10,991 research outputs found

    Cometary Astrometry

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    Modern techniques for making cometary astrometric observations, reducing these observations, using accurate reference star catalogs, and computing precise orbits and ephemerides are discussed in detail and recommendations and suggestions are given in each area

    Scientific Bounty Among Meteorites Recovered from the Dominion Range, Transantarctic Mountains

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    The US Antarctic Meteorite Pro-gram has visited the Dominion Range in the Transantarctic Mountains during several different sea-sons, including 1985, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2014 and 2018. Total recovered meteorites from this region is close to 3000. The 1985 (11 samples), 2003 (141 samples), 2008 (521 samples), 2010 (901 samples), 2014 (562 samples) seasons have been fully classified, and 2018 (865 samples) are in the process of being classified and characterized. Given that close to 2200 samples have been classified so far, with more expected in 2020, now is a good time to summarize the state of the collection. Here we describe the significant samples documented from this area, as well as a large meteorite shower that dominates the statistics of the region

    Intrinsic dissipation in high-frequency micromechanical resonators

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    We report measurements of intrinsic dissipation in micron-sized suspended resonators machined from single crystals of galium arsenide and silicon. In these experiments on high-frequency micromechanical resonators, designed to understand intrinsic mechanisms of dissipation, we explore dependence of dissipation on temperature, magnetic field, frequency, and size. In contrast to most of the previous measurements of acoustic attenuation in crystalline and amorphous structures in this frequency range, ours is a resonant measurement; dissipation is measured at the natural frequencies of structural resonance, or modes of the structure associated with flexural and torsional motion. In all our samples we find a weakly temperature dependent dissipation at low temperatures. We compare and contrast our data to various probable mechanisms, including thermoelasticity, clamping, anharmonic mode-coupling, surface anisotropy and defect motion, both in bulk and on surface. The observed parametric dependencies indicate that the internal defect motion is the dominant mechanism of intrinsic dissipation in our samples

    The phase-dependent Infrared brightness of the extrasolar planet upsilon Andromedae b

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    The star upsilon Andromeda is orbited by three known planets, the innermost of which has an orbital period of 4.617 days and a mass at least 0.69 that of Jupiter. This planet is close enough to its host star that the radiation it absorbs overwhelms its internal heat losses. Here we present the 24 micron light curve of this system, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. It shows a clear variation in phase with the orbital motion of the innermost planet. This is the first demonstration that such planets possess distinct hot substellar (day) and cold antistellar (night) faces.Comment: "Director's cut" of paper to appear in Science, 27 October, 200

    The new HiVIS spectropolarimeter and spectropolarimetric calibration of the AEOS telescope

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    We designed, built, and calibrated a new spectropolarimeter for the HiVIS spectrograph (R 12000-49000) on the AEOS telescope. We also did a polarization calibration of the telescope and instrument. We will introduce the design and use of the spectropolarimeter as well as a new data reduction package we have developed, then discuss the polarization calibration of the spectropolarimeter and the AEOS telescope. We used observations of unpolarized standard stars at many pointings to measure the telescope induced polarization and compare it with a Zemax model. The telescope induces polarization of 1-6% with a strong variation with wavelength and pointing, consistent with the altitude and azimuth variation expected. We then used scattered sunlight as a linearly polarized source to measure the telescopes spectropolarimetric response to linearly polarized light. We then made an all-sky map of the telescope's polarization response to calibrate future spectropolarimetry.Comment: PASP 118, June 200

    Microbiological influences on fracture surfaces of intact mudstone and the implications for geological disposal of radioactive waste

