25 research outputs found

    On quantum effects in the dynamics of macroscopic test masses

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    Quantum-state steering in optomechanical devices

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    We show that optomechanical systems in the quantum regime can be used to demonstrate EPR-type quantum entanglement between the optical field and the mechanical oscillator, via quantum-state steering. Namely, the conditional quantum state of the mechanical oscillator can be steered into different quantum states depending the choice made on which quadrature of the out-going field is to be measured via homodyne detection. More specifically, if quantum radiation pressure force dominates over thermal force, the oscillator's quantum state is steerable with a photodetection efficiency as low as 50%, approaching the ideal limit shown by Wiseman and Gambetta [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 220402 (2012)]. We also show that requirement for steerability is the same as those for achieving sub-Heisenberg state tomography using the same experimental setup

    Double optical spring enhancement for gravitational-wave detectors

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    Currently planned second-generation gravitational-wave laser interferometers such as Advanced LIGO exploit the extensively investigated signal-recycling technique. Candidate Advanced LIGO configurations are usually designed to have two resonances within the detection band, around which the sensitivity is enhanced: a stable optical resonance and an unstable optomechanical resonance—which is upshifted from the pendulum frequency due to the so-called optical-spring effect. As an alternative to a feedback control system, we propose an all-optical stabilization scheme, in which a second optical spring is employed, and the test mass is trapped by a stable ponderomotive potential well induced by two carrier light fields whose detunings have opposite signs. The double optical spring also brings additional flexibility in reshaping the noise spectral density and optimizing toward specific gravitational-wave sources. The presented scheme can be extended easily to a multi-optical-spring system that allows further optimization

    Creation of a quantum oscillator by classical control

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    As a pure quantum state is being approached via linear feedback, and the occupation number approaches and eventually goes below unity, optimal control becomes crucial. We obtain theoretically the optimal feedback controller that minimizes the uncertainty for a general linear measurement process, and show that even in the absence of classical noise, a pure quantum state is not always achievable via feedback. For Markovian measurements, the deviation from minimum Heisenberg Uncertainty is found to be closely related to the extent to which the device beats the free-mass Standard Quantum Limit for force measurement. We then specialize to optical Markovian measurements, and demonstrate that a slight modification to the usual input-output scheme -- either injecting frequency independent squeezed vacuum or making a homodyne detection at a non-phase quadrature -- allows controlled states of kilogram-scale mirrors in future LIGO interferometers to reach occupation numbers significantly below unity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Preparing a mechanical oscillator in non-Gaussian quantum states

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    We propose a protocol for coherently transferring non-Gaussian quantum states from optical field to a mechanical oscillator. The open quantum dynamics and continuous-measurement process, which can not be treated by the stochastic-master-equation formalism, are studied by a new path-integral-based approach. We obtain an elegant relation between the quantum state of the mechanical oscillator and that of the optical field, which is valid for general linear quantum dynamics. We demonstrate the experimental feasibility of such protocol by considering the cases of both large-scale gravitational-wave detectors and small-scale cavity-assisted optomechanical devices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement of macroscopic test masses and the Standard Quantum Limit in laser interferometry

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    We show that the generation of entanglement of two heavily macroscopic mirrors with masses of up to several kilograms are feasible with state of the art techniques of high-precision laser interferometry. The basis of such a demonstration would be a Michelson interferometer with suspended mirrors and simultaneous homodyne detections at both interferometer output ports. We present the connection between the generation of entanglement and the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) for a free mass. The SQL is a well-known reference limit in operating interferometers for gravitational-wave detection and provides a measure of when macroscopic entanglement can be observed in the presence of realistic decoherence processes

    Negative optical inertia for enhancing the sensitivity of future gravitational-wave detectors

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    We consider enhancing the sensitivity of future gravitational-wave detectors by using double optical spring. When the power, detuning and bandwidth of the two carriers are chosen appropriately, the effect of the double optical spring can be described as a "negative inertia", which cancels the positive inertia of the test masses and thus increases their response to gravitational waves. This allows us to surpass the free-mass Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) over a broad frequency band, through signal amplification, rather than noise cancelation, which has been the case for all broadband SQL-beating schemes so far considered for gravitational-wave detectors. The merit of such signal amplification schemes lies in the fact that they are less susceptible to optical losses than noise cancelation schemes. We show that it is feasible to demonstrate such an effect with the {\it Gingin High Optical Power Test Facility}, and it can eventually be implemented in future advanced GW detectors.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Enhancement of the Zero-Area Sagnac Interferometer Topology for Gravitational Wave Detection

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    Only a few years ago, it was realized that the zero-area Sagnac interferometer topology is able to perform quantum nondemolition measurements of position changes of a mechanical oscillator. Here, we experimentally show that such an interferometer can also be efficiently enhanced by squeezed light. We achieved a nonclassical sensitivity improvement of up to 8.2 dB, limited by optical loss inside our interferometer. Measurements performed directly on our squeezed-light laser output revealed squeezing of 12.7 dB. We show that the sensitivity of a squeezed-light enhanced Sagnac interferometer can surpass the standard quantum limit for a broad spectrum of signal frequencies without the need for filter cavities as required for Michelson interferometers. The Sagnac topology is therefore a powerful option for future gravitational-wave detectors, such as the Einstein Telescope, whose design is currently being studied.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Noncommutative Moduli for Multi-Instantons

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    There exists a recursive algorithm for constructing BPST-type multi-instantons on commutative R^4. When deformed noncommutatively, however, it becomes difficult to write down non-singular instanton configurations with topological charge greater than one in explicit form. We circumvent this difficulty by allowing for the translational instanton moduli to become noncommutative as well. This makes possible the ADHM construction of 't Hooft multi-instanton solutions with everywhere self-dual field strengths on noncommutative R^4.Comment: 1+9 pages; v2: reference added, published versio

    Achieving ground state and enhancing entanglement by recovering information

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    For cavity-assisted optomechanical cooling experiments, it has been shown in the literature that the cavity bandwidth needs to be smaller than the mechanical frequency in order to achieve the quantum ground state of the mechanical oscillator, which is the so-called resolved-sideband or good-cavity limit. We provide a new but physically equivalent insight into the origin of such a limit: that is information loss due to a finite cavity bandwidth. With an optimal feedback control to recover those information, we can surpass the resolved-sideband limit and achieve the quantum ground state. Interestingly, recovering those information can also significantly enhance the optomechanical entanglement. Especially when the environmental temperature is high, the entanglement will either exist or vanish critically depending on whether information is recovered or not, which is a vivid example of a quantum eraser.Comment: 9 figures, 18 page