44 research outputs found

    Potensi Bakteri Kitinolitik Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Lada ( Phytophthora Capsici)

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    One of many problems in increasing productivity of black pepper is foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici. This pathogen infection may reduce 10-15% of yields each year. A study on potential chitinolytic bacteria to control foot rot disease of black pepper was carried out at Laboratory and Greenhouse of Plant Protection, Indonesian Research Institute for Spice and Industrial Crops, from June to November 2011. Chitinolytic bacterial isolates used is the best ones of some selected chitinolytic bacteria. The isolates were isolated from different plants, namely black pepper, bintaro and palm oil. In these experiments isolates used were LP4, BP2, LB12, LB19, LB20, LB31, LL5, LL18, and E10, while its control was chitinolytic bacterial isolate TT2, an isolate having high effectiveness. The study consist of three activities: (1) Analysis of chitinase expression, (2) Test antagonists of chitinolytic bacteria against P. capsici in vitro (3) Testing of chitinolytic bacteria isolates against P. capsici on black pepper in greenhouse. Results have identified 4 isolates (BP2, LB19, LL5, and LL18) having high in chitinase expression, whereas six other isolates have low to medium in chitinase expression. Antagonistic ability against P. capsici from all isolates (10 isolates) showed the same inhibitory ranging from 64.4 to 85.6%, but its effect against P. capsici at greenhouse was obtained 3 isolates (E10, BP2, LP4) which have suppressive potential to foot rot disease of black pepper with attacks intensity of 34.33 to 43.97% level, while that of control was 73.37%. The ten isolates also increased better growth of black pepper compared with the control

    Keefektifan Bakteri Endofit Untuk Mengendalikan Nematoda Parasit Meloidogyne Incognita Pada Tanaman Lada

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    Pemanfaatan agensia hayati untuk tujuan pengendalian penyakit tanaman akhir-akhir ini semakin meningkat seiring dengan bahaya penggunaan pestisida maupun kesadaran terhadap pertanian yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi bakteri endofit dalam mengendalikan nematoda parasit Meloidogyne incognita penyebab penyakit kuning pada tanaman lada dan pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan bibit lada. Bakteri endofit yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari akar tanaman lada dan isolat koleksi Departemen Proteksi Tanaman Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) dan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri (Balittri). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri endofit EH11, TT2, Trichoderma, HEN dan dapat menurunkan jumlah puru pada akar dan populasi larva nematoda Meloidogyne incognita di dalam tanah hingga mencapai 90%. Aplikasi bakteri endofit juga dapat memacu pertumbuhan bibit lada

    Evaluasi Bakteri Endofit Untuk Pengendalian Nematoda Pratylenchus Coffeae Pada Tanaman Kopi

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    Bakteri endofit adalah bakteri yang hidup dalam jaringan tanaman dan memberikan efek yang baik pada tanaman, dapat diisolasi dari akar, batang, daun, dan buah. Penelitian isolasi, seleksi, dan potensi bakteri endofit untuk mengendalikan nematoda Pratylenchus coffeae pada tanaman kopi telah dilakukan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2012. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengevaluasi isolat bakteri endofit yang potensial untuk mengendalikan nematoda pada tanaman kopi. Bakteri endofit diisolasi dari akar pertanaman kopi dari daerah Jawa Barat (KP. Pakuwon, Sukabumi, Garut, dan Pengalengan) dan Lampung (KP. Natar, KP. Cahaya Negeri, dan Liwa) menggunakan metode sterilisasi permukaan. Selanjutnya bakteri endofit diseleksi antagonismenya terhadap nematoda dan kemampuan memicu pertumbuhan tanaman. Hasil isolasi bakteri endofit dari akar kopi diperoleh 442 isolat dengan kerapatan populasi bakteri endofit 5x103–5,77x106 cfu/g berat basah akar. Dari 422 isolat yang diuji, 50 isolat (12,3%) di antaranya adalah isolat yang antagonis, 60 isolat (14,21%) terbukti dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Hasil pengujian in vitro dan in vivo di rumah kaca diperoleh 3 isolat yang potensial menekan nematoda P. coffeae dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kopi, yaitu PG132, PG76, dan LW15.Kata Kunci: Kopi, isolasi, seleksi, potensi, bakteri endofit, nematoda, Pratylenchus coffeaeEndophytic bacteria are bacteria that live inside plant tissues and give a good effect on the plant, and can be isolated from the roots, stems, leaves, and fruit. Isolation, selection and potential of endophytic bacteria to control nematodes (Pratylenchus coffeae) on coffee plant had been carried out in the Laboratory and Greenhouse of Research Institute for Industrial and Beverage Crops from January to December 2012. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the potential of endophytic bacterial isolates to control nematodes in coffee plants. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from coffee root crops samples from several areas in West Java (KP. Pakuwon, Sukabumi, Garut, Pengalengan) and Lampung (KP. Natar, KP. Cahaya Negeri and Liwa). Furthermore, the isolates were selected their antagonistic activities and plant growth coffeae plant. A total of 442 isolates endophytic bacteria was obtained from coffee root with a population density of 5x103–5.77x106 cfu/g of fresh weight roots, as many as 50 (12.3%) isolates performed antagonis on nematodes, 60 isolat (14.21%) isolates stimulated the growth of coffeae plant. Result in vitro and in vivo test, there were 3 potential endophytic bacterial isolates, namely PG132, PG76, and LW15, effective to control P. coffeae and increase the coffee growth

