592 research outputs found

    The development of radiogallium-acetylacetonate bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex for tumour imaging

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    BACKGROUND: Various radiometal complexes have been developed for tumour imaging, especially Ga-68 tracer. In this work, the development of a radiogallium bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex has been reported. MATERIAL AND METHODS: [67Ga]acetylacetonate bis(thio-semicarbazone) complex ([67Ga]AATS) was prepared starting with [67Ga]Gallium acetate and freshly prepared acetylacetonate bis(thiosemicarbazone) (AATS) for 30 min at 90ºC. The partition co-efficient and stability of the tracer was determined in final solution (25ºC) and the presence of human serum (37ºC) for up to 24 hours. The biodistribution of the labelled compound in wild-type and fibrosarcoma-bearing rodents were determined for up to 72 hours. RESULTS: The radiolabelled Ga complex was prepared to a high radiochemical purity (> 97%, HPLC) followed by initial biodistribution data with the significant tumour accumulation of the tracer at two hours, which is far higher than free Ga-67 cation, while the compound wash-out is significantly faster. CONCLUSION: The above-mentioned pharmacokinetic properties suggest an interesting radiogallium complex prepared by the PET Ga radioisotope, 68Ga, in accordance with the physical half life, for use in fibrosarcoma tumours and possibly in other malignancies

    Transforming Lives through Empathy, Compassion, Societal Well Being and Management Best Practices Case of Akhuwat, Pakistan

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    How often do we see businesses of modern world really following the principles of stakeholder theory in true letter and spirit, safeguarding the interests of large number of stakeholders not just their customers and also treating society at large as their stakeholder? Are businesses and management practices truly consistent with social contract of organizations with society? The prevalence of business with societal well-being concept is rare despite the fact that world at large is the advocate of societal well-being. The case of Akhuwat Pakistan presents various insights for modern business practitioners; small business models that have question marks with respect to their sustainability in early years can do wonders at later stages and become success case studies if business objectives are linked with social development and entrepreneurial capacity building. Akhuwat is the example where corporate social responsibility and thrust for poverty alleviation is not just a marketing tool to remain alive in popularity contest but the mechanism and inspiration to serve and love humanity. This case study is narrative in its methodology and focuses on key success factors of the organization under study. The rational and social lens application reveals that exploration of best management practices is pertinent for businesses today to replicate them by adopting universalistic management perspective for ultimate success and exaltation

    Transformer Faults Classification Based on Convolution Neural Network

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    This paper studies the latest advances made in Deep Learning (DL) methods utilized for transformer inrush and fault currents classification. Inrush and fault currents at different operating conditions, initial flux and fault type are simulated. This paper presents a technique for the classification of power transformer faults which is based on a DL method called convolutional neural network (CNN) and compares it with traditional artificial neural network (ANN) and other techniques. The inrush and fault current signals of the transformer are simulated within MATLAB by using Fourier analyzers that provides the 2nd harmonic signal. The 2nd harmonic peak and variance statistic values of input signals of the three phases of transformer are used at different operating conditions. The resulted values are aggregated into a dataset to be used as an input for the CNN model, then training and testing the CNN model is performed. Consequently, it is obvious that the CNN algorithm achieves a better performance compared to other algorithms. This study helps with easy discrimination between normal signals and faulty signals and to determine the type of the fault to clear it easily


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    Naked eye observations at Tubruq sky (φ = 32° 05´, λ = 23° 59´) in Libya at the Mediterranean coast (see-desert background) during the two years (2008 – 2009) of morning twilight have been recorded.  These observations led us to get some estimates about morning twilight, as it is necessary to determine the time of the True Dawn (Al-Fajr Prayer Time).  this research aims to determine the correct time of Al-Fajr Prayer by finding the accurate angle of the sun vertical depression below the horizon that is associated with legitimate mark. The Methode used in this research was field research while the observations have been recorded by monitoring the first white thread on the eastern horizon (True Dawn) that announces the time of the Morning Prayer (Al-Fajr Prayer).  The azimuthally range of observation about the solar vertical extends from 0° up to ±20°, while the phenomenon was followed from 0° up to 20° along the altitudinal range.  This research gives a result that a beginning of the morning twilight is estimated to be around 13.5° depression of the sun below the horizon.  This value can reach a minimum depression around 11.5° at low visibility and a maximum around 13.5° at a very god visibility


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    Naked eye observations at Tubruq sky (φ = 32° 05´, λ = 23° 59´) in Libya at the Mediterranean coast (see-desert background) during the two years (2008 – 2009) of morning twilight have been recorded.  These observations led us to get some estimates about morning twilight, as it is necessary to determine the time of the True Dawn (Al-Fajr Prayer Time).  this research aims to determine the correct time of Al-Fajr Prayer by finding the accurate angle of the sun vertical depression below the horizon that is associated with legitimate mark. The Methode used in this research was field research while the observations have been recorded by monitoring the first white thread on the eastern horizon (True Dawn) that announces the time of the Morning Prayer (Al-Fajr Prayer).  The azimuthally range of observation about the solar vertical extends from 0° up to ±20°, while the phenomenon was followed from 0° up to 20° along the altitudinal range.  This research gives a result that a beginning of the morning twilight is estimated to be around 13.5° depression of the sun below the horizon.  This value can reach a minimum depression around 11.5° at low visibility and a maximum around 13.5° at a very god visibility

    Experience with Subfascial Ligation for Varicose Veins in Tanzania : A Brief Communication

