11 research outputs found

    Wave propagation in axion electrodynamics

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    In this paper, the axion contribution to the electromagnetic wave propagation is studied. First we show how the axion electrodynamics model can be embedded into a premetric formalism of Maxwell electrodynamics. In this formalism, the axion field is not an arbitrary added Chern-Simon term of the Lagrangian, but emerges in a natural way as an irreducible part of a general constitutive tensor.We show that in order to represent the axion contribution to the wave propagation it is necessary to go beyond the geometric approximation, which is usually used in the premetric formalism. We derive a covariant dispersion relation for the axion modified electrodynamics. The wave propagation in this model is studied for an axion field with timelike, spacelike and null derivative covectors. The birefringence effect emerges in all these classes as a signal of Lorentz violation. This effect is however completely different from the ordinary birefringence appearing in classical optics and in premetric electrodynamics. The axion field does not simple double the ordinary light cone structure. In fact, it modifies the global topological structure of light cones surfaces. In CFJ-electrodynamics, such a modification results in violation of causality. In addition, the optical metrics in axion electrodynamics are not pseudo-Riemannian. In fact, for all types of the axion field, they are even non-Finslerian

    Distribuição radicular, estado nutricional e produção de colmos e de açúcar em soqueiras de dois cultivares de cana-de-açúcar em solos distintos Root distribution, plant nutritional status, and stalk and sugar yield in two genotypes of sugarcane in distinct soils

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    O presente trabalho de pesquisa foi elaborado com o objetivo de comprovar a hipótese de que o cultivar de cana-de-açúcar RB83-5486, comparado ao RB83-5089, apresenta melhor distribuição radicular mediante cultivo em solo com menor teor de argila. O estudo foi realizado a partir de dois experimentos de campo desenvolvidos no município de Porto Feliz, SP. Os solos foram classificados como Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico latossólico (NV) e Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico psamítico (LVA). No período entre a terceira e a quinta soca (2002 a 2004), os cultivares de cana-de-açúcar RB83-5486 e RB83-5089 foram avaliados a partir de estudos de atributos químicos e físicos do solo, do estado nutricional da cultura, da distribuição de raízes no perfil do solo e da produtividade e qualidade tecnológica da cana-de-açúcar. A distribuição de raízes foi avaliada utilizando-se o método da trincheira ou parede do perfil. Os resultados indicaram diferença na concentração de hidrogênio dos solos relacionada com a atividade dos cultivares na absorção de nutrientes. O teor foliar de potássio e enxofre foi maior para o cultivar RB83-5486. No LVA, ambos os cultivares apresentaram maior quantidade de raízes concentrando-se até os 18 cm de distância a partir das linhas de cana e até os 54 cm de profundidade. No NV, o cultivar RB83-5486 apresentou maior quantidade de raízes concentrando-se até 23 cm de distância a partir das linhas de cana e até os 46 cm de profundidade. Já o cultivar RB83-5089 mostrou distribuição do sistema radicular mais uniforme no NV. A produção de colmos foi maior no cultivar RB83-5089; contudo, a produção de açúcar foi maior em RB83-5486.<br>Two field experiments were carried out in Porto Feliz, SP, Brazil, to test the hypothesis that in soils with low clay content, sugarcane genotype RB83 5486 has a better root system distribution than genotype RB83-5089. The two soils used were classified as Typic Kandiudalf and Typic Hapludox. Between the third and fifth ratoon (2002 to 2004), the development of the sugarcane genotypes RB83-5486 and RB83-5089 was evaluated by determining the chemical and physical soil attributes, crop nutritional status, root distribution in the soil profile, and stalk and sugar yield. Root distribution in the soil profile was evaluated by the trench method. Results show differences in hydrogen ion concentrations in both soils. These differences can be related to differences in the nutrient uptake of the studied genotypes. Potassium and sulphur contents in sugarcane leaves were higher in genotype RB83-5486. In the Typic Hapludox most part of the roots of both genotypes were concentrated at 0 to 18 cm from the cane rows and in the upper 54 cm. In the Typic Kandiudalf, most part of the roots of genotype RB83 5486 was concentrated at a distance of 0 to 23 cm from the sugarcane rows and in the upper 46 cm. The root system of genotype RB83-5089 was more evenly distributed in the Typic Kandiudalf. Stalk yield was higher for genotype RB83 5089, while sugar yield was higher for genotype RB83-5486


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    Rational-Emotive Therapy: Research Data That Supports The Clinical and Personality Hypotheses of RET and Other Modes of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

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