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5 research outputs found
Lime Protection for Young Vines Exposed to Copper Toxicity
A Rodrigo-Moreno
AA Meharg
+19Â more
B Alaoui-Sossé
B Printz
DJ Rosa
E Girotto
E Trentin
G Brunetto
HAW Joris
I Novozamsky
I Yruela
J Cambrollé
K-W Juang
M Dubois
P-Y Chen
PM Kopittke
RM Mccready
V Chaignon
VG Ambrosini
VG Ambrosini
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Phytoextractor Potential of Cultivated Species in Industrial Area Contaminated by Lead
Adailson Pereira de Souza
Ahmad DSA
+44Â more
Alves JC
AragĂŁo DM
AraĂșjo JCT
Baret F
Boonyapookana B
Chantachon S
Chen HM
Chen Y
Clement Carrillo R
ClĂstenes Williams AraĂșjo do Nascimento
Evanko CR
Fellet G
Ferrari TB
FĂ€ssler E
Gautam M
Gomide CAM
GonzĂĄlez-Alcaraz MN
Gupta DKFT
Henry JR
Hermann ER
Hunt R
Jarvis MD
Joab Josemar Vitor Ribeiro do Nascimento
Joris HAW
Kabata-Pendias A
Liu X
Ludwig F
Meers E
Pedron F
Pereira LB
Romeiro S
Romeiro S
Santos HG
Schmidt IARO
Sharma P
SilvĂąnia Maria de Souza Gomes Nascimento
Singh RP
Tedesco MJ
Vamerali T
Vera LĂșcia Antunes de Lima
Xu W
Yang B
Zeitouni CF
Zhuang P
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Inflectional Errors in Utterances with Overt Subjects by Person and Number.
B Behera
Bert M. Weckhuysen
+71Â more
Brahim Mezari
C Ruspic
C Volkringer
CA Emeis
CS Mei
D Mores
EA Pidko
Edy Abou-Hamad
Emiel J. M. Hensen
F Schmidt
FJ Keil
FL Bleken
FL Bleken
Freek Kapteijn
G Kresse
G Kresse
G Kresse
G Kresse
H Fang
HL Janardhan
I Yarulina
I Yarulina
Ina Vollmer
Irina Yarulina
J Brus
J Dedecek
J Goetze
J Goetze
J Hutter
J Karger
J Karger
J VandeVondele
Javier Perez-Ramirez
JB Nicholas
JF Haw
Jorge Gascon
Joris Goetze
JS MartĂnez-EspĂn
Juan S. MartĂnez-EspĂn
K Hemelsoet
K Hemelsoet
K Na
K Wispelaere De
KA Cychosz
Kristof De Wispelaere
M Choi
M Guisnet
M Milina
M Milina
M Stöcker
MA Deimund
Maarten Goesten
Magnus Morten
Mike Radersma
MJ Wulfers
P Kortunov
PL Llewellyn
S Mitchell
S MĂŒller
S Svelle
S Teketel
Sharon Mitchell
Simon Bailleul
T Liang
U Olsbye
Unni Olsbye
V Speybroeck Van
V Speybroeck Van
Veronique Van Speybroeck
XY Sun
Y Hong
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
<p>Inflectional Errors in Utterances with Overt Subjects by Person and Number.</p
Repository TU/e
Pure OAI Repository
Ghent University Academic Bibliography
Utrecht University Repository
The Francis Crick Institute
Structureâperformance descriptors and the role of Lewis acidity in the methanol-to-propylene process
B Behera
Bert M. Weckhuysen
+71Â more
Brahim Mezari
C Ruspic
C Volkringer
CA Emeis
CS Mei
D Mores
EA Pidko
Edy Abou-Hamad
Emiel J. M. Hensen
F Schmidt
FJ Keil
FL Bleken
FL Bleken
Freek Kapteijn
G Kresse
G Kresse
G Kresse
G Kresse
H Fang
HL Janardhan
I Yarulina
I Yarulina
Ina Vollmer
Irina Yarulina
J Brus
J Dedecek
J Goetze
J Goetze
J Hutter
J Karger
J Karger
J VandeVondele
Javier Perez-Ramirez
JB Nicholas
JF Haw
Jorge Gascon
Joris Goetze
JS MartĂnez-EspĂn
Juan S. MartĂnez-EspĂn
K Hemelsoet
K Hemelsoet
K Na
K Wispelaere De
KA Cychosz
Kristof De Wispelaere
M Choi
M Guisnet
M Milina
M Milina
M Stöcker
MA Deimund
Maarten Goesten
Magnus Morten
Mike Radersma
MJ Wulfers
P Kortunov
PL Llewellyn
S Mitchell
S MĂŒller
S Svelle
S Teketel
Sharon Mitchell
Simon Bailleul
T Liang
U Olsbye
Unni Olsbye
V Speybroeck Van
V Speybroeck Van
Veronique Van Speybroeck
XY Sun
Y Hong
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Long-term lime and phosphogypsum broadcast affects phosphorus cycling in a tropical Oxisol cultivated with soybean under no-till
A Mehlich
A Zhang
+83Â more
AC Edwards
ACA Carmeis Filho
B van Raij
B van Raij
B van Raij
BJ Cade-Menun
BJ Cade-Menun
BJ Cade-Menun
BL Henderson
BL Turner
BL Turner
C Giaveno
C Giaveno
CH Kurihara
CHM Costa
D Abdi
D Neina
DL Heanes
ED Roy
EF Caires
EF Caires
EF Caires
EJ Kamprath
F Eivazi
F GĂ©rard
FCB Zambrosi
GW Gee
H Andersson
H Cantarella
H Omidi
HA Souza
HAW Joris
HE Shoemaker
IH Rorison
IR Silva
J Liu
J Murphy
J Zhao
JA Antonangelo
JC Tarafdar
JS Geelhoed
K Moedritzer
L Celi
L Condron
L Narro
LM Condron
M Campos
M Khanna
MA Tabatabai
MAG Hinkle
MC Rowley
MF Qayyum
MF Reeve
MI Makarov
NE Smeck
NK Fageria
NK Fageria
NK Fageria
NS Bolan
NZ Lupwayi
PM Bertsch
PNC Murphy
R Fuentes-Llanillo
RJ Haynes
RL Fox
RR Bender
RR Simard
RW Mcdowell
RW Mcdowell
S von Tucher
SC Blum
SH Sirois
Soil Survey Staff
T Tiecher
TI McLaren
TM Inagaki
TS George
V Acosta-MartĂnez
V Acosta-MartĂnez
WA Dick
X Yang
ZF Lund
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text