142 research outputs found

    Infant Cognitive Scores Prediction With Multi-stream Attention-based Temporal Path Signature Features

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    There is stunning rapid development of human brains in the first year of life. Some studies have revealed the tight connection between cognition skills and cortical morphology in this period. Nonetheless, it is still a great challenge to predict cognitive scores using brain morphological features, given issues like small sample size and missing data in longitudinal studies. In this work, for the first time, we introduce the path signature method to explore hidden analytical and geometric properties of longitudinal cortical morphology features. A novel BrainPSNet is proposed with a differentiable temporal path signature layer to produce informative representations of different time points and various temporal granules. Further, a two-stream neural network is included to combine groups of raw features and path signature features for predicting the cognitive score. More importantly, considering different influences of each brain region on the cognitive function, we design a learning-based attention mask generator to automatically weight regions correspondingly. Experiments are conducted on an in-house longitudinal dataset. By comparing with several recent algorithms, the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performance. The relationship between morphological features and cognitive abilities is also analyzed

    Infant head growth in male siblings of children with and without autism spectrum disorders

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    Previous research has indicated that children with autism exhibit accelerated head growth (HG) in infancy, although the timing of acceleration varies between studies. We examined infant HG trajectory as a candidate autism endophenotype by studying sibling pairs. We retrospectively obtained serial head orbitofrontal circumference measurements of: a) 48 sibling pairs in which one (n = 28) or both (n = 20) sibs were affected by an autism spectrum disorder (ASD); and b) 85 control male sibling pairs. Rate of HG of ASD subjects was slightly accelerated compared to controls, but the magnitude of difference was below the limit of reliability of standard measurement methods. Sibling intra class correlation for rate of HG was highly statistically significant; the magnitude was significantly stronger among autism-affected families (ICC = .63) than among controls (ICC = .26), p < .01. Infant HG trajectory appears familial—possibly endophenotypic—but was not a reliable marker of autism risk among siblings of ASD probands in this sample

    Brief Report: Sensorimotor Gating in Idiopathic Autism and Autism Associated with Fragile X Syndrome

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    Prepulse inhibition (PPI) may useful for exploring the proposed shared neurobiology between idiopathic autism and autism caused by FXS. We compared PPI in four groups: typically developing controls (n = 18), FXS and autism (FXS+A; n = 15), FXS without autism spectrum disorder (FXS−A; n = 17), and idiopathic autism (IA; n = 15). Relative to controls, the FXS+A (p < 0.002) and FXS−A (p < 0.003) groups had impaired PPI. The FXS+A (p < 0.01) and FXS−A (p < 0.03) groups had lower PPI than the IA group. Prolonged startle latency was seen in the IA group. The differing PPI profiles seen in the FXS+A and IA indicates these groups may not share a common neurobiological abnormality of sensorimotor gating

    Flagellin-Induced Corneal Antimicrobial Peptide Production and Wound Repair Involve a Novel NF-κB–Independent and EGFR-Dependent Pathway

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    The bacterial protein flagellin plays a major role in stimulating mucosal surface innate immune response to bacterial infection and uniquely induces profound cytoprotection against pathogens, chemicals, and radiation. This study sought to determine signaling pathways responsible for the flagellin-induced inflammatory and cytoprotective effects on human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs).Flagellin purified from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain PAK) or live bacteria were used to challenge cultured HCECs. The activation of signaling pathways was assessed with Western blot, and the secretion of cytokine/chemokine and production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) were measured with ELISA and dot blot, respectively. Effects of flagellin on wound healing were assessed in cultured porcine corneas. L94A (a site mutation in TLR5 binding region) flagellin and PAK expressing L94A flagellin were unable to stimulate NF-kappaB activation, but were potent in eliciting EGFR signaling in a TGF-alpha-related pathway in HCECs. Concomitant with the lack of NF-kappaB activation, L94A flagellin was ineffective in inducing IL-6 and IL-8 production in HCECs. Surprisingly, the secretion of two inducible AMPs, LL-37 and hBD2, was not affected by L94A mutation. Similar to wild-type flagellin, L94A induced epithelial wound closure in cultured porcine cornea through maintaining EGFR-mediated signaling.Our data suggest that inflammatory response mediated by NF-kappaB can be uncoupled from epithelial innate defense machinery (i.e., AMP expression) and major epithelial proliferation/repair pathways mediated by EGFR, and that flagellin and its derivatives may have broad therapeutic applications in cytoprotection and in controlling infection in the cornea and other mucosal tissues

    No preliminary evidence of differences in astrocyte density within the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in autism

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    Background: While evidence for white matter and astrocytic abnormalities exist in autism, a detailed investigation of astrocytes has not been conducted. Such an investigation is further warranted by an increasing role for neuroinflammation in autism pathogenesis, with astrocytes being key players in this process. We present the first study of astrocyte density and morphology within the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in individuals with autism. Methods: DLPFC formalin-fixed sections containing white matter from individuals with autism (n = 8, age = 4-51 years) and age-matched controls (n = 7, age = 4-46 years) were immunostained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Density of astrocytes and other glia were estimated via the optical fractionator, astrocyte somal size estimated via the nucleator, and astrocyte process length via the spaceballs probe. Results: We found no evidence for alteration in astrocyte density within DLPFC white matter of individuals with autism versus controls, together with no differences in astrocyte somal size and process length. Conclusion: Our results suggest that astrocyte abnormalities within the white matter in the DLPFC in autism may be less pronounced than previously thought. However, astrocytic dysregulation may still exist in autism, even in the absence of gross morphological changes. Our lack of evidence for astrocyte abnormalities could have been confounded to an extent by having a small sample size and wide age range, with pathological features potentially restricted to early stages of autism. Nonetheless, future investigations would benefit from assessing functional markers of astrocytes in light of the underlying pathophysiology of autism

    Teasing apart the heterogeneity of autism: Same behavior, different brains in toddlers with fragile X syndrome and autism

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    To examine brain volumes in substructures associated with the behavioral features of children with FXS compared to children with idiopathic autism and controls. A cross-sectional study of brain substructures was conducted at the first time-point as part of an ongoing longitudinal MRI study of brain development in FXS. The study included 52 boys between 18–42 months of age with FXS and 118 comparison children (boys with autism-non FXS, developmental-delay, and typical development). Children with FXS and autistic disorder had substantially enlarged caudate volume and smaller amygdala volume; whereas those children with autistic disorder without FXS (i.e., idiopathic autism) had only modest enlargement in their caudate nucleus volumes but more robust enlargement of their amygdala volumes. Although we observed this double dissociation among selected brain volumes, no significant differences in severity of autistic behavior between these groups were observed. This study offers a unique examination of early brain development in two disorders, FXS and idiopathic autism, with overlapping behavioral features, but two distinct patterns of brain morphology. We observed that despite almost a third of our FXS sample meeting criteria for autism, the profile of brain volume differences for children with FXS and autism differed from those with idiopathic autism. These findings underscore the importance of addressing heterogeneity in studies of autistic behavior