12 research outputs found

    Les processus de différenciation et la résistance des kystes aux traitements de désinfection chez l'amibe libre Vermamoeba vermiformis

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    V. vermiformis est une amibe libre répandue dans l'environnement et les milieux artificiels comme les réseaux d'eau chaude sanitaire (RECS). Il est maintenant bien établi qu'elle joue un rôle de réservoir pour des bactéries pathogènes, comme L. pneumophila. Le contrôle de V. vermiformis dans les RECS représente donc un enjeu sanitaire important. Les amibes libres peuvent passer d'une forme métaboliquement active (trophozoïte) à une forme de résistance, le kyste, lorsque les conditions sont défavorables ce qui leur confère une résistance aux traitements. Malgré la haute prévalence de V. vermiformis dans les RECS, les processus de différenciation et la résistance de ses kystes aux traitements n'ont été que peu étudiés. Nous avons donc investigué les changements morphologiques et ultrastructuraux qui s'opèrent lors de l'enkystement et désenkystement de V. vermiformis. Il en ressort que l'enkystement est un phénomène rapide (9 h) qui conduit à la formation de kystes entourés d'une paroi double couche. Lors du désenkystement, les trophozoïtes n'émergent pas à travers un ostiole comme c'est le cas chez Acanthamoeba. Puis, nous avons étudié l'effet des conditions environnementales et de la concentration cellulaire sur l'enkystement. Nous avons observé que plus la concentration cellulaire est élevée plus l'enkystement est rapide, ce qui suggère l'existence de mécanismes de communication intercellulaire. Enfin, nous avons étudié la résistance des kystes aux traitements utilisés dans les RECS et aux protéases. Ces traitements étaient efficaces, in vitro, pour inactiver les kystes de V. vermiformis. Ces travaux ont permis d'apporter des connaissances de bases sur les processus de dVermamoeba vermiformis is a free-living amoeba (FLA) widespread in the environment and artificial environments such as hot water networks. It is now well established that it acts as a reservoir for many pathogenic bacteria, such as Legionella pneumophila. The control of V. vermiformis in artificial environments represents an important health issue. FLA can turn from a metabolic active form (trophozoite) to a resistance form, called cyst, when conditions are unfavorable. Cysts are more resistant to treatments. Despite the high prevalence of V. vermiformis in hot water networks, the processes of differentiation and the resistance of cysts to disinfection treatments have been poorly studied. Therefore we investigated morphological and ultrastructural changes occurring during encystment and excystment of V. vermiformis. It appears that encystment is a fast process (9 h) which leads to the formation of cysts surrounded by a double-layered wall. During excystment, trophozoites do not emerge through an ostiole as is the case with Acanthamoeba. Then, we studied the effect of environmental conditions and cell concentration on encystment. We observed that the higher cell concentration was, the faster the encystment was, which suggests the existence of intercellular communication. Finally, we studied the resistance of cysts to conventional disinfection treatments used in hot water networks and to innovative treatment with proteases. These treatments were effective, in vitro, to inactivate V. vermiformis cysts. This work provides new finding regarding differentiation processes and cysts resistance of V. vermiformis, a free-living amoeba poorly studied.POITIERS-SCD-Bib. électronique (861949901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude du régulon sigma-54 et de son implication dans la sensibilité aux bactériocines de sous-classe IIa chez Listeria monocytogenes

