124 research outputs found

    Responsive Building Envelopes: Parametic Control of Moveable Facade components

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    The challenge of developing adaptive, responsive low-energy architecture requires new knowledge about the complex and dynamic interaction between envelope architecture, optimization between competing environmental performance metrics (light, heat and wind indices) and local climate variables. Advances in modeling the geometry of building envelopes and control technologies for adaptive buildings now permit the sophisticated evaluation of alternative envelope configurations for a set of performance criteria. This paper reports on a study of the parametric control of a building envelope based on moveable facade components, acting as a shading device to reduce thermal gain within the building. This is investigated using two alternative tiling strategies, a hexagonal tiling and a pentagonal tiling, considering the component design, supporting structure and control methods

    Model-T2 - Development of a low-cost sustainable vehicle: Collaboration models in concept car design

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    One of the largest problems facing the world today is the rise of Indian and Chinese car owners, and their lack of access to low cost sustainable vehicles. China and India have very low vehicle ownership per capita, however, this is quickly changing. Both their Governments are heavily investing in sustainable vehicle technologies to reduce green house gas emissions, and reduce each countries dependency on oil. This paper will outline a new sustainable vehicle that can compete with the low cost vehicles currently avaliable. This novel concept was the inspiration from a cross-functional team comprising engineers and designers working on a low-cost sustainable concept car project, the Model T2. The main features of this concept are: world first $7000 sustainable vehicle, an incredible light weight structure, and a novel steering mechanism for maximum maneuverability

    Inhibition of Rotavirus Infectivity by a Neoglycolipid Receptor Mimetic

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    Group A rotaviruses are a major cause of diarrhea in the young of many mammalian species. In rotavirus infected piglets mortality can be as high as 60%. Previous research in this laboratory has identified a porcine intestinal GM3 ganglioside receptor that is required for sialic acid-dependent rotavirus recognition of host cells. In addition, we previously demonstrated exogenously added GM3 can competitively inhibit porcine rotavirus binding and infectivity of host cells in vitro. Sialyllactose, the carbohydrate moiety of GM3, is approximately 3 orders of magnitude less effective than GM3 at inhibiting rotavirus binding to cells. Furthermore, production of therapeutic quantities of GM3 ganglioside for use as an oral carbomimetic in swine is cost prohibitive. In an effort to circumvent these problems, a sialyllactose-containing neoglycolipid was synthesized and evaluated for its ability to inhibit rotavirus binding and infectivity of host cells. Sialyllactose was coupled to dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (PE) by reductive amination and the product (SLPE) purified by HPLC. Characterization of the product showed a single primulin (lipid) and resorcinol (sialic acid) positive band by thin layer chromatography and quantification of phosphate and sialic acid yielded a 1:1 molar ratio. Mass spectroscopy confirmed a molecular weight coinciding with SLPE. Concentration-dependent binding of rotavirus to SLPE was demonstrated using a thin-layer overlay assay. Using concentrations comparable to GM3, SLPE was also shown to inhibit rotavirus binding to host cells by 80%. Furthermore, SLPE was shown to decrease rotavirus infection of host cells by over 90%. Finally, preliminary results of in vivo animal challenge studies using newborn piglets in their natural environment, demonstrated SLPE afforded complete protection from rotavirus disease. The efficacy of SLPE in inhibiting rotavirus binding and infection in vitro and in vivo, coupled with its relatively low-cost, large-scale production capabilities make SLPE a promising candidate for further exploration as a possible prophylactic or therapeutic nutriceutical for combating rotavirus disease in animals. Most importantly, the results presented here provide proof of concept that the nutriceutical approach of providing natural or synthetic dietary receptor mimetics for protection against gastrointestinal virus infectious disease in all species is plausible

    Impurity-Ion pair induced high-temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO

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    Magnetic 3d-ions doped into wide-gap oxides show signatures of room temperature ferromagnetism, although their concentration is two orders of magnitude smaller than that in conventional magnets. The prototype of these exceptional materials is Co-doped ZnO, for which an explanation of the room temperature ferromagnetism is still elusive. Here we demonstrate that magnetism originates from Co2+ oxygen-vacancy pairs with a partially filled level close to the ZnO conduction band minimum. The magnetic interaction between these pairs is sufficiently long-ranged to cause percolation at moderate concentrations. However, magnetically correlated clusters large enough to show hysteresis at room temperature already form below the percolation threshold and explain the current experimental findings. Our work demonstrates that the magnetism in ZnO:Co is entirely governed by intrinsic defects and a phase diagram is presented. This suggests a recipe for tailoring the magnetic properties of spintronics materials by controlling their intrinsic defects

