectory data and oscillograph traces from ground measurements appears reasonable at this time for the range of Mach numbers considered. More detailed studies using final flight trajectory data and digitized ground measured data will be performed

    Cargo/Logistics Airlift System Study (CLASS), Volume 2

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    Air containerization is discussed in terms of lower freight rates, size and pallet limitations, refrigeration, backhaul of empties, and ownership. It is concluded that there is a need for an advance air cargo system as indicated by the industry/transportation case studies, and a stimulation of the air cargo would result in freight rate reductions

    Cargo/Logistics Airlift System Study (CLASS), Volume 1

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    Current and advanced air cargo systems are evaluated using industrial and consumer statistics. Market and commodity characteristics that influence the use of the air mode are discussed along with a comparison of air and surface mode on typical routes. Results of on-site surveys of cargo processing facilities at airports are presented, and institutional controls and influences on air cargo operations are considered

    Cargo/Logistics Airlift System Study (CLASS), Executive Summary

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    The current air cargo system is analyzed along with advanced air cargo systems studies. A forecast of advanced air cargo system demand is presented with cost estimates. It is concluded that there is a need for a dedicated advance air cargo system, and with application of advanced technology, reductions of 45% in air freight rates may be achieved

    A general low frequency acoustic radiation capability for NASTRAN

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    A new capability called NASHUA is described for calculating the radiated acoustic sound pressure field exterior to a harmonically-excited arbitrary submerged 3-D elastic structure. The surface fluid pressures and velocities are first calculated by coupling a NASTRAN finite element model of the structure with a discretized form of the Helmholtz surface integral equation for the exterior fluid. After the fluid impedance is calculated, most of the required matrix operations are performed using the general matrix manipulation package (DMAP) available in NASTRAN. Far field radiated pressures are then calculated from the surface solution using the Helmholtz exterior integral equation. Other output quantities include the maximum sound pressure levels in each of the three coordinate planes, the rms and average surface pressures and normal velocities, the total radiated power and the radiation efficiency. The overall approach is illustrated and validated using known analytic solutions for submerged spherical shells subjected to both uniform and nonuniform applied loads

    The Role of Local Policies on Resource Utilization: Timber Harvesting in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana

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    Seemingly unrelated regression was used to investigate if the passage of forestry-related ordinances has had an effect upon timber harvesting activities in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Results indicate that a significant negative relationship exists between a $10,000 road bond ordinance and the level of timber harvest in the Parish.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,