1,219 research outputs found

    Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) on the Person of Christ

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    Fishing Top Predators Indirectly Affects Condition and Reproduction in a Reef-fish Community

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    To examine the indirect effects of fishing on energy allocation in non-target prey species, condition and reproductive potential were measured for five representative species (two-spot red snapper Lutjanus bohar, arc-eye hawkfish Paracirrhites arcatus, blackbar devil Plectroglyphidodon dickii, bicolour chromis Chromis margaritifer and whitecheek surgeonfish Acanthurus nigricans) from three reef-fish communities with different levels of fishing and predator abundance in the northern Line Islands, central Pacific Ocean. Predator abundance differed by five to seven-fold among islands, and despite no clear differences in prey abundance, differences in prey condition and reproductive potential among islands were found. Body condition (mean body mass adjusted for length) was consistently lower at sites with higher predator abundance for three of the four prey species. Mean liver mass (adjusted for total body mass), an indicator of energy reserves, was also lower at sites with higher predator abundance for three of the prey species and the predator. Trends in reproductive potential were less clear. Mean gonad mass (adjusted for total body mass) was high where predator abundance was high for only one of the three species in which it was measured. Evidence of consistently low prey body condition and energy reserves in a diverse suite of species at reefs with high predator abundance suggests that fishing may indirectly affect non-target prey-fish populations through changes in predation and predation risk

    Growth factor in f(T) gravity

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    We derive the evolution equation of growth factor for the matter over-dense perturbation in f(T)f(T) gravity. For instance, we investigate its behavior in power law model at small redshift and compare it to the prediction of Λ\LambdaCDM and dark energy with the same equation of state in the framework of Einstein general relativity. We find that the perturbation in f(T)f(T) gravity grows slower than that in Einstein general relativity if \p f/\p T>0 due to the effectively weakened gravity.Comment: 15 pages,1 figure; v2,typos corrected; v3, discussions added, accepted by JCA

    Design of trip current monitoring system for circuit breaker condition assessment

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    A distributed system, which supports circuit breaker maintenance and asset management, is described. It uses a client/server architecture for propagating expert knowledge from switchgear maintenance experts directly to maintenance operatives for on-site circuit breaker condition assessment and diagnosis. Prior research in the field of distribution level circuit breaker condition monitoring has shown the trip coil of a circuit breaker yields a current profile that, when tripped, can subsequently be interpreted as an indicator of plant health. Exploiting existing circuit breaker test equipment, a centralised archive of asset condition is built from routine tests permitting experts to examine trends in the data and pass their definition of the operating conditions to personnel in the field. This provides diagnostic support to engineers in the field. The system is currently in use as the subject of a pilot study conducted by SP PowerSystems intended to improve its ongoing maintenance and asset management activities

    Chorological and nomenclatural notes on peruvian carex (Cyperaceae)

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    Here we present relevant records of nine species of the genus Carex (Cyperaceae) new for Peru: C. amicta, C. brehmeri, C. camptoglochin, C. enneastachya, C. livida, C. maritima, C. ownbeyi, C. ruth-satzae, and C. vallis-pulchrae. We perform the lectotypification of the names Carex camptoglochin, C. amicta and C. confertospicata.En este estudio se reconocen nueve registros nuevos de especies del género Carex (Cyperaceae) para la flora del Perú: C. amicta, C. brehmeri, C. camptoglochin, C. enneastachya, C. livida, C. maritima, C. ownbeyi, C. ruthsatzae y C. vallis-pulchrae. También hemos realizado la lectotipificación de los nombres Carex camptoglochin, C. amicta y C. confertospicata

    Efficacy of single pass UVC air treatment for the inactivation of coronavirus, MS2 coliphage and Staphylococcus aureus bioaerosols