    Parental cultural models and resources for understanding mathematical achievement in culturally diverse school settings

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    This paper proposes that the theoretical concept of cultural models can offer useful insights into parental involvement in their child’s mathematical achievement and the resources they use to go about gaining information in culturally diverse learning settings. This examination takes place within a cultural-developmental framework and draws on the notion of cultural models to explicate parental understandings of their child’s mathematics achievement and what resources are used to make sense of this. Three parental resources are scrutinized: (a) the teacher, (b) examination test results, and (c) constructions of child development. The interviews with 22 parents revealed some ambiguity around the interpretation of these resources by the parent, which was often the result of incongruent cultural models held between the home and the school. The resources mentioned are often perceived as being unambiguous but show themselves instead to be highly interpretive because of the diversity of cultural models in existence in culturally diverse settings. Parents who are in minority or marginalized positions tend to have difficulties in interpreting cultural models held by school, thereby disempowering them to be parentally involved in the way the school would like

    Assessing the predictive performance of population pharmacokinetic models for intravenous polymyxin B in critically ill patients

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    Polymyxin B (PMB) has reemerged as a last-line therapy for infections caused by multidrug-resistant gram-negative pathogens, but dosing is challenging because of its narrow therapeutic window and pharmacokinetic (PK) variability. Population PK (POPPK) models based on suitably powered clinical studies with appropriate sampling strategies that take variability into consideration can inform PMB dosing to maximize efficacy and minimize toxicity and resistance. Here we reviewed published PMB POPPK models and evaluated them using an external validation data set (EVD) of patients who are critically ill and enrolled in an ongoing clinical study to assess their utility. Seven published POPPK models were employed using the reported model equations, parameter values, covariate relationships, interpatient variability, parameter covariance, and unexplained residual variability in NONMEM (Version 7.4.3). The predictive ability of the models was assessed using prediction-based and simulation-based diagnostics. Patient characteristics and treatment information were comparable across studies and with the EVD (n = 40), but the sampling strategy was a main source of PK variability across studies. All models visually and statistically underpredicted EVD plasma concentrations, but the two-compartment models more accurately described the external data set. As current POPPK models were inadequately predictive of the EVD, creation of a new POPPK model based on an appropriately powered clinical study with an informed PK sampling strategy would be expected to improve characterization of PMB PK and identify covariates to explain interpatient variability. Such a model would support model-informed precision dosing frameworks, which are urgently needed to improve PMB treatment efficacy, limit resistance, and reduce toxicity in patients who are critically ill

    Tutor and teacher timescapes : lessons from a home-school partnership

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    A partnership project was developed in which parents volunteered to support teachersin training years 1-3 children in computer skills at a primary school in a small, lowsocio-economic community. This article identifies the ways teachers and the &lsquo;tutors&rsquo;(as the volunteers were called) understood the value of the project. &lsquo;Being a teacher&rsquo;and &lsquo;being a volunteer&rsquo; were structured by different forms of social engagement,which in turn influenced the ways individuals were able to work with each other incollaborative processes. We argue that the discursive practices encoded in homeschool-community partnership rhetoric represent ruling-class ways of organising andnetworking that may be incompatible with those of people from low socio-economicbackgrounds. When such volunteers work in schools their attendance may be sporadicand short-term whereas teachers would like &lsquo;reliable&rsquo; ongoing commitment. Thismismatch wrought of teachers&rsquo; and volunteers&rsquo; differing everyday realities needs to beunderstood before useful models for partnerships in disadvantaged communities maybe realised.<br /

    Notions of Well-Being, the State of Child Well-Being Research and the MYWEB Project

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    There has been a growing interest among academics, policy makers and practitioners in the subjective well-being of children and young people (CYP). The recognition of CYP’s rights to having a good childhood and good future life chances, coupled with the injunction from the New Sociology of Childhood to consult with CYP as active agents have resulted in an increasing number of studies on children and young people’s well-being at national and international levels. However, the design, content, and modes of data collection used in these surveys are influenced by the question of the extent to which the researchers view children and young people as similar or different to adults and which participatory models they are undertaking for the young people in the study. However, the design, content, and modes of data collection used in these surveys are influenced by a number of factors including conceptual underpinning of well-being, its measurement and participatory model(s) used by the researchers for children in those surveys. This chapter reviews these aspects before describing the structure of this book with summaries of each subsequent chapter