22 research outputs found

    Chelated minerals for poultry

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    Organic minerals have been subject of an increasing number of investigations recently. These compounds can be considered the most significant event regarding commercial forms of minerals targeting animal supplementation in the last decades. Minerals, especially metals, are usually supplemented in poultry feeds using cheap saline sources and have never required a lot of attention in terms of quality. On the other hand, definitions of organic minerals are very broad and frequently lead to confusion when decision-making becomes necessary. Organic minerals include any mineral bound to organic compounds, regardless of the type of existing bond between mineral and organic molecules. Proteins and carbohydrates are the most frequent candidates in organic mineral combinations. Organic fraction size and bond type are not limitations in organic mineral definition; however, essential metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn) can form coordinated bonds, which are stable in intestinal lumen. Metals bound to organic ligands by coordinated bonds can dissociate within animal metabolism whereas real covalent bonds cannot. Chelated minerals are molecules that have a metal bound to an organic ligand through coordinated bonds; but many organic minerals are not chelates or are not even bound through coordinated bonds. Utilization of organic minerals is largely dependent on the ligand; therefore, amino acids and other small molecules with facilitated access to the enterocyte are supposed to be better utilized by animals. Organic minerals with ligands presenting long chains may require digestion prior to absorption. After absorption, organic minerals may present physiological effects, which improve specific metabolic responses, such as the immune response. Many studies have demonstrated the benefits of metal-amino acid chelates on animal metabolism, but the detection positive effects on live performance is less consistent

    Efetividade de diferentes estratégias de intervenção com ferro nos níveis de hemoglobina e ferritina em escolares de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil Effectiveness of different iron supplementation strategies on hemoglobin and ferritin levels among schoolchildren in Teresina, Piauí State, Brazil

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    O estudo avaliou o efeito das intervenções com sulfato ferroso e com ferro bisglicina quelato nas concentrações de hemoglobina e ferritina sérica em escolares de 7-11 anos, de ambos os sexos, de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Foi desenvolvido ensaio clínico-comunitário, randomizado, envolvendo 138 escolares, com níveis de hemoglobina < 11,5g/dL, alocados, individualmente, em dois grupos de tratamento. Um grupo (n = 71) recebeu 40mg de sulfato ferroso, uma vez/semana, e o outro (n = 67) 3,8mg de ferro bisglicina quelato, fracionados em biscoitos consumidos três vezes/semana, durante oito semanas. Houve um incremento (p < 0,01) médio, nas concentrações de hemoglobina, de 1,1g/dL entre os escolares que receberam sulfato ferroso e de 0,9g/dL para aqueles que receberam ferro bisglicina quelato, embora sem diferença (p > 0,05) na comparação intergrupos. Nenhum impacto foi observado (p > 0,05) nas reservas corporais de ferro. Entretanto, escolares que apresentaram depleção das reservas corporais de ferro (< 15ng/mL), no início dos tratamentos, tiveram aumento (p < 0,01) nas concentrações médias de ferritina sérica, após a intervenção, embora com efeito similar (p > 0,05) entre os grupos de tratamento. Os resultados confirmam a efetividade das intervenções e ratificam o uso do esquema semanal com sulfato ferroso e com ferro bisglicina quelato no tratamento da deficiência do mineral e da anemia ferropriva.<br>This study evaluated the effectiveness of supplementation with ferrous sulfate and iron bis-glycinate chelate on hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels among schoolchildren (7-11 years) of both sexes. A randomized community-based trial including 138 anemic children (hemoglobin < 11.5g/dL) was conducted in Teresina, Piauí State, Brazil. Children were assigned to two treatment groups on an individual basis. One group (n = 71) received 40mg iron as ferrous sulfate once weekly and the other group (n = 67) received 3.8mg of iron bis-glycinate chelate-enriched cookies, 3x/week, for 8 weeks. The interventions showed a significant increase (p < 0.01) in hemoglobin levels (1.1g/dL) for children who received ferrous sulfate and 0.9g/dl in those who received iron bis-glycinate chelate, although not significant in the inter-group comparison (p > 0.05). No effect was observed on body iron for either intervention (p > 0.05). Children with depleted iron stores (< 15ng/mL) at the beginning of interventions showed increased serum ferritin concentrations after 8 weeks (p < 0.01), although no difference between treatments (p > 0.05) was observed. The results confirm the effectiveness of the iron supplementation interventions and corroborate the use of iron salts or ferrous bisglycinate chelate on a weekly basis to overcome iron deficiency and anemia

    The side-effects of different doses of iron sulfate on women of reproductive age: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study Efeitos colaterais do sulfato ferroso administrado em diferentes posologias em mulheres em idade reprodutiva: estudo randomizado, duplo cego e controlado por placebo

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    OBJECTIVES: to identify side effects of the use of different doses of iron sulfate (IS). METHODS: an eight-week randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial was carried out involving 727 women aged 20-49 years between October 2005 and October 2006. The women were randomly allocated into eight groups with daily or twice-weekly doses administered during or in between meals. The information was obtained by weekly telephone contact. Analysis involved comparison of the proportion of complaints from the different groups. RESULTS: of 726 women initially selected, 74.2% completed eight weeks of follow up. In the regimens containing IS 95.2% of women reported gastrointestinal complaints. More complaints were reported for daily doses than for ones (p <0.001). Those taken between meals were associated with more nausea than those taken during meals (p<0.001). Of the 95 women who withdrew from the experiment, 88.4% belonged to the IS group and diarrhea was the main complaint (29.8%). CONCLUSIONS: the use of iron sulfate was associated with gastrointestinal side effects, especially when taken daily and diarrhea was the main complaint associated with IS.<br>OBJETIVOS: identificar efeitos colaterais com o uso do sulfato ferroso (SF) administrado em diferentes posologias. MÉTODOS: realizou-se ensaio randomizado, duplo cego, controlado por placebo, com duração de oito semanas, em 727 mulheres de 20-49 anos, entre outubro/2005 e outubro/2006, alocadas aleatoriamente em oito grupos de estudo, segundo o uso do SF ou placebo, frequência de utilização (diária ou duas vezes por semana) e horário de administração - durante (DR) ou no intervalo (IR) das refeições. As informações foram obtidas através de contato telefônico semanal. A análise foi feita por meio da comparação das proporções das queixas relacionadas aos diferentes esquemas posológicos. RESULTADOS: das 727 mulheres inicialmente selecionadas, 74,2% completaram as oito semanas de seguimento. Os esquemas posológicos contendo SF foram responsáveis por 95,2% das queixas gastrointestinais. Tais queixas estiveram ainda relacionadas aos esquemas posológicos diários quando comparados aos esquemas semanais (p<0,001). As tomadas no IR estiveram mais associadas à náusea do que as tomadas DR (p<0,001). Das 95 mulheres que abandonaram o experimento, 88,4% pertenciam aos grupos do SF e, entre estas, a diarréia foi o principal motivo (29,8%) alegado. CONCLUSÕES: o uso do sulfato ferroso esteve associado a efeitos colaterais gastrointestinais. A diarréia foi a queixa mais associada ao uso do SF e principalmente nos esquemas posológicos de tomada diária