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    The significance of the potential impacts of microbial activity on the transport properties of host rocks for geological repositories is an area of active research. Most recent work has focused on granitic environments. This paper describes pilot studies investigating changes in transport properties that are produced by microbial activity in sedimentary rock environments in northern Japan. For the first time, these short experiments (39 days maximum) have shown that the denitrifying bacteria, Pseudomonas denitrificans, can survive and thrive when injected into flow-through column experiments containing fractured diatomaceous mudstone and synthetic groundwater under pressurized conditions. Although there were few significant changes in the fluid chemistry, changes in the permeability of the biotic column, which can be explained by the observed biofilm formation, were quantitatively monitored. These same methodologies could also be adapted to obtain information from cores originating from a variety of geological environments including oil reservoirs, aquifers and toxic waste disposal sites to provide an understanding of the impact of microbial activity on the transport of a range of solutes, such as groundwater contaminants and gases (e.g. injected carbon dioxide)

    Total Molecular Gas Masses of Planck - Herschel Selected Strongly Lensed Hyper Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We report the detection of CO(1 - 0) line emission from seven Planck and Herschel selected hyper luminous (LIR(8-1000um) > 10^13Lsun) infrared galaxies with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). CO(1 - 0) measurements are a vital tool to trace the bulk molecular gas mass across all redshifts. Our results place tight constraints on the total gas content of these most apparently luminous high-z star-forming galaxies (apparent IR luminosities of LIR > 10^(13-14) Lsun), while we confirm their predetermined redshifts measured using the Large Millimeter Telescope, LMT (zCO = 1.33 - 3.26). The CO(1 - 0) lines show similar profiles as compared to Jup = 2 -4 transitions previously observed with the LMT. We report enhanced infrared to CO line luminosity ratios of = 110 (pm 22) Lsun(K km s^-1 pc^-2)^-1 compared to normal star-forming galaxies, yet similar to those of well-studied IR-luminous galaxies at high-z. We find average brightness temperature ratios of = 0.93 (2 sources), = 0.34 (5 sources), and = 0.18 (1 source). The r31 and r41 values are roughly half the average values for SMGs. We estimate the total gas mass content as uMH2 = (0.9 - 27.2) x 10^11(alphaCO/0.8)Msun, where u is the magnification factor and alphaCO is the CO line luminosity to molecular hydrogen gas mass conversion factor. The rapid gas depletion times are, on average, tau = 80 Myr, which reveal vigorous starburst activity, and contrast the Gyr depletion timescales observed in local, normal star-forming galaxies.Comment: published in MNRAS, 9pages, 5fig

    Photometric and Spectroscopic Analysis of Cool White Dwarfs with Trigonometric Parallax Measurements

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    A photometric and spectroscopic analysis of 152 cool white dwarf stars is presented. The discovery of 7 new DA white dwarfs, 2 new DQ white dwarfs, 1 new magnetic white dwarf, and 3 weak magnetic white dwarf candidates, is reported, as well as 19 known or suspected double degenerates. The photometric energy distributions, the Halpha line profiles, and the trigonometric parallax measurements are combined and compared to model atmosphere calculations to determine the effective temperature and the radius of each object, and also to constrain the atmospheric composition. New evolutionary sequences with C/O cores with thin and thick hydrogen layers are used to derive masses and ages. We confirm the existence of a range in Teff between 5000 and 6000K where almost all white dwarfs have H-rich atmospheres. There is little evidence for mixed H/He dwarfs, with the exception of 2 He-rich DA stars, and 5 C2H white dwarfs which possibly have mixed H/He/C atmospheres. The DQ sequence terminates near 6500K, below which they are believed to turn into C2H stars. True DC stars slightly above this temperature are found to exhibit H-like energy distributions despite the lack of Halpha absorption. Attempts to interpret the chemical evolution show the problem to be complex. Convective mixing is necessary to account for the non-DA to DA ratio as a function of temperature. The presence of helium in cool DA stars, the existence of the non-DA gap, and the peculiar DC stars are also explained in terms of convective mixing, although our understanding of how this mechanism works needs to be revised. The oldest object in our sample is about 7.9 Gyr or 9.7 Gyr old depending on whether thin or thick hydrogen layer models are used. The mean mass of our sample is 0.65 +/- 0.20 Msun.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Suppl (~April 2001); 79 pages incl. 25 figure