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    Les bactériocines de sous-classe IIa sont des peptides à activité anti-Listeria synthétisés par des bactéries lactiques. La sensibilité de Listeria monocytogenes implique le facteur de transcription s54, pour lequel trois activateurs associés ont été identifiés dans le génome, ManR, LacR et CotR. Le facteur s54 et ManR régulent l'expression d'une perméase PTS de la famille mannose, EIItMan, qui joue un rôle crucial dans la sensibilité aux bactériocines IIa. EIItMan est constituée d'une sous-unité cytoplasmique IIABtMan et d'un complexe membranaire IICtMan-IIDtMan. Sa localisation membranaire a suggéré son rôle putatif de récepteur à ces peptides anti-bactériens. Afin d'approfondir, à l'échelle moléculaire, l'implication de s54 et de EIItMan dans la sensibilité aux bactériocines IIa, nous avons développé deux axes de recherche. Dans un premier temps, une étude globale des gènes régulés par s54 a été réalisée. Nous avons mené une analyse comparative transcriptomique et protéomique entre un mutant s54 et la souche sauvage EGDe. Dans nos conditions d'étude, mptACD, codant EIItMan, est l'unique opéron directement contrôlé par s54. Le facteur s54 a un effet principal sur le métabolisme des sucres, probablement orchestré par la répression de mptACD. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié le rôle de EIItMan dans le mode d'action des bactériocines IIa. L'analyse par RT-PCR de l'expression de mptACD montre une relation entre son niveau d'expression et le degré de sensibilité des mutants. L'expression hétérologue de l'opéron mptACD chez une bactérie insensible, Lactococcus lactis, conduit à une sensibilité de la souche aux bactériocines IIa. Nous avons aussi montré que seule l'expression du gène mptC (codant IICtMan) est nécessaire pour sensibiliser L. lactis. Ainsi, la sous-unité membranaire IICtMan joue un rôle crucial dans la sensibilité et pourrait être la cible privilégiée des bactériocines IIa.Subclass IIa bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria, are peptides active against Listeria. The s54 transcriptional factor is involved in the sensitivity of Listeria monocytogenes to these peptides. Three s54 associated activators were identified in L. monocytogenes genome, ManR, LacR and CotR. The s54 factor and ManR regulated the EIItMan synthesis, a mannose PTS permease, which is crucial in sensitivity to IIa bacteriocins. EIItMan is composed of a cytoplasmic subunit, IIABtMan, and a membrane complex IICtMan-IIDtMan. Its membrane localization led our group to suggest that it could be a receptor to antibacterial peptides. The role of s54 and EIItMan in sensitivity to IIa bacteriocins was investigated through two approaches. First, we realised a global analysis of genes regulated by s54, by the comparison of the transcriptome and proteome profiles of a s54 mutant and the wild type EGDe strain. In our conditions study, mptACD, encoding EIItMan, is the only operon shown to be directly regulated by s54. The s54 mutation has a main influence on sugars metabolism, may be due to the repression of mptACD. Second, we study the implication of EIItMan in sensitivity mechanism to IIa bacteriocins. The analysis by RT-PCR of the mptACD expression suggested a link between its level expression and the level of sensitivity of L. monocytogenes mutants. Besides, the heterologous expression of mptACD in an insensitive species, Lactococcus lactis, led to sensitize the strains to IIa bacteriocins. We also show that only the mptC expression (encoding IICtMan) is necessary to induce sensitivity in L. lactis. Thus, the membrane subunit, IICtMan is crucial for the sensitivity and could be the particular target of IIa bacteriocins.POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude du mécanisme d'action de biocides oxydants sur Acanthamoeba castellanii

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    Les amibes sont des pathogènes opportunistes vivant dans des milieux naturels et artificiels. Elles jouent le rôle de réservoirs et de vecteurs de bactéries pathogènes comme Legionella. Elles présentent donc une réelle menace pour la santé publique. De plus, il y a peu d informations sur le mode d action des biocides utilisés dans la désinfection des amibes. Ainsi, l objectif de ce travail a été de comparer la réponse cellulaire d Acanthamoeba castellanii au chlore (Cl2), au dioxyde de chlore (Cl2) et à la monochloramine (NH.Cl). La mesure de cultivabilitépar la méthode du Nombre le Plus Probable montre que NH2Cl est de 15 à 30 fois moins efficace que Cl2 et ClO2 pour atteindre 99,9% d inactivation. L analyse de la perméabilité et de la morphologie cellulaire par cytométrie après marquage de l IP et au Syto9 montre que Cl2 induit la perméabilisation et la diminution de la taille. Mais les changements avec le ClO2 et le NH2Cl varient selon les doses. La microscopie confocale et électronique a permis d observer une désorganisation de l actine et des changements cytoplasmiques. Enfin l analyse des antioxydants a montré que les biocides affectent différemment le système de défense contre le stress oxydant. Les résultats montrent que ces biocides ont des effets très différents sur A. castellanii et que les cellules exhibent diverses réponses cellulaires et antioxydantes. Ce travail est une base pour une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme d action de ces biocides et fournir des informations pour améliorer leur utilisation dans l eau.Free- living amoebae (FLA) are opportunists pathogens widespread in natural and man-made environnements. Also, they are reported to be reservoirs and vectors for a number of waterborne pathogenic bacteria, such as Legionnella pneumophila. FLA present therefore a major risk for public health. Besides, there is poor information on action of biocides used for water disinfection on amoeba. Thus, the aim of our study was to examine cellular response of Acanthamoeba castellanii to chlorine (Cl2), chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and monochloramine (NH2Cl). Assessment of cell viability, by the Most Probable Number method, indicated that NH2Cl is 15 to 30 times less effective that Cl2 and ClO2 for a 3 log inactivation of cells. Flow cytometry analyses of cells, stained by IP and SYTO9, showed that Cl2 induced clearly a diminution of cell size and a loss of membrane integrity while with ClO2 and NH2Cl, membrane integrity and cell size changes were relatives as a function of doses. Actin cytoskeleton, cytoplasm contents changes were also visualised by both confocal and electronic microscopy after treatment. Finally, the analysis of antioxidants showed that biocides affects differently the defence system against oxidative stress. Our findings demonstrate that these three oxidizing biocides have different effect on A. castellanii as cells exhibit various cellular and biochemical responses. This work as a basis should allow a good understanding of the mechanisms of these biocides and provide information to a better use in water treatment.POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Différenciation d'Acanthamoeba castellanii et rôle dans l'interaction avec Legionella pneumophila

