50 research outputs found

    An exceptional horizontal gene transfer in plastids: gene replacement by a distant bacterial paralog and evidence that haptophyte and cryptophyte plastids are sisters

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    BACKGROUND: Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) to the plant mitochondrial genome has recently been shown to occur at a surprisingly high rate; however, little evidence has been found for HGT to the plastid genome, despite extensive sequencing. In this study, we analyzed all genes from sequenced plastid genomes to unearth any neglected cases of HGT and to obtain a measure of the overall extent of HGT to the plastid. RESULTS: Although several genes gave strongly supported conflicting trees under certain conditions, we are confident of HGT in only a single case beyond the rubisco HGT already reported. Most of the conflicts involved near neighbors connected by long branches (e.g. red algae and their secondary hosts), where phylogenetic methods are prone to mislead. However, three genes – clpP, ycf2, and rpl36 – provided strong support for taxa moving far from their organismal position. Further taxon sampling of clpP and ycf2 resulted in rejection of HGT due to long-branch attraction and a serious error in the published plastid genome sequence of Oenothera elata, respectively. A single new case, a bacterial rpl36 gene transferred into the ancestor of the cryptophyte and haptophyte plastids, appears to be a true HGT event. Interestingly, this rpl36 gene is a distantly related paralog of the rpl36 type found in other plastids and most eubacteria. Moreover, the transferred gene has physically replaced the native rpl36 gene, yet flanking genes and intergenic regions show no sign of HGT. This suggests that gene replacement somehow occurred by recombination at the very ends of rpl36, without the level and length of similarity normally expected to support recombination. CONCLUSION: The rpl36 HGT discovered in this study is of considerable interest in terms of both molecular mechanism and phylogeny. The plastid acquisition of a bacterial rpl36 gene via HGT provides the first strong evidence for a sister-group relationship between haptophyte and cryptophyte plastids to the exclusion of heterokont and alveolate plastids. Moreover, the bacterial gene has replaced the native plastid rpl36 gene by an uncertain mechanism that appears inconsistent with existing models for the recombinational basis of gene conversion

    The IASLC/ITMIG thymic epithelial tumors staging project: Proposals for the T component for the forthcoming (8th) edition of the TNM classification of malignant tumors

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    Despite longstanding recognition of thymic epithelial neoplasms, there is no official American Joint Committee on Cancer/ Union for International Cancer Control stage classification. This article summarizes proposals for classification of the T component of stage classification for use in the 8th edition of the tumor, node, metastasis classification for malignant tumors. This represents the output of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer and the International Thymic Malignancies Interest Group Staging and Prognostics Factor Committee, which assembled and analyzed a worldwide database of 10,808 patients with thymic malignancies from 105 sites. The committee proposes division of the T component into four categories, representing levels of invasion. T1 includes tumors localized to the thymus and anterior mediastinal fat, regardless of capsular invasion, up to and including infiltration through the mediastinal pleura. Invasion of the pericardium is designated as T2. T3 includes tumors with direct involvement of a group of mediastinal structures either singly or in combination: lung, brachiocephalic vein, superior vena cava, chest wall, and phrenic nerve. Invasion of more central structures constitutes T4: aorta and arch vessels, intrapericardial pulmonary artery, myocardium, trachea, and esophagus. Size did not emerge as a useful descriptor for stage classification. This classification of T categories, combined with a classification of N and M categories, provides a basis for a robust tumor, node, metastasis classification system for the 8th edition of American Joint Committee on Cancer/Union for International Cancer Control stage classification

    Four newly recorded species of the calcified marine brown macroalgal genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) for Australia