    White and Brown Root Rot Fungus in Cashew and the Controling Strategy

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    The development of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) has a great opportunity, because the national contribution of cashew is still relatively small in world markets. Center prodcuction of the crop in of cashew in eastern Indonesia such as Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, NTB and NTT. In increasing productivity of cashew crop in Indonesia, there are symptoms of white and brown roots diseases which can cause the death of cashew plant. White Root Rot Fungus (WRF) is caused by Rigidophorus lignosus and Rigidophorus microporus, whereas Brown Root Rot Fungus (BRF) is caused by Phellinus noxius. The symptoms of both diseases are rizomorf in roots and base of the stem, when they attack on the advanced stage, leaves become yellow, fall, dried, canopy only branches and subsequent plant death. WRF and BRF can survive in soil for many years and is a source of infection for healthy cashew. Transmission of the disease through contact with the roots of diseased plants and healthy plants. Control WRF and BRF recommended in an integrated manner, i.e. resistant varieties, technical culture, biological agents, mechanical and chemical


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    ABSTRAKMeloidogyne incognita, merupakan salah satu organisme peng-ganggu (OPT) penyebab penyakit kuning pada tanaman lada dan dapatmengakibatkan penurunan hasil sampai 32%. Beberapa teknik untukmengendalikan patogen ini telah dilakukan tetapi belum memberikan hasilyang memuaskan. Pengendalian biologi dengan menggunakan bakteriendofit merupakan salah satu alternatif pengendalian yang cukup men-janjikan untuk dapat mengatasi permasalahan nematoda penyakit tanaman.Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Bakteriologi danNematologi Departemen Proteksi Tanaman Institut Pertanian Bogor, danRumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka TanamanIndustri Pakuwon Sukabumi dari bulan Mei sampai November 2009.Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah: 1) Seleksi beberapa isolat bakteri endofituntuk mengendalikan nematoda M. incognita pada tanaman lada dan 2)Potensi induced systemic resistance (ISR) dan analisis asam salisilat sertaperoksidase. Isolat bakteri endofit yang digunakan adalah isolat bakteriendofit potensial yang diisolasi dari akar nilam. Akar tanaman ladadirendam dalam suspensi bakteri endofit, selanjutnya diinokulasi dengan500 ekor larva 2 M. incognita. Sebulan setelah inokulasi tanamandibongkar diamati populasi nematoda dan pertumbuhan tanaman. AnalisisISR dilakukan dengan metode split root system dilanjutkan dengananalisis kadar asam salisilat dan peroksidase. Penelitian mengunakanRancangan Acak Lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteriendofit dapat menekan jumlah puru dan populasi nematoda di dalam akar.Penekanan tertinggi pada isolat MSK (97,93%) tidak berbeda nyatadengan isolat BAS, TT2, dan NJ46 yaitu 97,35; 95,22; dan 92,14%.Berdasarkan analisis split root system, ke 4 isolat tersebut dapat meng-induksi ketahanan tanaman lada secara sistemik dengan mekanismepeningkatan kandungan asam salisilat dan peroksidase di dalam akar.Kata kunci : Bakteri endofit, penyakit kuning, Piper nigrum L.,Meloidogyne incognita, induksi ketahananABSTRACTThe use of endophytic bacteria to induce plant resistanceagainst infection of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyneincognita) on black pepperRoot-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) is one of important patho-gens causing yellow disease on black pepper. As a result of this pathogenattack can lower the results up to 32%. Several control methods have beendone successful to control pathogen. Biological control using endophyticbacteria is one of prospective alternative control methods to overcomenematode problem. The research had been conducted in the Laboratory ofBacteriology and Nematology Department of Plant Protection, BogorAgricultural University (IPB) and in greenhouse of Indonesian Spices andIndustrial Crops Research Institute (ISICRI) Sukabumi. The objectives ofthis study were : 1) Selection of endophytic bacteria to control M.incognita nematodes on black pepper and 2) Potential of induced systemicresistance (ISR) and analysis of salicylic acid and peroxidase. Endophyticbacterial isolates used were endophytic potential bacterial isolates isolatedfrom the roots of patchouli. Pepper plant roots were soaked in anendophytic bacterial suspension, then inoculated with 500 larvae of 2 M.incognita. A month after inoculation, the plants were dismantled andobserved population of nematodes and plant growth. ISR analysis wasperformed by the method of split root system followed by analysis ofsalicylic acid and peroxidase contents. The research was arranged usingCompletely Randomized Design. The results showed that endophyticbacteria were able to suppress the amount of gall and nematode populationin roots. The highest suppression was on MSK isolate (97.93%) which wasnot significantly different from BAS, TT2, and NJ46 isolates, namely97.35, 95.22, and 92.14%, respectively. The analysis of split root systemshowed that the 4 isolates were able to induce systemic resistance of blackpepper with a mechanism of increase in salicylic acid and peroxidasecontents in roots.Key words : Endophytic bacteria, yellow disease, Piper nigrum L.,Meloidogyne incognita, induce systemic resistanc