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    POITIERS-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (861942103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Iron Availability Modulates the Persistence of Legionella pneumophila in Complex Biofilms.

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    International audienceLegionella pneumophila is a pathogenic bacteria found in biofilms in freshwater. Iron is an essential nutrient for L. pneumophila growth. In this study, complex biofilms were developed using river water spiked with L. pneumophila, and the persistence of L. pneumophila in these complex biofilms was evaluated. In order to study the role of iron in the persistence of L. pneumophila, river water was supplied with either iron pyrophosphate or iron chelators (deferoxamine mesylate, DFX for ferric iron and dipyridyl, DIP for ferrous iron) to modulate iron availability. The addition of iron pyrophosphate and DFX did not markedly affect the persistence of L. pneumophila in the biofilms, whereas that of DIP had a beneficial effect. Since DIP specifically chelates ferrous iron, we hypothesized that DIP may protect L. pneumophila from the deleterious effects of ferrous iron. In conclusion, ferrous iron appears to be important for the persistence of L. pneumophila in complex biofilms. However, further studies are needed in order to obtain a better understanding of the role of ferrous iron in the behavior of this bacterium in the environment

    A time-resolved multi-omics atlas of Acanthamoeba castellanii encystment

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    International audienceEncystment is a common stress response of most protists, including free-living amoebae. Cyst formation protects the amoebae from eradication and can increase virulence of the bacteria they harbor. Here, we mapped the global molecular changes that occur in the facultatively pathogenic amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii during the early steps of the poorly understood process of encystment. By performing transcriptomic, proteomic, and phosphoproteomic experiments during encystment, we identified more than 150,000 previously undescribed transcripts and thousands of protein sequences absent from the reference genome. These results provide molecular details to the regulation of expected biological processes, such as cell proliferation shutdown, and reveal new insights such as a rapid phospho-regulation of sites involved in cytoskeleton remodeling and translation regulation. This work constitutes the first time-resolved molecular atlas of an encysting organism and a useful resource for further investigation of amoebae encystment to allow for a better control of pathogenic amoebae

    Microbial predator-prey interactions could favor coincidental selection of diverse virulence factors in marine coastal waters

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    Vibrios are ubiquitous in marine environments and opportunistically colonize a broad range of hosts. Strains of Vibrio tasmaniensis present in oyster farms can thrive in oysters during juvenile mortality events. Among them, V. tasmaniensis LGP32 behaves as a facultative intracellular pathogen of oyster hemocytes, a property rather unusual in vibrios. Herein, we asked whether LGP32 resistance to phagocytosis could result from coincidental selection of virulence factors during interactions with heterotrophic protists, such as amoeba, in the environment. To answer that question, we developed an integrative study, from the first description of amoeba diversity in oyster-farming areas to the characterization of LGP32 interactions with amoebae of the Vannella genus that were found abundant in the oyster environment. LGP32 was shown to be resistant to grazing by amoebae and this phenotype was dependent on previously identified virulence factors: the secreted metalloprotease Vsm and the copper efflux p-ATPase CopA. Using dedicated in vitro assays, our results showed that these virulence factors act at different steps during amoeba-vibrio interactions than they do in oysters-vibrio interactions. Hence, the virulence factors of LGP32 are key determinants of biotic interactions with multiple hosts ranging from protozoans to metazoans, suggesting that the selective pressure exerted by amoebae in marine coastal environments favor coincidental selection of virulence factors