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    Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on plastid-encoded rbcL and mitochondrial cox3 gene sequences, in combination with morphological observations, revealed the existence of the following four bistratose Padina species previously unreported from Australian coasts: Padina calcarea Ni-Ni-Win, S.G.A.Draisma, W.F.Prud’homme van Reine & H.Kawai, characterised by its bright yellow–orange inferior thallus surface and chalky white, heavily calcified superior surface, and the presence of hairlines only on the inferior surface; P. macrophylla Ni-Ni-Win, M.Uchimura & H.Kawai, characterised by a moderately calcified thallus with broad, depressed hairlines on the inferior surface and narrow, not depressed hairlines on the superior surface, those hairlines that are largely spaced on each surface; P. moffittiana I.A.Abbott & Huisman, characterised by lightly calcified thalli with narrow, slightly depressed hairlines that are distributed in alternate sequence between the two surfaces at unequal distances, and broad reproductive sori in one or two rows in the fertile zone; and P. okinawaensis Ni-Ni-Win, S.Arai, M.Uchimura & H.Kawai, characterised by heavily calcified thalli, except at the hairlines, which form an alternation of uncalcified furrows and calcified glabrous zones on the inferior surface. With the addition of these four species, 13 Padina species are known from Australia.Ni-Ni-Win, Zhong-Min Sun, Takeaki Hanyuda, Akira Kurihara, Alan J. K. Millar, Carlos Frederico D. Gurgel and Hiroshi Kawa

    Phylogeographic analysis of the brown alga Cutleria multifida (Tilopteridales, Phaeophyceae) suggests a complicated introduction history

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    In depth genetic comparisons of populations of Cutleria multifida (Tilopteridales, Phaeophyceae) collected from Europe, the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Australia and New Zealand using the DNA sequences of four gene regions (the mitochondrial cox2 and cox3 genes, the intergeneric spacer region adjacent to cox3, and the open reading frame) suggested that the northwestern European and Japanese populations were considerably greater in terms of their genetic divergence than Mediterranean, Australian or New Zealand populations. The haplotypes of the populations in northwestern European (distribution range including the type locality, seven haplotypes) and Japanese populations (seven haplotypes) were unique except for one shared haplotype. There were weak but positive correlations between the geographical distance and the genetic divergence among northwestern European and Japanese populations. Moreover, both female and male gametophytes occurred in eight of the nine Japanese localities, suggesting Japanese populations showed normal sexual heteromorphic life history of the species. In light of these results, it appears that Japanese populations were native to the area despite earlier hypothesis. In contrast, Australian and New Zealand populations were composed of only one haplotype that is very close to those found in northwestern Europe and Japan, suggesting a recent introduction history from Europe (or from northeastern Asia via Europe) by ship transport to Australia and New Zealand. The Mediterranean populations included two haplotypes identical to those found in northwestern Europe and Japan, and it is suggestive of transoceanic introductions of some populations between Mediterranean and Japanese coasts. © 2016 Japanese Society of Phycology

    Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the genus Wittrockiella (Pithophoraceae, Cladophorales), including the descriptions of W. australis sp. nov. and W. zosterae sp. nov

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    © 2017 Phycological Society of America Wittrockiella is a small genus of filamentous green algae that occurs in habitats with reduced or fluctuating salinities. Many aspects of the basic biology of these algae are still unknown and the phylogenetic relationships within the genus have not been fully explored. We provide a phylogeny based on three ribosomal markers (ITS, LSU, and SSU rDNA) of the genus, including broad intraspecific sampling for W. lyallii and W. salina, recommendations for the use of existing names are made, and highlight aspects of their physiology and life cycle. Molecular data indicate that there are five species of Wittrockiella. Two new species, W. australis and W. zosterae, are described, both are endophytes. Although W. lyallii and W. salina can be identified morphologically, there are no diagnostic morphological characters to distinguish between W. amphibia, W. australis, and W. zosterae. A range of low molecular weight carbohydrates were analyzed but proved to not be taxonomically informative. The distribution range of W. salina is extended to the Northern Hemisphere as this species has been found in brackish lakes in Japan. Furthermore, it is shown that there are no grounds to recognize W. salina var. kraftii, which was described as an endemic variety from a freshwater habitat on Lord Howe Island, Australia. Culture experiments indicate that W. australis has a preference for growth in lower salinities over full seawater. For W. amphibia and W. zosterae, sexual reproduction is documented, and the split of these species is possibly attributable to polyploidization