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    Publication history: Accepted - 20 April 2022; Published online - 26 April 2022There is strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is spread predominantly by airborne transmission, with high viral loads released into the air as respiratory droplets and aerosols from the infected subject. The spread and persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in diverse indoor environments reinforces the urgent need to supplement distancing and PPE based approaches with effective engineering measures for microbial decontamination – thereby addressing the significant risk posed by aerosols. We hypothesized that a portable, single-pass UVC air treatment device (air flow 1254 L/min) could effectively inactivate bioaerosols containing bacterial and viral indicator organisms, and coronavirus without reliance on filtration technology, at reasonable scale. Robust experiments demonstrated UVC dose dependent inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus (UV rate constant (k) = 0.098 m2/J) and bacteriophage MS2, with up to 6-log MS2 reduction achieved in a single pass through the system (k = 0.119 m2/J). The inclusion of a PTFE diffuse reflector increased the effective UVC dose by up to 34% in comparison to a standard Al foil reflector (with identical lamp output), resulting in significant additional pathogen inactivation (1-log S. aureus and MS2, p < 0.001). Complete inactivation of bovine coronavirus bioaerosols was demonstrated through tissue culture infectivity (2.4-log reduction) and RT-qPCR analysis – confirming single pass UVC treatment to effectively deactivate coronavirus to the limit of detection of the culture-based method. Scenario-based modelling was used to investigate the reduction in risk of airborne person-to-person transmission based upon a single infected subject within the small room. Use of the system providing 5 air changes per hour was shown to significantly reduce airborne viral load and maintain low numbers of RNA copies when the infected subject remained in the room, reducing the risk of airborne pathogen transmission to other room users. We conclude that the application of single-pass UVC systems (without reliance on HEPA filtration) could play a critical role in reducing the risk of airborne pathogen transfer, including SARS-CoV2, in locations where adequate fresh air ventilation cannot be implemented.This research was partly funded through the Invest Northern Ireland Innovation Voucher Programme (IV130218200 and IV130232906). We are grateful to the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) UK Research and Innovation (SAFEWATER; EPSRC Grant Reference EP/P032427/1) for supporting Mr Arsalan Afkhami, Dr William J Snelling and Dr Jeremy W.J. Hamilton. Research at AFBI is funded by US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership in Agriculture grants BRDC-Seq and BRDC-URTMVP. We wish to thank Jonathan McMaw at AFBI for acquisition of images

    Entanglement preparation using symmetric multiports

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    We investigate the entanglement produced by a multi-path interferometer that is composed of two symmetric multiports, with phase shifts applied to the output of the first multiport. Particular attention is paid to the case when we have a single photon entering the interferometer. For this situation we derive a simple condition that characterize the types of entanglement that one can generate. We then show how one can use the results from the single photon case to determine what kinds of multi-photon entangled states one can prepare using the interferometer.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in European Journal of Physics

    Entanglement preparation using symmetric multiports

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    We investigate the entanglement produced by a multi-path interferometer that is composed of two symmetric multiports, with phase shifts applied to the output of the first multiport. Particular attention is paid to the case when we have a single photon entering the interferometer. For this situation we derive a simple condition that characterize the types of entanglement that one can generate. We then show how one can use the results from the single photon case to determine what kinds of multi-photon entangled states one can prepare using the interferometer.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in European Journal of Physics

    Rotation measure variations for 20 millisecond pulsars

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    We report on variations in the mean position angle of the 20 millisecond pulsars being observed as part of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA) project. It is found that the observed variations are dominated by changes in the Faraday rotation occurring in the Earth's ionosphere. Two ionospheric models are used to correct for the ionospheric contribution and it is found that one based on the International Reference Ionosphere gave the best results. Little or no significant long-term variation in interstellar RM was found with limits typically about 0.1 rad m−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1} in absolute value. In a few cases, apparently significant RM variations over timescales of a few 100 days or more were seen. These are unlikely to be due to localised magnetised regions crossing the line of sight since the implied magnetic fields are too high. Most probably they are statistical fluctuations due to random spatial and temporal variations in the interstellar electron density and magnetic field along the line of sight.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc
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