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    Pratylenchus brachyurus is an important parasitic nematode which significantly decreases quality and quantity of patchouli oil. One potential measure for controlling the nematode is by using endophytic bacteria. These bacteria also induce plant growth. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of endo-phytic bacteria to control P. brachyurus. The experiments were carried out in the Bacteriological Laboratory of the Plant Protection Department, Bogor Agricultural University, and the Laboratory and Greenhouse of the Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute from April to December 2007. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from the roots of patchouli plants sampled from various locations in West Java. Antagonistic activity of the isolates were selected against P. brachyurus and their abilities to induce plant growth of patch-ouli plants. Isolates having ability to control P. brachyurus and promote plant growth were identified by molecular techniques using 16S rRNA universal primers. The results showed that a total of 257 isolates of endophytic bacteria were obtained from patchouli roots and their population density varied from 2.3 x 102 to 6.0 x 105 cfu g-1 fresh root. As many as 60 isolates (23.34%) were antagonistic against P. brachyurus causing 70-100% mortality of the namatode, 72 isolates (28.01%) stimu-lated plant growth, 32 isolates (12.47%) inhibited plant growth, and 93 isolates (36.18%) were neutral. Based on their antago-nistic and plant growth enhancer characters, five isolates of the bacteria, namely Achromobacter xylosoxidans TT2, Alcaligenes faecalis NJ16, Pseudomonas putida EH11, Bacillus cereus MSK, and Bacillus subtilis NJ57 suppressed 74.0-81.6% nema-tode population and increased 46.97-86.79% plant growth. The study implies that the endophytic bacteria isolated from patchouly roots are good candidates for controlling P. brachyurus on patchouly plants. Bahasa IndonesiaPratylenchus brachyurus adalah nematoda parasit pada tana-man nilam yang dapat menurunkan hasil dan kualitas minyak nilam. Salah satu cara pengendalian yang potensial terhadap nematoda tersebut adalah menggunakan bakteri endofit. Selain dapat membunuh nematoda, bakteri endofit juga dapat meng-induksi pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk  mengevaluasi potensi bakteri endofit yang berasal dari tanaman nilam untuk mengendalikan namatoda parasit P. brachyurus. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Bakteriologi, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Institut Pertanian Bogor, serta di  laboratorium dan rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, pada bulan April sampai Desember 2007. Bakteri endofit diisolasi dari sampel akar tanaman nilam dari beberapa lokasi di Jawa Barat. Isolat-isolat bakteri endofit diseleksi kemampuannya untuk membunuh P. brachyurus dan menginduksi pertumbuhan tanam-an nilam. Isolat bakteri endofit yang potensial selanjutnya diidentifikasi secara molekuler menggunakan primer universal 16S rRNA. Penelitian memperoleh 257 isolat bakteri endofit dengan kerapatan populasi 2,3 x 102 sampai 6,0 x 105  cfu g-1 berat basah akar. Enam puluh isolat (23,34%) di antaranya bersifat antagonis terhadap P. brachyurus dengan mortalitas 70-100%, 72 isolat (28,01%) dapat memacu pertumbuhan tanaman nilam, 93 isolat (36,18%) bersifat netral, dan 32 isolat (12,47%) dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman. Berdasarkan hasil peng-ujian antagonis dan pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman, lima isolat bakteri, yaitu Achromobacter xylosoxidans TT2, Alcaligenes faecalis NJ16,  Pseudomonas putida EH11, Bacillus cereus MSK, dan Bacillus subtilis NJ57 dapat menekan populasi nematoda 74,0-81,6% dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan nilam 46,97-86,79%. Penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa bakteri endofit dari tanaman nilam berpotensi mengendalikan P. brachyurus pada tanaman nilam