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    From January 1987 through December 1989, ten patients with varicose veins complicated by postphlebitic ulcers were treated at Muhimbili Medical Center, Tanzania, by subfascial ligation of perforating veins. The technique employed was a posterior subfascial approach which avoids making the skin incision through the ulcer itself. The follow up periods ranged from one to three years and there was no recurrence of the ulcer in any of the patients in the study. The major indication for performing the procedure was the presence of a varicose stasis ulcer.   Before surgery, all patients had a complete peripheral vascular examination to exclude deep venous thrombosis. Healing of varicose ulcers and elimination of stasis eczema had to be achieved four weeks before surgery.   The authors maintain that patients who present with varicose veins of the lower leg and a postphlebitic stasis ulceration invariably have incompetence of the valves in the perforating veins and should be treated by subfascial ligation of the perforating veins

    Preparation and quality control of 177Lu-[tris(1,10-phenanthroline) lutetium(III)] complex for therapy

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    The 177Lu-[tris(1,10-phenanthroline)lutetium(III)] complex (177Lu-PQ3) was prepared successfully with high radiochemical purity (> 99%). Lu-177 chloride was obtained by thermal neutron flux (4 × 1013 n.cm–2.s–1) of natural Lu2(NO3)3 sample, dissolved in acidic media. The radiochemical yield was checked by measuring the radiochemical purity of the 177Lu-PQ complex by ITLC (10 mM DTPA, pH = 5, as mobile phase). The final complex solution was injected intravenously into wild-type male rats and bio-distribution of the complex was checked for up to 48 hours. The dose limiting organs were shown to be the reticulu-endothelial system. The bio-distribution of the labelled compounds in tumour-bearing animals is under investigation. Nuclear Med Rev 2010; 13, 2: 49–5


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    Phosphate ores are in high demand around the world because they are the primary raw materials used in the manufacturing of phosphatic fertilizers and other chemicals. Since the grade of the ore is gradually declining, it is becoming economically viable to mine and beneficiate numerous lower-grade deposits, and a significant number of precious minerals are discarded due to the inadequacy of new technological advances. Thus, biological processes are becoming more appealing in mineral processing due to their lower operating costs and potential applications to beneficiate low-grade complex ores through the interaction of bacteria and mineral surfaces, resulting in surface modification and mineral separation via bio-flotation. Staphylococcus aureus was supplied by the mineral bioprocessing lab, CMRDI. Bacterial adhesion measurements revealed a higher affinity for apatite than quartz. A binary mixture containing 12.5% P2O5 and 42.5% SiO2 yielded a concentrate containing 20.15% P2O5 and 33.5% SiO2. Using the bio-flotation process with Staphylococcus aureus and the optimal conditions on natural phosphate ore, a concentrate with 30.25% P2O5 was obtained from a feed containing 21.89% P2O5.Diljem svijeta velika je potražnja za fosfatnom rudom s obzirom na to da je riječ o primarnoj sirovini koja se koristi u proizvodnji fosfatnih gnojiva i drugih kemikalija. Budući da se koncentracija rude postupno smanjuje, ekonomski je sve isplativije eksploatirati i oplemenjivati brojna ležišta niže koncentracije s obzirom na to da se znatne količine korisne mineralne sirovine nedovoljno iskorištavaju zbog neadekvatnosti novih tehnologija. Stoga biološki procesi postaju sve zanimljiviji u oplemenjivanju SiO2 mineralnih sirovina zbog nižih operativnih troškova i potencijalne primjene za obogaćivanje kompleksnih ruda niskoga stupnja koncentracije, i to interakcijom bakterija i površine minerala, što rezultira površinskom modifikacijom i odvajanjem minerala putem bioflotacije. Bakteriju Staphylococcus aureus isporučio je laboratorij za bioprocesiranje minerala, CMRDI. Mjerenja bakterijske adhezije pokazala su veći afinitet za apatit nego za kvarc. Binarna smjesa koja je sadržavala 12,5 % P2O5 i 42,5 % SiO2 dala je koncentrat koji je sadržavao 20,15 % P2O5 i 33,5 % SiO2. Postupkom bioflotacije bakterijom Staphylococcus aureus pri optimalnim uvjetima na prirodnoj fosfatnoj rudi dobiven je koncentrat s 30,25 % P2O5 iz sirovine koja je sadržavala 21,89 % P2O5

    Tidal dynamics and mangrove carbon sequestration during the Oligo–Miocene in the South China Sea

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    Modern mangroves are among the most carbon-rich biomes on Earth, but their long-term (≥106 yr) impact on the global carbon cycle is unknown. The extent, productivity and preservation of mangroves are controlled by the interplay of tectonics, global sea level and sedimentation, including tide, wave and fluvial processes. The impact of these processes on mangrove-bearing successions in the Oligo–Miocene of the South China Sea (SCS) is evaluated herein. Palaeogeographic reconstructions, palaeotidal modelling, and facies analysis suggest that elevated tidal range and bed shear stress optimised mangrove development along tide-influenced tropical coastlines. Preservation of mangrove organic carbon (OC) was promoted by high tectonic subsidence and fluvial sediment supply. Lithospheric storage of OC in peripheral SCS basins potentially exceeded 4000 Gt (equivalent to 2000 ppm of atmospheric CO2). These results highlight the crucial impact of tectonic and oceanographic processes on mangrove OC sequestration within the global carbon cycle on geological timescales