    Effect of Endopytic Bionematicide Bacillus SP. on the Infection of Meloidogyne SP. of Coffee Plant

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    Meloidogyne sp. is an important pathogen of coffee plant. Bacillus sp. is commonly used to control the nematode as it is environmentally friendly. The study aimed to determine the effect of endophytic bacteria Bacillus sp. PG76 formulated in the molasses, talc or compost on the infection of Meloidogyne sp. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse of the Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops Research Institute, Sukabumi from December 2013 to May 2014. The experimental design was a completely randomized, 6 treatments and 10 replications of six months-old coffee plants. Six treatments were tested (Bacillus sp. PG76 formulated in molasses, compost, or talc; carbofuran; plant inoculated with the nematode only, and plant neither treated with the formula nor the nematode). Population of Bacillus sp. PG76 in each formula was 109 cfu/ml. Number of formulas applied per plant was 100 ml of molasses, 100 g of talc, or 100 g of compost. One week after the treatments, the plants were inoculated with 500 larvae-2 Meloidogyne sp. Parameters observed were the number of gall, nematode population in the roots and soil, and the coffee plant growth. The results showed that all the treatments (molasses, compost, and talc) suppressed the population of Meloidogyne sp. The best formulas were molasses and compost that reduced the nematode infection up to 74.0% and 73.2%, respectively, similar to that of carbofuran (i.e. 73.3%). Furthermore, application of the formulas increased coffee plant growth. The study suggests that Bacillus sp. PG76 formulation is prospective to control the nematode


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    ABSTRAKBakteri endofit adalah salah satu agen antagonis yang akhir-akhirini banyak digunakan sebagai pengendalian biologi nematoda parasittanaman. Pada tanaman nilam nematoda Pratylenchus brachyurus merupa-kan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode aplikasi bakteri endofit yangeffisien untuk menekan nematoda P. brachyurus pada tanaman nilam.Penelitian telah dilakukan di laboratorium dan rumah kaca Balai PenelitianTanaman Rempah dan Obat dan Laboratorium Nematologi DepartemenProteksi Tanaman IPB, dari Januari sampai dengan Juli 2005. Penelitianmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertamaadalah metode aplikasi (siram dan rendam), faktor kedua adalah jenisisolat (NJ2, NJ25, NJ41, NJ46, NJ57, NA22, ERB21, ES32, E26). Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi nematoda dipengaruhi olehadanya interaksi antara metode aplikasi dan isolat bakteri yang digunakan,sedangkan berat tajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman hanya dipengaruhioleh jenis bakteri. Isolat Bacillus NA22, Bacillus NJ46 dan Bacillus NJ2dengan metode perendaman akar mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggidalam menekan populasi P. brachyurus yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 75%,63% dan 60%. Semua isolat yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan berattajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman.Kata kunci: Nilam, Pogostemon cablin, penyakit tanaman, pengendalianbiologi, bakteri endofit, nematoda, Pratylenchus brachyurus,Jawa BaratABSTRACTEffect of application method of endophytic bacteria onroot lesion nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus) onpatchouliEndophytic bacteria is one of the important agents recently usedfor controlling plant parasitic nematodes. P. brachyurus is one of thefactors affecting the productivity of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth.)in Indonesia. The objectives of the research were to find out an efficientapplication method of endophytic bacteria to reduce P. brachyurus onpatchouli. The research was conducted in the Nematology Laboratory,Department of Plant Protection, Bogor Agricultural University and in theLaboratory and Greenhouse of Indonesian Spice and Medicinal CropsResearch Institute, from January to July 2005. The research usedrandomized complete design with two factors, the first factor wasapplication method (drencing and deeping), the second factor was bacteriaisolates (NJ2, NJ25, NJ41, NJ46, NJ57, NA22, ERB21, ES32, E26). Theresults showed that the population of nematode was affected by theinteraction between bacterial isolates and application method. While shootweight, root length and plant height were affected by bacterial isolates.Bacillus NA22, Bacillus NJ46 and Bacillus NJ2 applicated by deeping theroot into bacterial suspension significantly gave good result in reducing P.brachyurus, i.e. 75%, 63% and 60%. All bacterial isolates increased shootweight, root length.Key words: Patchouli, Pogostemon cablin, plant disease, biologicalcontrol, endophytic bacteria, nematode, Pratylenchusbrachyurus, West Jav